Parody of Living Next Door To Alice by Smokie

Knightmare-related musical parodies
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Parody of Living Next Door To Alice by Smokie

Post by Drassil »

Some opportunities only come along every ten years. Based on Living Next Door To Alice by Smokie (1976, 1995). Official video, Original lyrics

Ali called when he found the gem
There was a pact between them
And Malice
Well she rushed to the chamber, purple light outside
Gave them a spell, which remained untried
As the circular saws rolled up while Malice survived

Oh, I don't know where she's lurking
Or where she's gonna go
They cast Samantha Perkins
And they named her like a foe
And for thirty-four years
I've been living in awe of Malice

Thirty-four years
Of watching her impress
And she must know Morghanna
'Cause she's in Morghanna's dress
And by now I am used to it:
Seeing it worn by Malice

She was up to something dressed down as a crone
Offered the Eyeshield to Simon, a loan
Him and Malice
And when Dickon she saw, giant head held high
They spellcast FIRE and hurt her eye
And the big sorceress was lowly: they took Malice's drive


Then Malice came back for Jeremy's quest
And she said she had a request:
A silver chalice

Mogdred and Malice were gone. Instead: Lord Fear
But I'm still grateful these thirty-four years
That with four dungeoneers she appeared

Knightmare: Kid-worthy, Naasty, Inspiring, Groundbreaking, Humorous, Treguard, Mesmerising, Adult-worthy, Rewarding, Essential.
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