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Re: The Fish

Posted: 03 Mar 2010, 10:30
by Pooka
I'm pretty sure the name of the fish was "Cod-P", only frequently mispronounced as "Codsby"...

On a side note, I was at one point ready to make a fansite for Virtually Impossible - a smaller one, evidently - but at that point I realised that I'd need to buy all six episodes from Anglia, and at £99 a pop that wasn't really viable. I bought one, actually, so I have a pristine VHS of episode one. I'd share it, but I don't know how...

Re: The Fish

Posted: 03 Mar 2010, 11:52
by Eyeshield
The Fish is credited as "Codsby" on the YouTube episode.

Re: The Fish

Posted: 05 Mar 2010, 18:21
by Drassil
Pooka wrote:I'm pretty sure the name of the fish was "Cod-P", only frequently mispronounced as "Codsby"...

... I have a pristine VHS of episode one. I'd share it, but I don't know how...
Perhaps what you meant was: I was pretty sure the name of the fish was "Cod-P"; but given Jake's credentials as a researcher, I'm not about to dispute his article. I also notice that David referred to Codsby earlier in this topic, and I know that, for all his faults, he does like to get his facts right when he posts, so that's good enough for me. But then, we don't always say what we mean.


On the other hand, in the unlikely event that the character is for whatever reason credited as Cod-P in Episode 1, I take it all back. We could call it Smirkenoff Syndrome.

It would be good to see some more VI online. The possibility has been on the table for some years: ... 893#p14893:
Snowcat wrote:'Codsby' was the fishes name.... ugh

... I'm sure I still got a few ep's kicking around somewhere (After Knightmare I taped anthing like it that I could get my hands on, however crap!), If they turn up I'll Vid Cap a few bits and send them on.

Re: The Fish

Posted: 21 Aug 2010, 17:26
by Drassil
Gameshow Meltdown's review of Virtually Impossible is here.

Virtually Impossible advert

Posted: 18 Feb 2013, 12:59
by Drassil