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Re: Issues with the knew knightmare episodes...

Posted: 02 Jun 2003, 19:34
by Pooka
If Knightmare is capitalised like that, I kill myself.  ;D

Re: Issues with the knew knightmare episodes...

Posted: 02 Jun 2003, 20:40
by Pickle123
yeah, i feel more or less them same but i wouldn't mind a re-release of the books in the slightest.

Re: Issues with the knew knightmare episodes...

Posted: 02 Jun 2003, 20:52
by Lowebo
What did i say??  ;D ::)

Re: Issues with the knew knightmare episodes...

Posted: 10 Jun 2003, 20:02
by RoxxAatherton
Is anybody else worried that any new series of Knightmare just 'wont be the same anymore?' With all the new technology. I find the best and most amusing bits of the programme are the 'stilted' falling off cliffs and the rather dodgy floating skulls in the earlier series. I'm not sure that the new episodes which are boasting that the dungeoneer 'will combine seamlessly with the environment'  (or similar words to that effect) will be as fun to watch and re-watch. :P

Re: Issues with the knew knightmare episodes...

Posted: 11 Jun 2003, 01:41
by Pickle123
my thoughts right now are basicly to have faith and see ::)

Re: Issues with the knew knightmare episodes...

Posted: 11 Jun 2003, 04:17
by Kieran
Wait and see.....I have kept this idea from the start, and even now we don't have enough info to judge it on.  

Time will tell, it always does.

Re: Issues with the knew knightmare episodes...

Posted: 11 Jun 2003, 04:28
by Pickle123
:D how very inspirational kieren :)

basicly, BVA (Mr. Child) is confident and thats more than enough for me to give it a fair run before i pass judgement.

Re: Issues with the knew knightmare episodes...

Posted: 11 Jun 2003, 12:00
by RoxxAatherton
Yeah ditto pickle, you've gotta give it a fair run.

And to be honest i'll probably watch it even if i don't like it as much, but i dont think it will have as much of a 'culty' feeling about it. ;D

Re: Issues with the knew knightmare episodes...

Posted: 11 Jun 2003, 17:40
by Pickle123
hrmmm, they'll be the elitist original knightmarers (we) and the hethen knewbies (them)  ;D


Posted: 11 Jun 2003, 18:52
by WhiteFloatingSkull
At long last, a dungeon for me to haunt again. *sniffs* It'll be just like old times...

Scaring dungeoneers, bugging ol' Captain Longbeard -Treguard, KILLING Dungeoneers...need I mention the adoring female fans.  ;D

Who know's, maybe even a hollywood movie following the trials and tribulations of an out-of-work floating skull, and his rehabilitation into a working society, before being offered a similar job once again.

And it shall be ONLY me - those Pooka's and Flyin' swords can go appear as extra's in Harry potter. For me, there'll only be one home...Knightmare.  :-X

Re: Issues with the knew knightmare episodes...

Posted: 11 Jun 2003, 19:32
by Pickle123
well "WoOoOoOoOoOoO" to yoOoOoOoOoOoOou then ;D

Re: Issues with the knew knightmare episodes...

Posted: 17 Jun 2003, 23:14
by grumphicks
hrmmm, they'll be the elitist original knightmarers (we) and the hethen knewbies (them)  ;D
Ah yes, they'll have to go through some initiation where they swear allegiance to the original series. ;D

In fact it will be very weird if people come on and start saying how the new version is great but the old is rubbish. Will have to bite my lip very hard in that situation.

Re: Issues with the knew knightmare episodes...

Posted: 18 Jun 2003, 00:36
by Pickle123
No way! there version will have never occured without ours...that is the argument to end all others. send em from here rears aflame i say ;D

Re: Issues with the knew knightmare episodes...

Posted: 13 Sep 2003, 18:28
by Snowwiewolf
I hope that there are forests for meh to run in and I hope that I'll actually SEEN rather just herd.... and I hope that the dungeneers are slow, being a wolf is hard enough without having to chase dinners I mean  dungeneers....sigh that reminds me I'm hungry
*stares at Pickle*