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Re: Unintended Knightmare references in the news

Posted: 09 Jan 2022, 12:55
by Drassil
Article in The Times on 8 January:

Vikings were ‘too trendy’ for helmets with horns

Too trendy or not trendy enough?

Re: Unintended Knightmare references in the news

Posted: 09 Jan 2022, 19:08
by Mashibinbin
In a recent Metro letters page Tony Blair's controversial peerage has been described as the pinnacle of Children's tv programmes.

Re: Unintended Knightmare references in the news

Posted: 15 Jan 2022, 11:30
by Drassil
The front page of The Times today (15/1/22) has a photograph of a face on a door. The door of 10 Downing Street is ajar and is reflecting a portrait of the Queen, to whom Number 10 recently apologised.

This reminded me of the Weeping Doors in Knightmare Series 4. Among their recurring phrases were "The bitter pill of self-delusion" and "Truth will out and so will you".

Re: Unintended Knightmare references in the news

Posted: 05 Dec 2022, 18:03
by Canadanne
I'd never even heard of this before reading the article, but the Oxford word of the year is "goblin mode"!

(Series 5's Christopher: "Don't talk to me about goblin mode...")

Re: Unintended Knightmare references in the news

Posted: 10 Dec 2022, 16:10
by Drassil
Meanwhile, the Cambridge Dictionary Word of the Year is homer: seemingly because a large number of the UK's Wordle players don't remember Barry and his team's potion choices on Level 3 (or the first Lurleen Lumpkin episode of The Simpsons).

Re: Unintended Knightmare references in the news

Posted: 12 Dec 2022, 20:02
by Canadanne
A weather forecast including the phrase "bringing wintriness to the lower levels" immediately brought to mind Aesandre in Series 5!

Re: Unintended Knightmare references in the news

Posted: 09 Mar 2023, 17:38
by Canadanne
Mystic Meg has died. I couldn't help thinking she looks like Lord Fear's mum in the first photo.

Re: Unintended Knightmare references in the news

Posted: 07 Jul 2023, 02:05
by Canadanne
I opened an old Italian newspaper article with the headline "TRE GUARDIE PER LA DIETA DI PAVAROTTI?", and with another browser window in front of it, all I could see was "TRE GUARD PAVAROTTI?" which momentarily confused and then amused me!

Re: Unintended Knightmare references in the news

Posted: 24 May 2024, 16:40
by Canadanne
This one is more "Reminds me of Temporal Discussion" than "Reminds me of Knightmare", but my brain immediately inserted "which is a silly name" in Martin H's voice while I was reading the second line of this article. ;D (It wasn't quite sharp enough to go with "a silly sub name"!)