Series 2, Team 4. Mark and team encounter Cedric in Level 2.

Monk Room

By Keith McDonald

This small cavern was the standard entrance to Level 2 in the early seasons. It was normally guarded by Cedric the Mad Monk.

Teams who reached Level 2 in the first two seasons usually landed in this small circular cavern.

Here, they met Cedric, an aggressive monk who liked to be challenged but didn't like to lose.

Teams faced three riddles. Their chances of surviving the first half of the level would broadly depend on their performance.

The Monk Room, based on a handpainted scene by David Rowe, as shown on Series 2 of Knightmare (1988).

With a score of two or more, Cedric would offer food and a spell or a password. With three correct answers, he might accompany the dungeoneer a short way.

Sometimes, the team might find Folly here. The jester interrupts during the final quest of Series 1 and defeats Cedric in a battle of insults.

The Monk Room also held darker presences. Mogdred makes a rare in-person appearance after being mistaken for Cedric in the monk's habit.

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