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An American Reviews Knightmare

Posted: 26 Aug 2008, 18:21
by Drassil
Eyeshield wrote: I love Charlie Brooker because he sits there swearing at his telly
Fidjit wrote: It would have been great if he did a show entirely on Knightmare. Seeing him effing and blinding
This, a highly entertaining 16-minute video review of Knightmare (focussing on Series 1-3) by an American named Noah Antwiler, could be the next best thing:

(Warning: does indeed contain effing and blinding, As well as a clip from a Certificate 15 film.)

Thank you to Jade for sharing the link, having become a Knightmare fan herself as a result of seeing it.

Re:An American Reviews Knightmare

Posted: 26 Aug 2008, 22:03
by Gizensha
About a third of the way through (the buffering is being slow), just after the movie clip. Very entertaining, even if there are some factual inaccuracies (Apparantly it was a BBC series, for example), but would be improved by being done by Brooker.

(And, yeah, somehow when you said 'a certificate 15 film' I knew it would be something in the Final Destination series.)

Re:An American Reviews Knightmare

Posted: 27 Aug 2008, 19:29
by Drassil
It turns out that the review is on YouTube too (spread across two videos), and includes an annotation that corrects the BBC mistake.

Re:An American Reviews Knightmare

Posted: 28 Aug 2008, 22:14
by knightmaredave
That review was highly amusing and points out some if the finer things of knightmare that we all adore and miss. Reminds me of Charile Brookers screenwipes version

Re:An American Reviews Knightmare

Posted: 29 Aug 2008, 16:41
by Fidjit
Oooooh Chunky! ;D

Re:An American Reviews Knightmare

Posted: 15 Sep 2008, 16:03
by ShinyHelmet
lol that was the funniest thing I've seen for a while - oooh, nasty!

review on Spoony experiment

Posted: 08 Apr 2010, 22:52
by brian
Anyone see Spoony's review of Nightmare?


Re: An American Reviews Knightmare

Posted: 18 Apr 2010, 15:24
by DarkComet
Ah, The Spoony Experiment. One of my favourite contributors to This was the review that endeared himself to me instantly, with his MST3K-ing of Phantasmagoria 2 a close second.

One we could do with adding to the newspage, I reckon. Nothing wrong with a little bit of "I c wat u did thar - GG".

Re: An American Reviews Knightmare

Posted: 23 Apr 2010, 21:17
by hindleyite
Dodgy RP accents ahoy!

I don't really like, but I quite liked Spoony even before he reviewed Knightmare, so you can imagine my surprise when he posted the vid. Oh yes, and this in particular seems incredibly familiar...