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Posted: 02 Jul 2003, 14:33
by Velda
OK, he doesn't talk as much as Barry (no dungeoneer talked as much as Barry  :D), but Martin does seem more talkative than a lot of other dungeoneers (i.e. he comes up with answers on his own sometimes)! Opinions, please! ;D Oh and I thought it was funny the way he said "Oi!" to the Automatum!

Re: Martin

Posted: 02 Jul 2003, 14:37
by Kawaii_Catgirl
Yes, I noticed that as well. I like how Martin will tell his advisors to get a move on, talks back to them if he doesn't like their ideas, etc. He even came up with a joke to tell Motley, on his own! I think far more dungeoneers should've been talkative.

And yes, the "Oi! Boo!" was a classic.

Re: Martin

Posted: 02 Jul 2003, 15:56
by Dan
I think Martin was the best dungeoneer in Series 3 (although I can't find the tape that I have the Leo episodes on, so I don't recall as well how good he was).  Why?  Because he said this line, to his advisors:

"Stop whispering - I can't hear you".

I always wondered why the advisors whispered quietly amongst themselves, thus effectively excluding the person they were supposed to be guiding.  Martin really wanted to be (and got) involved, making it a double disappointment that they didn't win - the way he half-heartedly waves his scroll as they walk off up the path towards home, and the way he jumps when they summon Merlin in level 3... just brilliant. ;-)

Re: Martin

Posted: 02 Jul 2003, 22:49
by MoanaLiza
I wonder what would have happened if he would of walked slightly quicker in the stainglass room and would have kept walking when Morghanna appeared. I wonder if he would have been able to keep walking when she appeared.

Re: Martin

Posted: 02 Jul 2003, 22:56
by Emii
Well, he'd certainly get up her nose...

Did you see what I did there?

Re: Martin

Posted: 02 Jul 2003, 23:03
by MoanaLiza
Probably not as I was half asleep. I went to bed and fell asleep. Luckily I woke up at about five to six, just in time for Knightmare.

Re: Martin

Posted: 03 Jul 2003, 15:54
by Velda
More funny moments during Martin's quest were:

1) When he sort of bent over on the Spindizzy - lol!
2) The way he stepped over those bones in the first room of Level 3.
3) Jumping when Merlin spoke - I laughed out loud when that happened!  :D
4) Poising himself to run to the door in the cat room. Yep, I know athletes do it, but it was still funny!

If only they'd known that a devil's coach horse was a type of beetle (which I did, I hadn't heard of any of the others) then they'd have got the answer to Owen's question. I'd like to have seen what they'd have done with the dragonmagic - probably zap Morghanna with it!

Re: Martin

Posted: 03 Jul 2003, 16:10
by MoanaLiza
I was wandering what happened to him in the mine cart, by the way he was shaking and dusting when he had landed. I was wandering if the cart was dirty and dusty inside or was he just acting like it was. Anyway I found that quite comical too.

Re: Martin

Posted: 03 Jul 2003, 16:11
by Kawaii_Catgirl
Or maybe it was a protection spell? Anyway, it sucks that in series 3, one wrong answer means the crew had to kill the team off. I knew as soon as they gave the answer to Owen that they were going to die because of it.

On a side note - Owen, the Welsh dragon! Why wasn't he in more episodes?

Re: Martin

Posted: 03 Jul 2003, 16:15
by Velda
Yeah I noticed that too - the way he sat in it was different to Leo and Ross as well. I wonder if he thought up the bit where he dusted himself off and did it as a sort of ad lib, or if he was told to do that when filming. I think it was the former  ;D

Re: Martin

Posted: 03 Jul 2003, 16:50
by MoanaLiza
Which was funniest his or parts of Giles' quest from series four?

Anyway what did you see then Emii? As I must have missed it!

Re: Martin

Posted: 03 Jul 2003, 21:23
by Tom41
I reckon Martin could have easily run out of the room when Morghanna was doing her big speech. Why did he stop?

Then again, if he had made a run for it, Morghanna would have probably just activated the death spell immediately - or Martin would have fallen off the cliff like that other dungeoneer. We don't know, however, whether the path they were taking (with the quest piece on it) is the right one or not.

Re: Martin

Posted: 03 Jul 2003, 22:50
by Purgatory
well its not right to say the 'crew' killed the team off because of the question.. with out the question correct they wasnt able to get how else would have been able to win?

Re: Martin

Posted: 04 Jul 2003, 18:29
by Valiant
I thought it was fairly obvious that they froze the shot of Martin on the stained glass window room as soon as Morghanna arrived hence he couldn't run away even if the team advised it.

Re: Martin

Posted: 03 Aug 2003, 14:52
by MoanaLiza
Bringing this one back up again I don't think that the shot was frozen as he was slightly moving, his head was moving and one of his arms was slightly moving. I recon the production crew told him to stop as he seemed to stop slightly before Morghanna appeared, or did an adviser tell him to stop and I didn't hear that though (noisy traffic) >:(.

In the mine cart I can't get over when the adviser explained what was happening Martin said "Is that all?"

Did anyone notice as well in Merlin's chamber (L2) just after Martin took the third step, Merlin appeared before the lightning. I think a slight miscalculation there ::)!