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Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 16 Jan 2004, 00:19
by GrimaldineGrimwold
That gorgeous glowing red grass in Smirkenorff's flight scenes is just like the grass in my back garden, it's so realistic.

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 16 Jan 2004, 00:52
by MoanaLiza
I didn't realise the level one wellway room had a back garden; or a front one for that matter!

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 16 Jan 2004, 00:55
by GrimaldineGrimwold
I didn't realise the level one wellway room had a back garden; or a front one for that matter!
Wellway rooms are built as standard with a back garden, dearie. And of course we don't have a front garden. Who's ever heard of a wellway room with a front garden? I mean, really!

*wanders off cackling to itself* ;)

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 16 Jan 2004, 01:01
by GrimaldineGrimwold
No! I demand Pickle be brought back!

*chains self and Festus the Quasi-Canine to Anglia Television Centre to protest*

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 16 Jan 2004, 03:03
by Skarkill
I do not find Elita attractive.

Hello (Because when I say it its sounds like Yello.)

I never wanted to throtal that blockhead Sidriss when I first saw KM.

I Thought Fidjit was a brill character.

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 16 Jan 2004, 03:51
by GrimaldineGrimwold
"Yes, I'm wrong, as usual."

"Please marry me Mellisandre. I want you to have my children and for us to spend the rest of eternity together."

"Hey yeh I find nitemare was gr8 stuff i espeschully lieked the bit where they went into the bounsy castle bit to get the priiz towkens yeh and the guy with the cool hair guys what woz his name agen!!!!!!!!

neway luv u all

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 16 Jan 2004, 19:59
by LordF
Sorry to change the subject but this is what the Challenge bosses would never say:

"We've decided to cancel every show on the channel becaust their rubbish, from now on we are the all Knightmare channel where we show Knightmae 24:7, Thank you for your time"

They would never say that.

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 16 Jan 2004, 20:06
by Snowwiewolf
What Timonthy woulnt say: I'm sorry HStorm, I will never again throw daggers at you or anything sharp for that matter

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 16 Jan 2004, 21:01
by Drassil
"Knightmare - I get it! Knight, as in, like, 'a knight in armour', and mare, as in, nightmare, like 'I've just had a nightmare, y'know. Wow! Cle-ver!"

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 17 Jan 2004, 00:55
by Lord_Bob
Well the thing that made Knightmare great is the introduction of the Eye Shield, this ingenious device slowed down the quests and interuppted them ever 5 minutes with artful and amazing sequences. I mean I always used to complain that the quests were too fast and needed breaking up...

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 17 Jan 2004, 01:02
by GrimaldineGrimwold
-nothing deragatory about Merlin, Velda, Fidjit, Casper the Key, Edward Tudor Pole...-

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 17 Jan 2004, 13:22
by Lord_Bob
Oh Knightmare has been removed, it's been replaced with... More Takashi's Castle. Well they never have enough of that show on Challenge anymore...

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 17 Jan 2004, 13:28
by HStorm
Ho hum.

I'd never say when watching S4-S7, "Wow, isn't Knightmare just SO much scarier now they've taken it out of the Dungeon?"

I think most of you know my opinions on that particular subject by now. I'll say no more.

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 17 Jan 2004, 13:34
by Lord_Bob
He he, perhaps that's best HStorm.

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 17 Jan 2004, 20:49
by GrimaldineGrimwold
I love Takeshi's Castle, the Challenge GJs (a special mention to the lovely one who mentions Treguard's stare after every episode!), and Fort Boyard, complete with Mellisandre Messenger and Leslie Grimwold.