Parody of Pretend You're Happy when you're Blue

Knightmare-related musical parodies
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Parody of Pretend You're Happy when you're Blue

Post by Mashibinbin »

Nathan from Series 8 waxes lyrical about his time as a dungeoneer...

Pretend it's Level 3 when it's actually Level 2
It isn't very creative to do
Maybe you'll find sewers and tunnels without an end
Whenever you pretend
Remember even Tim can dream
And nothing's as mad as it may seem
The little items you haven't got could be a lot if you pretend
You'll find a quest object you can share
One amber globe you can leave when on your own
Just pressure Maldame and she'll be there
You'll never be all alone
And if you get to Level 3
You'll be pretending just like me
The cup is mine it can be yours my friend
So why don't you pretend
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