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YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 15 Jan 2004, 10:41
by Lord_Bob
What would you never say relating to Knightmare or just in general life. (Try to be more inventive than "I don't like Knightmare") Here's one from me.

"I think S5 was really really good, and Fidjit was perhaps the greatest character ever to appear on kids T.V, him and Casper the Key together and you're on to a winner.  ::)"

(P.S: I know I am replying an awful lot to the current topics in this forum but I only get on the computers for a long period of time in the morning and evenings so I do all my posts for the day in these two slots.)

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 15 Jan 2004, 10:54
by Fidjit
What I'd never say!

"Hello!"  ;D

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 15 Jan 2004, 14:00
by HStorm
Well if I was sitting down and watching eps, I'd never say, "Oh goody gumdrops, Motley's in the next scene!"

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 15 Jan 2004, 14:52
by HStorm
I'd also never say, "Let's change channel! Timmy Mallet's on CBBC."

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 15 Jan 2004, 15:00
by Fidjit
Bog off!  ;D

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 15 Jan 2004, 15:04
by HStorm
Really plumbing the depths now, Motley. It's bad enough taking the sh*tty jokes the dungeoneers suggest, but now you're stealing dialogue from PICKLE?!

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 15 Jan 2004, 15:29
by Fidjit
I hate you! (Not what I'd say...)

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 15 Jan 2004, 16:03
by Emii
"oOo Fatilla - I rather fancy a piece of that..."

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 15 Jan 2004, 16:05
by HStorm
"oOo Fatilla - I rather fancy a piece of that..."
Ooooo gross!

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 15 Jan 2004, 16:21
by Fidjit
Orrite then, Skarkill! Bring it on!!!  ;D

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 15 Jan 2004, 19:02
by Snowwiewolf
Somehting I would never saY:
"Ok everyone, I am pleased to say that I will not change anyone in to anything or cause any traumas to anyone"

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 15 Jan 2004, 19:25
by Lord_Bob
I would also never say, the Series 4 ending deserves a bafta for best acted, most original and genuinly amazing quality.

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 15 Jan 2004, 22:42
by MPK
Its a pity it all ended, I mean just as Majilda was changing KM for the better!

I love her! I REALLY love her!

And I just loved the new helmet! All Majilda's idea!

Did I mention I love her!

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 15 Jan 2004, 22:59
by HStorm
You leave Majida alone, dogsbottom! She's mine. Mine, do you hear me?! Majida's MINE!!!!!!


(By the way, I DO realise you were being ironic. I just lose all sense of humour when people start talking about Majida... >SIGH!< See the Temper, Temper thread.)

Re: YOU Would Never Say...

Posted: 15 Jan 2004, 23:30
by MoanaLiza
Series four was sooo not repetative, and I love the realistic colours.
Sidriss was really bright.
Barry was shy and reserved.
Motley's sooo hilarious.
That was a good and thoughtful move by Julie and the team, offering those goblins that present.
Treguard is really irretating. I can't stand him!