Knightmare On DVD?

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Re: Knightmare On DVD?

Post by pjmlfc05 »

Mashibinbin wrote:It's never too late to remount a campaign but there needs to be more than just embers in the fire. £100 for 8 series plus potential extras is far from unreasonable at £12.50 a series which is at the going rate for most tv series. You'd be paying that even 2 episodes of classic Doctor Who plus extras say. The thing is to be focused, committed and positive throughout to achieve a successful campaign.

Let's start things rolling with the hypothetical release and take it from there.

I therefore propose a Knightmare 'start and ends' release namely the first and last episodes of each series. This takes inspiration from the Brookside release which also had 16 episodes over 2 discs. I would venture as extras a handful of commentaries - one with Tim and Hugo on the very first episode, one later on with Mark and Cliff and a few more with selected fans or, costs permitting, with additional cast members. These could by moderated by the likes or Alan or other forum staff. As well as that a full fan made documentary with contributions from as many community members as possible - David's scripting, Matt's camera work, Forester's programming etc.

How much is this release likely to cost and what ways other than Kickstarter can we potentially realistically achieve this?
On paper sounds brilliant and would love this. However unless we have a generous benefactor to provide the funds us with, we have loads of mountains to climb.
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Re: Knightmare On DVD?

Post by Mashibinbin »

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. I was told this in my time in China. It's pertinent here and other than relying on just one or a few benefactors we need to look at other avenues. To be realistic we need costs first and then one mountain at a time....
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Re: Knightmare On DVD?

Post by wombstar »

Hard to judge how many fans are still out there and who would be interested.
The GW episode may have been a bit poor but it didn't do what it should have done and that was a attract new fans and a new generation, people liked it but it didn't captivate them enough to want to see more.

Keep buying lotto tickets guys.. lol if I win a million i'll put up the cash.

Pity ITV 4 doesn't air it, they show lots of old repeats and could possibly promote it better than what challenge can. Km just needs to be found by new people and then it might have a chance as a resurrection, in one form or another.
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Re: Knightmare On DVD?

Post by Mystara »

How much is this release likely to cost and what ways other than Kickstarter can we potentially realistically achieve this?
16 episodes, including manufacturing costs and various overheads...probably in the region of 12k.
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Re: Knightmare On DVD?

Post by Mashibinbin »

Thanks Alan,

we now have a target to aim for. Ideas at the ready one and all for how we can now achieve this goal of just £12,000.
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Re: Knightmare On DVD?

Post by ClaireFearsBlades32 »

I would be interested in raising funds of some kind. The how part I am racking my brains.

12k sounds a lot but if you think that money was raised for the convention there should be ways to make it happen. I have dreamt of a DVD release for years. Afraid I don't have that kind of money in my pocket but perhaps I will get lucky with the scratch cards he he!
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Re: Knightmare On DVD?

Post by TheLeggy1210 »

Yes, I am the original "Leggy1210" that posted the weekly episodes way back when, as well as the other other Challenge TV clips.

I'm really surprised the Knightmare community hasn't yet come together to fund a DVD release of one of the most amazing cult TV shows!

What are we waiting for?!
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Re: Knightmare On DVD?

Post by pjmlfc05 »

I guess due to costs it is not viable. It is a shame. Even now I would love to see a DVD release. With Challenge not currently showing Knightmare (most likely never again) my memories of Knightmare is like a lifeforce, draining away!
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Re: Knightmare On DVD?

Post by Picklemyfav »

i would love a dvd of knightmare.......... think I might have to make a lot of things to sell to raise the money.......... :D 8)
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Re: Knightmare On DVD?

Post by Mystara »

That's £12k for 16 episodes. Not for all episodes.
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Re: Knightmare On DVD?

Post by pjmlfc05 »

So roughly £96k for all episodes? Anyone have a spare £100k?! 😂
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Re: Knightmare On DVD?

Post by Drassil »

TheLeggy1210 wrote: 02 Apr 2018, 00:57 Yes, I am the original "Leggy1210" that posted the weekly episodes way back when, as well as the other other Challenge TV clips.

I'm really surprised the Knightmare community hasn't yet come together to fund a DVD release of one of the most amazing cult TV shows!

What are we waiting for?!

Good to see you back here after so long. If you want any help getting access to your original account, which is still active, please let us know.

I'm sure you appreciate the irony of a former purveyor of unofficial downloads asking about an official release...

'The Knightmare community' is a vague concept that could mean anything from forum regulars to anybody who likes, shares or posts about Knightmare online. This vagueness means that what most people are waiting for is somebody else to take an active role.

You may not be aware of the difficulty we had funding the Knightmare convention four years ago. We only needed to raise slightly over £12,000. Despite offering a unique experience and reaching thousands of potential crowdfunding donors on social media, only 280 donated to the campaign. These included some extremely generous four-figure donations, without which the convention could not have gone ahead.

Arguably the nostalgia bubble has burst, or at least shrunk. The Crystal Maze Experience crowdfunding campaign did well but the Fun House Live campaign raised only 9% of its goal last year. Knightmare Live's 2013 crowdfunding campaign beat its goal of £6000; its 2016 campaign, despite three years of good reviews and a lower goal, raised £2807.

The 'slacktive' interest in Knightmare DVDs will continue to exist. The active interest - people willing to put their hand in their pocket rather than their thumb on a Facebook post - is not enough to raise the sum we'd need.

If you enjoyed your return visit to the website and forum, Leggy, please feel free to stay and join in with other threads. Helping to keep's life force green can only be good for Knightmare.
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