Series 4 Episode 4

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Series 4 Episode 4

Post by Leggy1210 »

Episode 4 of series 4 has been posted on: ... ries4.html)

I am aware of issues with the "Nush" (yes, as in Big Brother!) server which I am currently investigating - hence why posting episode 4 on the other server!

Nush will be back up soon!

The E-Donkey links are unaffected and I urge you to use these as they will be more reliable and be around for much longer.

Also, with regards to other series, the "noise filters" are working very nicely so it is becoming more feasible to convert other Knightmare episodes to AVIs soon!

Sorry for the server outtage!
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Re: Series 4 Episode 4

Post by Dan »

Ta Leggy. ;-)

Wow, this team is excitable, aren't they?  Not content with talking over the characters in the scene AND talking over Pickle and Treguard when they're trying to help, they also all talk over each other and give conflicting instructions to the dungeoneer!  There've been plenty of comments about teams that seemed to be comprised of only one person whilst the other two advisers say nothing... but it seems to be far worse and more confusing when all three talk at once :-)  Poor Alastair had to ask at least twice for just one person to give instructions clearly instead of them all shouting in a blind panic...

When they managed to mess up describing objects on the tree stump by Oakley by having two of them describe the objects _in a different order to each other_... no wonder poor Alastair gave up trying to listen and just told them to get him to the stump ;-)
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Re: Series 4 Episode 4

Post by Pickle123 »

lol, i've 95% of it but i'll watch it tommorow afty as i got exams and need sleep ;)

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Re: Series 4 Episode 4

Post by Arcengal »

I don't know how the hell that team survived! I mean, taking a key when you're in a FOREST!? That's a bit dumb. You'd be better taking the gold.

And yet they survived....bring back Lilith!
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Re: Series 4 Episode 4

Post by Dan »

I don't know how the hell that team survived! I mean, taking a key when you're in a FOREST!? That's a bit dumb. You'd be better taking the gold.

And yet they survived....bring back Lilith!

They were let off in my opinion.  They took the key instead of the gold and ended up not using the key.  They should've either had to bribe Fatilla with the gold or made up some nonsense about the key being magical, but instead they escaped with some rubbish about flattery. ;-)

From what I've seen so far, they looked at Series 3 and decided it was far too hard.  Unfortunately they've made series 4 disgustingly easy by comparison, even as far as the "riddles" which are now just straightforward questions, and there's a lot more of them.  There's no really difficult manouvering challenges aside from the block and tackle and the corridor of blades, and they're in levels 2 and 3 - and the block and tackle ended up in level 3 by the end of the series.  It says a lot that no-one died in level 1, unlike previous seasons.
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Re: Series 4 Episode 4

Post by beamrider2600 »

I couldn't beleive how they managed to talk around that guard! ;D ;D First they said "go into the forest and get the gold". And then they said things like "none of the things I've got are good enough for you".

They were really trying - I can imagine that some producer or someone spoke into the guards earpeice (or whatever) and said "go on, let them through - they tried really hard". I was rolling about laughing; I really like this team now. ;D
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Re: Series 4 Episode 4

Post by Pickle123 »

exactly...the BS'd their way through ;D when all else fails apply the old charm and see where it gets you ;D
besides, without some sorta clue as to which to take it was always gonna be a guess anyway. true their surrounding should of given them some indication but by the time they needed the gold they were at a castle, somewhere where a key might be very useful :P

gah, either way...knice escape :) ... gi?id=5838

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Re:Series 4 Episode 4

Post by TheBrollachan »

Thought I would dig this topic up in preparation for tonight's episode.
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Re:Series 4 Episode 4

Post by Tom41 »

Might as well post it in this thread ;)

This is another episode I seem to remember very well from the CITV broadcast, even though I don't have it on tape!

In Oakley's glen, a mystery is solved at last. The advisers indeed see the close-up of the clue objects on their monitor, since they described them to the dungeoneer. Took some time deciding the answer to the 1st Oakley riddle, eventually causing Oakley to say "Truth accepted, at long last". Scored 3/3 on his riddles, and gained a clue that "Aniseed will throw them off your trail". Took the Aniseed and the Key from the stump.

Next, came into the Fortress of Doom, and encountered Fatilla the Hun on guard duty. He was snoozing to begin with, but woke up as soon as they tried to get past! Treguard hinted that the art of deception should be used.
After trying to tell him that there was gold in the forest, (which didn't work), they tried to use the Aniseed but it didn't work either ;) Eventually they had to say "I have nothing that is worthy of your great presence" and Fatilla let them through.

