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Posted: 23 May 2004, 20:20
by Emii
Seriously, you best best is to ask Kieran or Forester, but I shall tell you what I can. However I have only been on the team 2 years and so my knowledge may be a little scratchy!

The RPG is where a group of knightmare fans gather together once a year and film the sequences for a quest. For example film the room for the team to encounter which may have...say...a character in it with a riddle for the team. The sequence is filmed where the team are given the riddle. They then have time to think and answer. The KMRPG team will have filmed two outcomes - one for if the team gets it wrong, and one for if the team gets it right. The next scene is shown accordly and the team is either allowed to progress to the next room or dies, or gets no help, depending on their actions.
This happens over and over with a variety of rooms across three levels. It is played through chat in teams of three or four...I think, and your team has to be chosen to play. This is where I have got slightly scratchy on details - I suggest someone who has been here longer than me fills him in!


Posted: 23 May 2004, 21:31
by HStorm
Read Kieran's section of the FANSFAQ (section 13) for a full guide to the RPG.


Posted: 23 May 2004, 21:45
by Lowebo
I was on the first team (non acting part sadly) of Series Um... Cant remember! When Adam was on the scene (what actually happened there?) and I died on level one because i didn't choose brandy, and there was nothing pointing me that way, or riddle!! lol **Still Bitter** When is the next set of filming, rough date? Would love to be there - Another Jester perhaps?!


Posted: 23 May 2004, 21:48
by HStorm
The filming on season 7 probably won't be for another eleven months I'm afraid.


Posted: 23 May 2004, 21:49
by Lowebo
Crap. Around end of April? Around my finals? Fan-bloody-tastic. lol!


Posted: 23 May 2004, 21:53
by Billy
HStorm wrote: Read Kieran's section of the FANSFAQ (section 13) for a full guide to the RPG.
Hmm...I see a number of factual inaccuries in there! ;) Then again, they aren't THAT important...


Posted: 23 May 2004, 22:24
by HStorm
Wispy: Well it's usually some time in April every year, not necessarily the end of the month though. Although you'll be welcome to attend as a member of the production crew (as is virtually everyone), an acting role for you may be difficult to allocate as the cast is already very large.

Billy: Well tell me what they are and I'll correct them... assuming I haven't already done so. (The document in circulation is already several months old and a lot of corrections have been made for version 1.1.)


Posted: 25 May 2004, 03:12
by Kieran
Sorry for my late reply, I have been away over the last few days.

When the new IKM is finished, hopefully by next month, the RPG will become clearer to people.

And as for attending the RPG itself, it is NOT necessarily the case that anyone can be accepted on the cast or crew.

As Emily correctly pointed out earlier, you're best asking me or Forester for RPG info. Unless you hear anything else from myself or Forester (who generally deal with the nitty gritty of organising filming), consider that to remain the case for the near future.

It is first come first serve, although there are currently no spaces for Series 7, people MAY drop out, so emailing me sooner rather than later may pay dividends to anyone interested. It is a very popular event, and as it has been running for many years now, it has picked up a regular cast, therefore extra spaces on the film shoot will be difficult to accommodate.


Posted: 25 May 2004, 18:08
by Drassil
I agree that Kieran and Forester are the best people to ask for information on the RPG. While I am happy to enthuse about my own participation in this year's RPG filming, (as are many others), I haven't been involved for long enough to make myself available as a primary source of information, whereas Forester and Kieran have!

I would also say that a better alternative to asking for information is to seek it out on the various Knightmare-related websites, and to keep an eye out for relevant threads on this Forum, which are started whenever there is RPG news.

Re:;DKnightmare RPG

Posted: 21 Jun 2004, 14:35
by Raven
I just thought I'd like to bring a thread back from 2002

Re:;DKnightmare RPG

Posted: 21 Jun 2004, 14:41
by Snowcat
Fair Enough,

Once in a while.... :-\ :)

Post Production is in progress and slowly gaining momentum but it's gonna be a while yet (Intend to come back with a bang, not a whimper). ;)

Re:;DKnightmare RPG

Posted: 21 Jun 2004, 15:58
by Kieran
Tests have now been carried out on the availble material of the 4th season.

I cannot estimate its return sadly, but I can confirm in no uncertain terms that it WILL return at some point, hopefully within this year.

The new Season 6: Backlash section is now well built up on Interactive Knightmare, you can get information on all characters and some pictures from previous film shoots.

At the moment it is intended that we show all 3 of the currently made RPG seasons, and plans are already in motion for a further film shoot next year.

The Knightmare RPG Props Plea

Posted: 17 Sep 2004, 16:45
by Kieran
Hi everyone.

The 7th Season of the Knightmare RPG is currently in pre-prodcution, with hopefully previous seasons on their way soon in the KM Chat Room.

However, each season needs its props. Such as quest items, clue objects, spy glass and scrolls. Am sure everyone can imagine what sort of thing would be needed.

Basically, this is a small request to all forum members to possibly come up with a prop for us to use in next years RPG. If any of you are at all interested in supporting the RPG Project, then this is a good way to try and do it!

If you do donate a KM-ish prop to us, you will be credited as a contributor on the website and may eve have your name in end-of-session credits!

Am afraid I cannot offer any money for anything, really, as the RPG makes no profit, so we have little money to buy anything with.

If anyone is interested, please email me and let me know :)

Thanks in advance.

Re:The Knightmare RPG Props Plea

Posted: 17 Sep 2004, 17:20
by Ark
I still have my blunderbuss if Anna wants to go on another rampage. :)

Re:The Knightmare RPG Props Plea

Posted: 17 Sep 2004, 23:10
by Kieran
They will come in very, very handy (and the smaller ones if possible, pistols?), and yes I am 100% sure Anna would want to go on a rampage with the guns! 8)