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Re: Knightmare Article*

Posted: 27 Jan 2004, 01:18
by KaM
Hehe.. to Kate and Andy, if they do check this thread once more: I must go and search around the site, if I may. We must admit, there aren't too many people who could, or indeed would, justifiably write such efforts about KM without it being jest.

I'd be very interested to know more about what your aims and ambitions are with the site; for I'm taking an English lit degree with Latin, and am looking to pursue a course in journalism on completion. Projects like that, (while, of course, it's seen a sticky introduction) are just the kind of thing I'm always looking to get involved in. Feel free to PM or pinch my e-mail address from the profile. Otherwise, good luck!

Re: Knightmare Article*

Posted: 03 Feb 2004, 01:24
by rachelesque
wow, im proud to have caused the biggest discussion, including flames that we have had for ages  :D

andy, kate - i know where you work (surprisingly i think you know where i work as well... and probably where i live).

i said it would be archived so there was nothing sinister there.

incidentally, the t-shirt was cool as was the guy in it.  he's probably a cambridge graduate investment banker now though or something.

Re: Knightmare Article*

Posted: 03 Feb 2004, 03:00
by FrightKnight
I missed THIS over Xmas holidays? Oh man.... :D

Fun to read, now. Except for that bit with the devilish oaf (i.e. not andy, ok? No lawsuits, please, this is Britain, not America  ;)) flaming and looking foolish. He was a dolt of extreme proportions...