Parody of theme song from Cheers

Knightmare-related musical parodies
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Parody of theme song from Cheers

Post by Drassil »

Why Hordriss disappears to the tavern from time to time. Treguard too. Based on the theme song from Cheers a.k.a. Where Everybody Knows Your Name (recorded by Gary Portnoy in 1982). Official audio, original lyrics

Making your mark in the caverns dark
Takes everything you've got
Taking a break from being summoned
Sure would help a lot
Wouldn't you like to get away?

All those quests where you get no rest
Because you made a pact
You're a bracelet up but two spells down
'Cause they said "Malefact"
And your daughter's trapped somewhere again

Sometimes you want to go
Where no one knows your calling name
Or the burden of your fame
You want to cease and find some peace
Just 'til you miss the acclaim
You want to be where no one knows your calling name

Time out is gone and the quest is on
The helmet's been replaced
And your elf ran off "to forest"
A genie's in your face
And the dungeoneer fell down a hole

Be glad there's one place in the world
Where no one knows the Greater Game
And your year of orange shame
Blundering teams and Lord Fear's schemes
Need to escape the shame
You want to be where no one knows the Greater Game

Where no one knows your calling name
Or the burden of your fame
Where no one knows the Greater Game
And your year of orange shame...
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Re: Parody of theme song from Cheers

Post by TemporalDiscussion »

So I did this:

I'm pleased with how this one turned out. I'm assuming I'm still okay to put it in the podcast? You'll get full credit, obviously :)
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