Re: stop bashing season 4 so much!(long read)
Posted: 14 Mar 2011, 16:40
My main problem with series 4 is that it's incredibly repetitive. Treguard and Pickle say exactly the same things in each and every quest, so much so that by the end of the series, you can speak along with them. This was particularly evident on Challenge, when it was on every day, rather than every week, and therefore it was done with more frequency! And thus, I think that Hugo and David are somewhat wasted, insofar as they are very talented actors and didn't really get to shine as they do in other series, such as series 6, where they are allowed much more scope.
With longer quests, like Dickon's, you do get a sense of more variety than you did with the teams that only reached level 2, plus we have the addition of more floor puzzles, such as the perennial CoB, and the Block & Tackle, which is good. Plus we have the introduction of outdoor scenes, which I found quite tiresome, but I did enjoy new settings like the Crazed Heifer and the introduction of pookas (although Treguard always called them "hauntings" back then). And some of my favourite M characters, like Motley, Melly and Mace were used well (although Merlin wasn't - the most powerful wizard ever stuck in the stocks? Oh, please!).
So, yeah, there were some good elements of series 4, and the show was brave for attempting such a dramatic change in direction. But for a period of transition, series 4 just seemed to me to be taking far too long to find its feet, and I think it's only by series 5 that they really got a more thorough grounding in exactly how the show was going to be put together.
In short - no, I don't like it. But give it time, and they'll get it right eventually. And guess what? They did!
With longer quests, like Dickon's, you do get a sense of more variety than you did with the teams that only reached level 2, plus we have the addition of more floor puzzles, such as the perennial CoB, and the Block & Tackle, which is good. Plus we have the introduction of outdoor scenes, which I found quite tiresome, but I did enjoy new settings like the Crazed Heifer and the introduction of pookas (although Treguard always called them "hauntings" back then). And some of my favourite M characters, like Motley, Melly and Mace were used well (although Merlin wasn't - the most powerful wizard ever stuck in the stocks? Oh, please!).
So, yeah, there were some good elements of series 4, and the show was brave for attempting such a dramatic change in direction. But for a period of transition, series 4 just seemed to me to be taking far too long to find its feet, and I think it's only by series 5 that they really got a more thorough grounding in exactly how the show was going to be put together.
In short - no, I don't like it. But give it time, and they'll get it right eventually. And guess what? They did!