Gundrada, the Sword Mistress. Played by Samantha Perkins.

Gundrada, the Sword Mistress

By Keith McDonald

Gundrada the Sword Mistress wielded a large sword and was quite happy to cut off heads of anything she saw as a threat.

Gundrada was a brash and aggressive Sword Mistress found in Level 2. She enjoyed putting her broadsword, Slash, to good use.

Gundrada often rescued dungeoneers from goblins or the 'frightknight', which were rife in the early part of the level.

Knightmare Series 4 Quest 6. Gundrada brandishes her sword.

Sword mistress swagger

Gundrada liked to boast of her own strength. She often refers to her physique and compares her size as a child to mock the dungeoneers.

When I was your age, I was at least five-foot tall and five-foot wide.


Her exploits included cutting enemies to pieces and embedding her old dagger inside a dwarf.

But the one time she strays into Dunkley Wood, we discover she is no match for Ariadne.

The quest for compassion

Gundrada's attitude often contributed to her own downfall. Several dungeoneers found her locked up in the pillory and had to release her.

Knightmare Series 4 Quest 2. Gundrada is locked up in the pillory.

She also had her sword (Slash) confiscated by Hordriss. One dungeoneer must claim it back on her behalf.

Despite being captured herself, Gundrada has little pity for those who need rescuing unless it involves fighting goblins.

Merlin says this lack of empathy means her own quest will never end.

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Retro Gamer Magazine Article

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