In the next eye-shield sequence, goblin hunting horns sounded! They put the Aniseed down to throw them off the trail ;). Then entered the fortress.

In the wellway room, Pickle and Treguard warned there was an Assassin around! They're cautious and cowardly and won't strike if there's any sign of resistance... trouble is, they're masters of camouflage!
The first time the Assassin 'faded in' they faded it in too much - then faded a bit out again! Had to get Alistair to yell at it to make it go away ;)
When he went down the wellway (chased by another Assassin), the mouth of the well turned red for some reason!

Encountered Gundrada (in the stocks) in the first room of Level 2. Freed her from the stocks and she decided to follow along and help them, as a kind of bodyguard. What was it that Alistair said? "Ladies shouldn't fight with swords"?
Look closely at Gundrada's armor and sword for reflections of the cameras and production crew?

In the next room, Hordriss was acting as a sort of customs officer, and asked if Alistair had any contraband ;). After a conversation between Hordriss and Gundrada, Hordriss gave each of them a spell. Gundrada got an ADORE spell, and Alistair got a SLOW spell. Apparently there was no need to spellcast them, because they were self-activating at need!
They entered the conveyor belt (no blades), and arrived in another room. There was some gold on the table, which Alistair decided to keep as payment (for letting Gundrada out of the stocks)

Then Fatilla came in and the ADORE spell self-activated! Is it just me or was there a mouse pointer around the flashing light? ;D
In the next room, Gundrada and Fatilla had obviously become a hazard to the quest, so the SLOW spell self-activated! (no mouse pointer) There was nothing to do except leave the room alone.

In the next room, Merlin was selling items and spells. But timed out in this room before they could buy anything from him.
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Re:Series 4 Episode 4

Post by Billy »

Good old Oakley to continue the old-style riddles, none of this True or False nonsense. Then into the Forest of Doom (Treguard's reading was brilliant), and somehow using flattery to get past Fatilla the Killer. But what's the aniseed for?

Ah-ha! They used it to throw the goblins off the trail during an Eye Shield sequence. Following which they encountered the Grim Reaper an assassin, using the highly advanced technique of shouting very loud to make it go away. Pity the same thing doesn't work for the weeping doors. So off they go to Level 2, with a nifty echo on the advisors shouting (probably because it'd sound like a bad edit if it were just a straight cut).

Time to take stock with Gundrada. Or was it a pillory? Let's just call them Things That Constrain People. She's eventually freed, and Hordriss gives them two 'self-activating' spells. A second appearance for the Corridor of No-Blades (the way they exit is still a black square zooming in, ala the S3 dwarf tunnels, but at least they've blurred it this time) before a spell sees Fatilla fall madly in love with Gundrada, coincidentally close to Valentines Day.

Merlin's Madness continues at the end of the episode, with him ditching the Help-Me-I'm-Stuck schtick and now becoming a sort of proto-Julius Scaramonger, though a Thing That Constrains People can still be seen in the room. Maybe he'll run into it and lock himself in if the dungeoneer doesn't buy anything...
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Re: Series 4 Episode 4

Post by Canadanne »

LOL at Alistair nearly offering Fatilla the Eyeshield! ;D

In this episode, Hordriss warns that a further encounter with Gundrada "would result in terminal solutions". He must be all talk, because she winds him up again in episode 8, and all he does is put her in the stocks and confiscate her sword!
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Re: Series 4 Episode 4

Post by Morghanna »

Team 2 did well against Oakley with 3/3, but they only received one clue, so had to guess between gold & key. Really liked the attitude, "Truth accepted, at long last!" from Oakley when they conferred for too long. ;D
They chose the key, but appeared to have guessed wrongly when Fatilla demanded a bribe. They managed to get past him with excessive flattery, which probably made up for the fact that they didn't get the bonus clue they deserved in the first place. Used the aniseed to divert the goblins.
They were given the hurry-up by an assassin at the well and got into a massive panic. ;D

In level 2 they decided (eventually) to release Gundrada so she could help them. This led to an amusing scene with her and Hordriss, followed by a bizarre scene with her and Fatilla.
The team reached Merlin as time ran out. He appears to have given up posing riddles and started selling clue items to teams for gold. Shame on him! ;)

The advisors had a tendency to talk simultaneously, which gave Alastair problems on several occasions. He got quite shirty with them about it. :D Can't say that i blamed him....
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