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How about uploading whole episodes onto this site?

Posted: 01 Apr 2003, 20:21
by beamrider2600
The clips are GREAT, they're really just whats required to prevent me from really missing knightmare to the point of suicide... well sort of.

I don't care about the resolution of these clips, I blow them up to full-screen size and you can still make out whats going on (and I remember most of it anyway). Actually I prefer the low-res which means they don't occupy huge amounts of my small hard drive.

Surely if you upload episodes (just 1 or 2 will do, dosn't have to be all of them) it won't be any harder to upload clips and the whole episodes will be greatly appreciated. We won't have to complain about challange not showing them anymore - it will make a lot of people very happy I'm sure! :)

The clips seam to be in 34kbps which surely means that a whole episode will take up a mere 51MB of hard-disk space which is fantastically economical, considering even cd-quality MP3s are usually 128kbps.

Great site BTW

Re: How about uploading whole episodes onto this s

Posted: 01 Apr 2003, 23:10
by GrimaldineGrimwold
I think that The Powers That Be have explained on the FAQs page:

Q8: Are you going to put more full-episode video files up?

I have decided to no-longer have any full-episode files on the site. This is because they involve long uploads/downloads and the quality is not very good. There may also copyright issues with using full episodes rather than short clips to illustrate.

I think if there are limitations on what can be available, I'd guess most of us would prefer Nic. had tasters of lots of things (as at present) rather than a few full episodes anyway.

Re: How about uploading whole episodes onto this s

Posted: 02 Apr 2003, 01:32
by beamrider2600
...surely it won't hurt just having one.

"This is because they involve long uploads/downloads and the quality is not very good. There may also copyright issues with using full episodes rather than short clips to illustrate."

I'd like, then, to request that you put a few on - and I hope other people join in with me. I'm sure copyright issues aren't a problem with this fairly small site and the fact that they're so old. And I for one don't mind the file sizes or the quality.

All I can do is request :-[

Re: How about uploading whole episodes onto this s

Posted: 02 Apr 2003, 01:58
by Illusion
Thanks for your question.

New clips on the site will not be possible now I'm afraid. Many people often request clips but I don't have the time anymore, and with over 180 clips already I'd rather spend time working on stuff not on the site yet. There are also bandwidth limitations which means full episodes cannot be accomodated on this site.

This by no means prevents anyone else to make full episode clips and host it elsewhere. I'm sure there are people out there who have the facility to produce them, and I would be happy to link to it.

Re: How about uploading whole episodes onto this s

Posted: 02 Apr 2003, 11:15
by beamrider2600
Thats understandable - the clips are great anyway; good job on the website.

Re: How about uploading whole episodes onto this s

Posted: 04 Apr 2003, 07:11
by Kieran
Used to be some longer sound samples on NKTP [if I am not mistaken it had the full soundtrack of ep 1 once?] but that is sadly no more.

Tapes are available, but it isnt out of the question a full ep will arrive somewhere :)

Re: How about uploading whole episodes onto this s

Posted: 20 Apr 2003, 21:58
by WhiteDevil
hiya guys,
i would firstly like to say hello to you guys again after a long absense from the forum  :D
I'm sure copyright issues aren't a problem with this fairly small site and the fact that they're so old.
you may be interested to know that the idea, clips and all related indicia are copyright 50 years after they are first created... Uploading any full episodes would just give a TV company ammunition to use against this site...

Re: How about uploading whole episodes onto this s

Posted: 25 Apr 2003, 04:50
by Trial_by_Spikes
My friend learnt a very quick lesson when he tried to upload episodes of "The Prisoner" onto his website...

Re: How about uploading whole episodes onto this s

Posted: 25 Apr 2003, 21:47
by MoanaLiza
and then what happened?

Re: How about uploading whole episodes onto this s

Posted: 03 May 2003, 17:56
by DavidNewton
You don't want to know.

Ooh, nasty.

Re: How about uploading whole episodes onto this s

Posted: 03 May 2003, 20:45
by MoanaLiza
Can't be any worse than most of the Knightmare deaths, can it?

Re: How about uploading whole episodes onto this s

Posted: 16 Jul 2003, 19:59
by Snowwiewolf
I heard a while ago what happened to aperson with a picture of a disney character on her page.... What happened was worse than being attacked by a red dragon...MUCH worse

Re: How about uploading whole episodes onto this s

Posted: 17 Jul 2003, 17:16
by Kawaii_Catgirl
If you want to kill Red Dragons, try using a Tent on them at the start of battle to give them status and render them harmless.

...Oops, wrong forum!