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Re: Just for fun

Posted: 16 Sep 2003, 21:07
by WhiteDevil
Highlight and copy the link, then paste it into the browser...

Re: Just for fun

Posted: 16 Sep 2003, 21:20
by Snowwiewolf
Snow: thanks white! *hugs*
Petra: Hey! Get back to the arena Phoenix!

Re: Just for fun

Posted: 17 Sep 2003, 00:44
by Emii
Ladies, Gentlemen and Pets. We are now in the planning stages for the finer details of the school. Ideas are currently being thrown about for uniforms, and the girls' uniform is nearly finished. Boys...we need your ideas! Also being put together is a list of school rules (there to be broken, naturally). We have a good few members already and if we get any more, we may have to move the Knightmare Boarding School to different premises. In other words, we will need another board altogether! Thanks for joining, people...and remember, there are still places available!

Re: Just for fun

Posted: 18 Sep 2003, 13:53
by PhoenixFlame
Thanks WhiteDevil!  I got it to work! ;D

The KM Boarding School is now taking registrations

Posted: 18 Sep 2003, 18:22
by Emii
If you would like to be a student at the KM Boarding School, please go to and register, then go to the new students section. If you would like to be a teacher you must have an interview first. See you there!

Re: The KM Boarding School is now taking registrat

Posted: 19 Sep 2003, 18:44
by Emii
We now have 4 members! Woooo!
To allow new students to be sorted into their most suited wings, please leave a message explaining that you wish to become a student at the KMBS in the new student section, and then email either Kulaemii or PhoenixFlame with answers to the following questions:

1) Name?
2) How old are you?
3) Where are you from?
4) How did you arrive?
5) Do you work best with people, on your own, or does it not bother you either way?
6) What can you smell in your room?
7) Would you take this smell into your dormitory if you could?
8) Do you have a pet with you (please register your familiar with a teacher in the staff room)?
9) If so, what is its name?
10) Which subjects do you most look forward to?
11) Which subject do you least look forward to?
12) Do you have any dietary needs, addictions or loathing that we should be aware of?

Re: The KM Boarding School is now taking registrat

Posted: 21 Sep 2003, 02:16
by Galgarach
What on Earth is knightmare boarding school? I very much doubt it is an actual situation of educational progression.

Re: The KM Boarding School is now taking registrat

Posted: 21 Sep 2003, 02:17
by Galgarach
p.s i cant be bothered to check the website...

Re: The KM Boarding School is now taking registrat

Posted: 22 Sep 2003, 13:33
by PhoenixFlame
No, it's not an actual boarding school.  It's something that's designed to be fun!  If you're not interested, why'd you post?  :-/

Re: The KM Boarding School is now taking registrat

Posted: 22 Sep 2003, 17:37
by Emii
Don't worry about it, PF. If he doesn't want to check it then that's his choice. Would have been nice for a bit of open-mindedness though.

Re: The KM Boarding School is now taking registrat

Posted: 22 Sep 2003, 18:15
by PhoenixFlame
Meh, I think I'll follow you're advice Emii. ;) But on the plus side our numbers are growing! ;D

Re: The KM Boarding School is now taking registrat

Posted: 28 Sep 2003, 23:45
by Emii
We now have nearly 20 members of the school, and theres plenty room for more! I've tweaked the settings so that all threads and posts can be viewed by guests - sorry about that before! Ooops!  ::)

Update from the KM Boarding School

Posted: 30 Sep 2003, 20:50
by Emii
There is a half formed orc escaped from a vortex in a (previously, before students found it) locked broom cupboard. It is now rampaging the school and the students have had to club together to conquer it. So far we have one unconscious tutor and several scared students.
Just in case you wanted to know, and fancy joining in the fun...:)

Re: Update from the KM Boarding School

Posted: 30 Sep 2003, 22:30
by Lord_Bob
Also search party one featuring me has tracked it the closest yet ;)

Vacancy: School Ghost

Posted: 06 Oct 2003, 15:56
by Emii
Hello...over at the Knightmare Boarding School we have a vacancy for a school ghost. There are no specified qualities wanted - we just require a little ghost with no home, good, bad or middling, to join our faculty. No previous haunting experience required, any type of ghost welcome. Multiple vacancies if more than one ghost appears. Please register at

if you are interested :)