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Website updated with new poll

Posted: 10 Jul 2003, 21:40
by Illusion
The website has been updated today - an e-mail has not been sent out yet due to some technical problems but hopefully that will be okay soon.

There is a new 'Visitor Poll' on the front page of the site which will change every time the site is updated. The first question is a general age group poll so we can get a good idea of the age spread of visitors to this site (e.g. are the Challenge repeats encouraging more younger visitors). Please take a few seconds to vote - you can vote only once ;).

Re: Website updated with new poll

Posted: 11 Jul 2003, 19:17
by Pickle123
will do, asap ;)

Re: Website updated with new poll

Posted: 12 Jul 2003, 02:38
by Purgatory
got the Email... done and done.

Knews page needs updating

Posted: 22 Aug 2003, 21:24
by JoeGrocottJames
The front page mentions the knews about series 5 being shown on Challenge, but the knews page itself isn't updated.

Re: Knews page needs updating

Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 00:07
by Illusion
Yeah it wasn't updated as there isn't much else to say at the moment. It will be done by the next update.

When's the next site update?

Posted: 10 Oct 2003, 20:03
by Emii

Re: When's the next site update?

Posted: 10 Oct 2003, 20:15
by WhiteDevil
Is there really anything that can be updated? He's got a load of news on here already, maybe if Illusion has some time a redesign of the site? Just to keep us on our toes  ;D

Re: When's the next site update?

Posted: 10 Oct 2003, 21:58
by Illusion
Should be around the beginning of November with the next TES and other bits and pieces.

Re: When's the next site update?

Posted: 11 Oct 2003, 00:35
by Emii
Cool - thanks :)

I was just wondering cos I know a lot of people submit a lot of stuff to him, not just TES and general KM knews!!

Re: When's the next site update?

Posted: 03 Nov 2003, 15:08
by Emii
oOo oOo oOo...beginning of November...

*fidgets all over the place in anticipation*


Re: When's the next site update?

Posted: 03 Nov 2003, 16:03
by GrimaldineGrimwold

*thinks about mentioning updating the Challenge episode times but decides mentioning it again might sound rude so does a silly little emote instead*

Re: When's the next site update?

Posted: 03 Nov 2003, 20:18
by JamesA
Hang on in there.... shouldn't be long now  :)

Re: When's the next site update?

Posted: 26 Nov 2003, 18:01
by King_Gazz

I thought u were going to put more news on knightmare at the begining of november and its now nearly the end of november and its the same since the 1st of september 03.

sort it out and fast

Re: When's the next site update?

Posted: 26 Nov 2003, 18:31
by Malefact
Well, Illusion isn't really under any obligation to do anything - nor does he have to take orders from anyone he has allowed to use his forum.

I'm sure there will be an update soon - when everything's ready.

Re: When's the next site update?

Posted: 26 Nov 2003, 23:47
by GrimaldineGrimwold

I thought u were going to put more news on knightmare at the begining of november and its now nearly the end of november and its the same since the 1st of september 03.

sort it out and fast
I hope that's at least supposed to be lighthearted. Even if so, it's rather unfunny. As Malefact says, Illusion isn't under obligation to do anything, and certainly not to take orders from people who just decide one day they'd like to see an update. I'm sure Illusion has plenty of other things he could be doing, so even if he does say something will happen by a certain date (and especially because all his hours of work on the site are voluntary, not paid) there's absolutely no cause for making it sound like he's somehow failed.

This is the second thing like this I've read recently. People might do well to remember that the whole site and people's contributions to it, plus this forum are only here because of Illusion's hard work and his continued indulgence of us all. I'm sure there are some people who'd be tempted to just give it all up and shut up shop. I'm not saying Illusion might be of a mind to do that, but websites and forums that you think are permanent can easily disappear if the people running them tire of toiling on them. A bigger site than this I regularly visit recently disappeared overnight without warning. An attached forum where some people had postcounts infinitely higher than mine here suddenly disappeared, creating a whole community of refugees.

Of course, I'm not suggesting people go over the top with praise, but it's always nice for people's work to be appreciated, and we can definitely do without anything that even seems remotely rude. Don't want people to mistake your "joke"? Then don't say it. I don't like joining the group of people here who say that newer posters aren't as friendly as longer standing ones, but sometimes I really have been saddened by the attitude of some people of late. Different story, but it also seems that sometimes established posters are "fair game" for little attacks. For goodness sake, we all just want to have fun here.