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KM company?

Posted: 06 Nov 2003, 01:12
by MoanaLiza
you have decided to start up a Knew company, hiring  people from Knightmare. Who would you hire and what posistion would you offer them. For example I think Lord Fear perhaps could be your security guard and Treguard as manager. Fidget would be incharge of opening and shutting. Hordriss as personnel manager or on reception. etc.

Re: KM company?

Posted: 06 Nov 2003, 01:52
by Emii
Sidriss, Gretel, Marta and Mellisandra as tea girls, perhaps? Some of the witches as cleaning ladies, and the beautiful witch (can't remember her name) and lillith as the ruthless businesswomen?

Re: KM company?

Posted: 09 Nov 2003, 00:45
by Dunshelm
Morghanna would make an excellent Security Guard because she would never let ANYONE past!

Re: KM company?

Posted: 09 Nov 2003, 02:02
by MoanaLiza
Or the Madusa from S2 for that matter!

Re: KM company?

Posted: 10 Nov 2003, 14:50
by Drassil
How about a restaurant? Mrs. Grimwold and Mellisandre as cooks; Mogdred as a waiter!

This is how I imagine him greeting some customers:

'Look upon menus. LOOK upon menus, and... [the customers interrupt to ask him which poultry would go best with a bottle of 1987 Chateau Cauchemar] ...quail.'

Re: KM company?

Posted: 10 Nov 2003, 18:38
by JamesA
Folly and Motley would be great to provide the corporate hospitality  ;D

Re: KM company?

Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 23:38
by MoanaLiza
:o I think for certain if it was a restaurant and Mrs. G was one of the cooks then I would avoid it by all costs! :P

Re: KM company?

Posted: 11 Nov 2003, 23:55
by JamesA
And if Lissard put off all the customers with his "tuna breath" the place would be reported to the Trading Standards Authority