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Hiya Guys...

Posted: 19 Jan 2003, 12:47
by WhiteDevil
i just wanted to pop in and say hello.. i just finished watching Knightmare on Challenge? and it brought back every moment of tenseness that i felt 8 years ago when the final series ended. (it just so happens the people on Knightmare were from Ipswich, the same place as me  ;D)...

well, thats all for now but i hope to become a regular customer here and to meet all of you soon...


Re: Hiya Guys...

Posted: 19 Jan 2003, 15:21
by DavidNewton
Hi there. Watching a dungeoneer trying to cross a Series 5 causeway is one of the most tense experiences, even when you know the outcome...

I'm interested by your signature, especially when compared to mine... very appropriate, anyway, now that Knightmare's being repeated!

Re: Hiya Guys...

Posted: 19 Jan 2003, 16:33
by GrimaldineGrimwold
(it just so happens the people on Knightmare were from Ipswich, the same place as me  ;D)...
Hi there WhiteDevil. I'm from (near) Ipswich too, so I was cheering them on even though I knew they're doomed. :(

Re: Hiya Guys...

Posted: 19 Jan 2003, 18:25
by WhiteDevil
heh, thats gone and ruined whats going to happen at beginning of next Saturdays show  :) (does anybody know what series its from??)

if, and when, series 9 starts im going to be sitting infront of my TV cheering on anyone whos brave enough to face the dungeons...


Re: Hiya Guys...

Posted: 19 Jan 2003, 18:49
by DavidNewton
The repeats on just now are from Series 3, though I don't have Challenge. <¦-(

Re: Hiya Guys...

Posted: 19 Jan 2003, 19:18
by WhiteDevil
thanks for that, im now going to read up on it in the series guides. i would like to congratulate the sites webmaster for producing a great review and step-by-step of series 1 :D

Re: Hiya Guys...

Posted: 19 Jan 2003, 19:21
by WhiteDevil
(heh, also just noticed that Team 2 from Series 3 were from Felixstowe, which is about 12miles away from me. Everybody lived near me :D)

Re: Hiya Guys...

Posted: 20 Jan 2003, 13:27
by Malefact
Hi WhiteDevil! A fair few contestants come from 'round 'ere.

Notice all the Welsh ones die fairly quickly! Prejudice?

Re: Hiya Guys...

Posted: 20 Jan 2003, 16:43
by DavidNewton
No prejudice on Knightmare, boyo.


Whhheeee...Bonk. RED life force.

Posted: 21 Jan 2003, 19:32
by WhiteFloatingSkull
(Like I said, this is mah Newbie initiation. I stick by it.)

Hey, how ya doin'...(Bounces on head) Now, you're on life force condition red. Go grab a slice o' pie or something...

And while you're out there in the kitchen - fetch us a coffee, I'm dry as a bone.  ;)

Re: Hiya Guys...

Posted: 23 Jan 2003, 22:40
by Catacombite
Ive been watching knightmare on challenge, missed episode 3 can anyone tell me what happened.

Re: Hiya Guys...

Posted: 23 Jan 2003, 23:08
by thrifty_squirrels
there was a freaky face in the wall that said FALSEHOOD! and it was cool and they had to answer some stuipid questions and there was goblins or whatever oh and that witch lady no ogres wife thats it and they gave her some gold  which she probably ate or something and there was that annoying path thats funny when they fall into the slime or whatever it is but they didnt at least i dont think so and there was this dude with a grey beard with red bits and a red cloak i dont know maybe he was a santa impersonator or something and i cant remember what he did he probably asked the dungeoner person a question or something oh and there were these things that couldnt see but could smell or something and they were sleeping but then they woke up but the dude got away ok and treguard had a lovely suntan as usual i wonder if its real? maybe he goes to a salon or something oh yeah and there was a bohemith or something that sounds like that and the dungeoner picked up an orange and a pie i wonder what kind it was? fray bentos perhaps i hope they kept the bowl so that they could give each other fray bentos hair cuts oh yeah and that pixie lady came and killed a suit of armour thing she was quite hyperactive i think she needs some ritalin or whatever its called and she took away the dungeoners horn thing treguard was wearing rather fetching attire as usual and his hair was nicely greased with some lardy product whilst sitting upon his throne pondering. poder ponder hark whats that up yonder?

Re: Hiya Guys...

Posted: 24 Jan 2003, 00:37
by Spoo
Very nice summary there. I couldn't have said it better myself!

Hmm - My eye's would be sore...

Posted: 24 Jan 2003, 19:14
by WhiteFloatingSkull
If I had any.

Bu seriously, that is one HEFTY chunk'a'text there. Not very peeper friendly, is it.  ;D