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R.I.P. Clifford Norgate

Posted: 02 Feb 2024, 19:06
by Drassil
I'm sad to share the news that Clifford Norgate died on 4th January 2024. It was reported via a death notice on 20th January and came to light on social media more recently.

Clifford is cherished by Knightmare fans for his portrayal of Hordriss the Confuser from Series 3 to 8. Far more than pantomime, he took the character on a journey from would-be dungeoneer killer to intriguingly neutral mage to doting father to staunch ally of the Powers that Be.

His rich tones also enriched the Greater Dungeon with portrayals of tree trolls (Oakley), dragons (Owen, Smirkenorff) and automata (Dreadnort).

He will be fondly remembered by other fan communities too, from Doctor Who to Georgette Heyer.

When you know a character will live forever in your mind, you think the actor will too. And whatever the age, whatever the circumstances, it's a sad loss.

I played Hordriss for a time on the Knightmare Roleplay Forum. It was a lot of fun, so I trust that Clifford had the same experience in person.

Whether standing alone, clashing or collaborating, he was ever magical on screen. Thank you, Clifford, for being such a special part of a special series.

Re: R.I.P. Clifford Norgate

Posted: 02 Feb 2024, 20:31
by Canadanne
Oh no, this is terribly sad news. :( One salutes a true Knightmare legend!

Re: R.I.P. Clifford Norgate

Posted: 02 Feb 2024, 21:49
by ShogunMiyu
I found out on January 29th. I had been given the Knightmare Boardgame for Xmas, and wanted to add the signatures of the cast to it. I reached out to Clifford on Social Media, only to receive a message from his son informing me that he was replying on behalf of his dad who passed away on 4th Jan. That's how I found out, and I was completely mortified.

Alongside Treguard, Lord Fear and Motley, Hordriss was one of the biggest mainstays and most iconic characters in the whole game. Seeing him develop through the series was a really interesting point of observation, and I will miss him terribly.

Thank you Clifford. You're a Legend.

Re: R.I.P. Clifford Norgate

Posted: 04 Feb 2024, 00:55
by pjmlfc05
Oh no, terribly sad news. :'(

Re: R.I.P. Clifford Norgate

Posted: 08 Feb 2024, 12:30
by s4t8brett
I am really sorry to read this news, particularly after meeting Clifford in the studio canteen during the filming of season 4. I respected his professionalism, appreciated his characterisation of 'Oakley' when we encountered him during our quest, and enjoyed tracking the development of Hordriss through to the last episode of the last season - from aloof 'neutrality' towards a dynamic member of the 'powers that be'.

Re: R.I.P. Clifford Norgate

Posted: 08 Feb 2024, 18:46
by Drassil
A search online for "Cliff Norgate" reveals things that I wish I'd known while he was still alive, as well as photos of him long before and long after Knightmare.
  • He had a career in the police. This puts some of his Knightmare 'interrogation' scenes in a new light
  • He turned 90 on 30th January 2022 (his birth year is listed as 1941 in some places) and was still playing golf
(It's possible that I have mistaken one Cliff Norgate for another, and I'm happy to be corrected, but I'm confident of the resemblance.)

Search "Cliff Norgate" on eBay for some nice photos of him.

Re: R.I.P. Clifford Norgate

Posted: 24 May 2024, 19:15
by DuxBellorum
Such sad news!!

Having been out of the Knightmare "loop" for a while, I have only just found out.

A commanding presence in any show he appeared in, and his bringing to life of Hordriss was of course perfection!!

Rest In Peace