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Re: Episode titles

Posted: 19 Sep 2012, 18:49
by Drassil
Yes, 3.10 is the one.

I'd like to keep this going (hence my willingness to give clues) but I'm not sure that there's much appetite for interactivity on the forum at the moment. Unless anyone strongly objects, I may go ahead and post answers in a week or so.

Re: Episode titles

Posted: 25 Oct 2012, 17:02
by Canadanne
36. Cule Britannia - presumably the second episode of Series 4?
37. Getting Caught in the Reign - not sure about this one. The song with those lyrics is called Escape, so my best guess is the first episode of Series 6, which featured a spell of that name.
40. Downplaying - must be Tony in Series 2 episode 6. He had the DOWN spell and got trapped in "one of Mogdred's little playpens".

Re: Episode titles

Posted: 25 Oct 2012, 17:35
by Drassil
Thank you. :) All correct. It turns out that an earlier post of mine would have given away 37. The double meaning is that the team were victims of Lord Fear's reign - until they spellcast ESCAPE.

Perhaps some more then.

41. Spare The Rod
42. Work For Idle Hands
43. Gamblers Anonymous
44. The Man Who Fell To Mirth
45. Mind The Gap
46. Grimwolds Collide
47. The Jenna Ration Game
48. Glove's Labours Lost
49. Insult Cellar
50. Dark And Light

Re: Episode titles

Posted: 25 Oct 2012, 17:46
by shadow6162
49. Episode 6 of season 1? I think that's when they had the Battle of Insults.

Re: Episode titles

Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 12:10
by Drassil
You have the right episode but the wrong episode number: it was Episode 7. Any more guesses? :)

Re: Episode titles

Posted: 04 Nov 2012, 19:08
by Canadanne
41. Spare The Rod - could this be when Ben won in Series 6 without needing the mace thing he picked up?
42. Work For Idle Hands - Sly's DAYORF in Series 7? Or the one where LF gives him a bollocking for spending too much time in the pub?
43. Gamblers Anonymous - Sumayya's team not understanding the Amber Gambler clue?
44. The Man Who Fell To Mirth - possibly when Lillith killed Anthony who was trying to find Folly's laughter?
45. Mind The Gap - Scott in Merlin's throne room?
46. Grimwolds Collide - when Mr and Mrs G are seen together in Cliff's quest?
47. The Jenna Ration Game - obviously must be one of Jenna's two episodes, but I'm not sure which!
48. Glove's Labours Lost - maybe when Sophia dies, as she didn't get a chance to use the Hand of Atrab?
50. Dark And Light - various possibilities; I'm going to guess the episode where Julian wins, as they used the DARK spell.

Re: Episode titles

Posted: 05 Nov 2012, 18:00
by Drassil
43/45/46/50. Correct.

47. Unless you pick one or the other, someone else might swoop in and take the glory. ;)

Some clues for the others:

41. Calling a mace a rod would be too cryptic even for me! I'm calling a rod a rod here. :)

42. An episode where Sly really got to work, as opposed to avoiding it.

44. Imagine a comma after Fell.

48. Sophia's last episode was number 24, and I'm only doing each episode once. :) It's one of the other glove-related episodes.

Re: Episode titles

Posted: 05 Nov 2012, 20:06
by Canadanne
Someone else is welcome to the glory, as I have no idea. :P

41. Well then, it could be a fishing rod, or a divining rod... probably Stuart's team who needed to use the divining rod but didn't take it? Or have we done that one already?

42. Is it when he captured January? That's about the only useful thing he managed in the whole four years, that I can think of!

44. OH! It's not our sidestepping friend Simon, is it?!

48. Alan's death?

Re: Episode titles

Posted: 06 Nov 2012, 17:16
by Drassil
41/42/44. Truths accepted. There was an additional clue for 44 in the number itself.

48. Glove's Labours (i.e. what the glove or gauntlet would have accomplished) Lost (i.e. not put to use).

Re: Episode titles

Posted: 06 Nov 2012, 17:23
by shadow6162
Oh I know! ...but I don't know XD
It's the episode in series 2 where they were supposed to take a gauntlet but didn't so Mogdred got them...I think it's that one anyways ;D

Re: Episode titles

Posted: 06 Nov 2012, 18:56
by Canadanne
shadow6162 wrote:It's the episode in series 2 where they were supposed to take a gauntlet but didn't so Mogdred got them...I think it's that one anyways ;D
I didn't think it could be that one, as we already had it in the last bunch...

Re: Episode titles

Posted: 06 Nov 2012, 19:27
by shadow6162
Canadanne wrote:
shadow6162 wrote:It's the episode in series 2 where they were supposed to take a gauntlet but didn't so Mogdred got them...I think it's that one anyways ;D
I didn't think it could be that one, as we already had it in the last bunch...
Oh...damn ;D

Re: Episode titles

Posted: 07 Nov 2012, 20:03
by Drassil
48 is an episode in Series 2.

An alternative title for 47: We'll Always Have Harris.

Re: Episode titles

Posted: 07 Nov 2012, 20:24
by Canadanne
I'm thinking one of the bomb room deaths where they didn't use the armourer's gauntlet. So it must be Team 1 of Series 2?

And 47 must be Series 5 episode 10!

Re: Episode titles

Posted: 10 Nov 2012, 13:21
by Drassil
Correct and correct.

Why of course you can have some more. Unless your name's Oliver, in which case both Knightmare and gruel just seem to run out when you're around. ;)

51. The Gamesters Of Triskelion
52. OMG (Opposition Monopoly Game)
53. Carrot And Shtick
54. On Yer Spike
55. Free The Dunshelm One
56. Abandon Rope All Ye Who Enter Here
57. Shadowed
58. Passing The Puck
59. Twist Of Fade
60. OMFG (Outwardly Magical Fear Guise)