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Please dont give up on the Website

Posted: 03 Apr 2010, 23:10
by theshak06
Hi Guys,

From looking at a lot of the messages (especially the more recent ones), i get the feeling a lot of people have given up on the website and the hope of a Knightmare dvd release or dare i say it a new series. While i will admit it appears Knightmare will indeed just become a Nostalgic memory lets use this website as a place to remember Knightmare and its accomplishments. When it came out it was truly revolutionary and though it hasn't aged well i still have to love the pure imagination that went into the show by Tim Child its creator.

I was very young when i discovered the show, barely 7 years of age, but as soon as i saw it i was hooked and watched every single episode. When it ended in 1994 and went off our screens i never knew as no one had the internet back then and it was hardly going to be broadcast-ed on the news. Like a poor sap i waited for the next season but it never came which when i look back on it is kinda upsetting in a dormant childish memory sort of way lol.

So im curious what was your nicest memory of Knightmare. Mine was simply when someone actually won as you were there right with them from start to finish and it almost felt like you won as well. Once they were handed the trophy they were seen walking away into the sun set (bluescreen of course lol) which was a nice touch.

I look forward to hearing your replies.


Peter ;)

Re: Please dont give up on the Website

Posted: 04 Apr 2010, 09:21
by Mystara
I'm not sure anyone is proposing giving up on the website. We just relaunched it, so I hope not.

As for the DVD release, well, that's another matter. It needs more support than it's getting.

Re: Please dont give up on the Website

Posted: 06 Apr 2010, 01:05
by KaM
Hi Peter,

Thanks for the input. I hope you’ll forgive an element of surprise at your claims. Perhaps they just landed at the wrong time. The re-launch required an awful lot of work, and has been approached with a very positive mindset. The conclusion of 'Something Old' was intended to speak positively, but your concerns have been addressed more explicitly in a comment here in a professional blog about campaigning, which hopefully puts your fears at rest.

You are right to imply that the site and community have slowed in recent times, although thanks largely to the Eyeshield fanzine, the Radio Drama team, and the Knightmare Lexicon, it has never stalled. I understand too that the feedback towards the new site is not universally positive. I think it may have come as a shock, despite the precursory warnings on the forum, and such a change of aesthetic after a decade of warm familiarity with the old site will take some getting used to. There is no doubt, however, that the site makeover refashions Knightmare as a 2010 concern. Efforts are being made to make the site re-launch the centrepiece for community activity. As you surely realise, the chances of a Knightmare DVD, which are proving remote, can only be helped by this surge of energy and activity back into Knightmare folklore.

The facts, alas, are not optimistic. As Alan notes, a much stronger response is needed to get the episode/DVD premise off the ground, and also the recent liquidation of Intermedialab is ominous for the prospects of any new series. But, where there is buoyant activity and fans in numbers, anything is possible. Tim Child confessed that Televirtual’s concerns returned to Knightmare because of fan demand.

Thus, it is only if fans flock here in numbers and the DVD launch becomes a success – remote, but possible – that Knightmare will become a commercial attraction once again, and that is the only likely scenario which could procure a new format. If conglomerates had believed that Knightmare would have been a commercial success on DVD, you can guarantee it would have happened long ago. As is it, the commitment of the fan-base towards the episode purchase/DVD currently is not proving them wrong. Go and evangelise!

As for personal memories: as a reader of the 1640s, I appreciate your ‘truly Revolutionary’ remark. Certainly it was. Although I know I encountered it the year before, my first strong memory of Knightmare was from Series 3 in 1989, as a 5-year old. The death of Ross (team six) in the once-used chamber of Morghanna with the narrow ledge is always striking. Nicest memory is quite an unusual question: we might see a lot of masochistic replies! I’m not sure how to answer, but my most powerful memory is the end of Series 6, the red dragon episode. That has always haunted, even now.

Re: Please dont give up on the Website

Posted: 06 Apr 2010, 19:56
by HStorm
At a guess, Peter, you may be responding to this thread... ... f=1&t=2484

In fact, that thread was started just over a year ago, and most of us are still here, and has had a full overhaul since then, so you can assume the old site still has some legs in it left.

As for the proposed DVD release, the way things are at present, it won't happen; there just isn't remotely enough confirmed interest. That can change of course, and if you have any suggestions as to how we can make it change, there are plenty of people here who will be very eager to hear them. As I mentioned on that other topic listed above, it all depends on more people showing initiative. (Not just the DVDs, but also reviving activity on the forum.)

Re: Please dont give up on the Website

Posted: 29 Dec 2010, 19:51
by JamesA
In light of Peter's recent activity on the forum I think its only fair that this topic gets a bump to reiterate what he wrote in the spring.

I think I can safely say that this website will nver cease to be. And I mean NEVER. There is a group of KM-devoted people (some less prominent on here than others) that ensure the website will continue giving Knightmare a much needed visible presence on the internet, regardless of how many or how few current updates there are with regards to the programme. In fact there are even some of us who regularly continue to seek to make Knightmare known elsewhere, helping to give it recognition on the more frequently used websites within this vast world wide web.

As for my nicest moment in Knightmare, I genuinely would have to say the whole of Barry's quest. It was deeply satisfying and refreshing to watch over the course of three whole episodes (of course not forgetting the short bit before then), and the ending brought a thoroughly deserved and justified climax to the end of Season 7 as well.

Re: Please dont give up on the Website

Posted: 29 Dec 2010, 21:30
by FN75
My absolute and utter favourite Knightmare moment is (and forgive me because I don't have an encyclopaedic knowledge of what series contained what)...

Treguard is suddenly struck by some kind of magic and sits in his seat looking like he is having a seizure (a scary moment, I must admit!). Meanwhile, a team member tries to use a spell called 'shroud'. However, he appears unable to actually spell and continously casts "SHRUD", which amused me no end.


"Ohhhhhhhhh!" Treguard groans, as in, "It's got an O in it you idiots".

His acting has been so convincing up to this point that the team simply thinks he is getting worse, and ignore him, resulting in the word "SHRUD" again.

"Ohhhhhhh!" moans Treguard. "OHHHHHHH!"

They ignore him again, at which point he leans forward and shouts, "The letter ohhhhhh!"

Oh my word, I have not laughed so much. At anything. Ever. I'm actually quite ashamed that this is my favourite bit from the whole programme.

Re: Please dont give up on the Website

Posted: 29 Dec 2010, 22:39
by HStorm
They were Neil Payne's team, season 2, team 7. One of those teams who really needed to work on their ahlfahbett.

Re: Please dont give up on the Website

Posted: 07 May 2011, 21:57
by theshak06
Oh god i remember the ooooooooh!! they obviously had not thought of a bad ending there so they had to play it simply for them lol oh my god thats so funny............poor tregard, where is he now?