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Just recorded my second song

Posted: 12 Mar 2012, 12:16
by LiamABC
OK, I've just uploaded "Throwaway World" onto youtube:

I originally wrote this song in 2002-3, as a commentary on how disposable modern standards have become. I finally got round to recording it this last week. As with my first song, I played all the instrumental parts myself, all on my keyboard. I'm not a fan of my vocal performance, but I think the written article holds up.

Re: Just recorded my second song

Posted: 14 Mar 2012, 10:53
by LiamABC
OK, ignore the link above, the revised version is at:

The only difference is I've added a few extra manual drumbeats which I meant to put on in the first place but forgot!

OK, THIS is the proper version

Posted: 18 Apr 2012, 12:17
by LiamABC
All right, "Throwaway World" mark III, is now up:​watch?v=i6uuGfQ-pHY

The vocal intro makes the difference. More attention-grabbing, methinks. I'd thought of doing a single guitar chord along the lines of The Beatles' "Helter Skelter", but I wasn't quite sure how to translate that to my keyboard, so I went with the vocal start instead. Still works. And, as I've said before, this is a song I'm proud to have written. If you don't like the disposable standards of modern like, then this song is for you!