What would you like?

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What would you like?

Post by Mashibinbin »

Hi all,

I first came to this site in November 1999 and scribbled a quick guestbook entry. For the next couple of years I dipped in and out of the site and occasionally spouted a few thoughts. Then, as I got more involved started posting more regularly on the obscure debates that were in plentiful abundance and even churned out a 3 part history on the comedy in Knightmare. I came back from a year in germany (September 2001 - June 2002) and things had changed - there were a lot more posters about, the tone was more jovial but slowly change was afoot. I then had a year in Shanghai (August 2003 - June 2004) and upon my return things have changed again and unfortunately not in the direction I personally would like.

The general feeling is that people enjoy roleplaying and this has superceded the debates of yore to bring about a style which I find it difficult to contribute to. Whilst there have been a few things that have kept me active (the songfics for example) by and large it is a different place to 6 years ago - partially through natural evolution and partially due to peoples preferences. So this is where YOU come in - I'm asking those mooching around here, (regardless of post count, time spent on forums etc) what do you want from these forums exactly? You've heard my views now let me listen to yours...
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Re:What would you like?

Post by NeilJones »

I'd like the vending machine in the corner to be fixed. Adam broke it when he was banned and it's never been sorted.

One can't possibly post on the KM forum without some nourishment you know.

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Re:What would you like?

Post by Pooka »

I say, start the threads for major discussions (maybe a mod could make them sticky if there's enough interest?) and ask everyone to be polite but state their views. Could get people interested in old-school KM again.
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Re:What would you like?

Post by MoanaLiza »

I joined this community as the 200th member just over 2 years ago and then there was an active community. Over those past 2 years there have been over 500 new accounts made, some of which have stayed, whilst many I'm afraid to say don't come here that often and some haven't been around in many months. Some of the original active members have appeared to faded away and I've seen one or two deleted their accounts for various reasons. I too havn't been around here much, only mainly in lurker mode and tend to login when something has been posted. Like Robin has said it isn't the same here.

It just doesn't seem to have the same awe about it as it use to. I think that a community can only think of so many things to say to each other without starting to sound repetative. On that note there doesn't seem to be much about Knightmare that has already been said. I use to love it here when I first joined and we had most of the original members, discussing different subjects, but all has changed especially since some of those havn't been here.
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Re:What would you like?

Post by Aldude »

i joined the community a fair while ago. i'm not very active these days due to other commitments...
I wrote the knightmare games (or at least, i wrote the second one... first one was based on the books) that's gotta count for sumthin? right? huh? huh?

I got some great ideas for the third game.. haven't got round to putting them on paper yet... i'll let you know :S
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Re:What would you like?

Post by Moocowthingy »

Well the first thing I will say is unkless it my imagination it seems very quiet around here compared to what it was. I also dont notice many familiar names.

I guess what Knightmare needs is something fresh to discuss. You se all these web based games around the net the early ones were called MUDS ( Multi user dungeons ). Knightmare is a perfect candidate for a web based game you just need a fan with the knowledge.
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Re:What would you like?

Post by Aldude »

... don't mine count then?
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Re:What would you like?

Post by Moocowthingy »

Ali Everett wrote: ... don't mine count then?
I had never looked for any and therefore didnt know there were any. How does your work, is it text based?. What I was meaning was an online MMRPG ( Masively multi player role play game ) with a stron knightmare theme.

Couild you link me to yours? however I may not be able to play whatever it is as my mighty pentium 1 166mhz pc often objects lol
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Re:What would you like?

Post by TuragaNuju »

I think its good as it stands.. but, hey-ho - the vending machine sounds like a good idea!
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Re:What would you like?

Post by Drassil »

I've been sorry to note a decline in activity on the Forum since I joined in 2003. There was a time when every visit would yield one or more thriving discussion threads that you could join in with; between Friday evening and this morning, no one posted at all. I'm pleased that Robin started this considerate topic, but the fact that some people prefer non-sequiturs and slagging off past members to engaging respectfully with the subject strikes me as, in every sense of the word, pathetic. Maybe the fading of community spirit is insurmountable - I just wish I understood why.

I feel I owe plenty to the Forum, and still visit it regularly. I welcome any discussions which look 'interesting' (if that's not too vague), even if that does involve retreading old ground. In my opinion, the Moderators should be more active in creating, promoting and enlivening discussion opportunities - between the three of them, they've only posted three times this month. Not that I wish to tell them how to do their jobs; but it would be reassuring to feel their collective guiding hand (in the metaphorical sense).
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Re:What would you like?

Post by Aldude »

i rarely have the time to visit... i'm usually off doing other things and after a time, i often forget
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Re:What would you like?

Post by FrightKnight »

Firstly, it seems that I covered for RobinJB during his Shanghai abscence, as Oct 2003- Jun 2004 was the period where I did most of my posting!

Secondly, there is a feeling (well, with me it is) that I've run out of things to talk about with regards to Knightmare.

Thirdly, and related to my second point, most people have seen up to all the 8 series of Knightmare on Challenge, taped them, and can watch them forever and ever and ever (and only wince at slightly foolish voice-overs). People have had their hearty Knightmare fix, and it's unclear whether a cycle will occur, when people will re-rediscover Knightmare at a later date. Huge amount of credit to Challenge, though. Without them this forum would be more barren by now, I believe.

I belonged to a forum of schoolfriends, and after we all left that school in 2003 the post count of people gradually dropped over the summer, then people went to University, and by mid 2004 there was no-one left. The glory days of 2002 (and many debated that I look back on and think 'whoa!') were gone.

That's my fourth (and to your relief, final) reason- that we're just getting older, and some of us have other commitments, whether it be work or University.

Man, that's a little depressing. Still, the fire's not burnt out here- not by a long shot!
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Re:What would you like?

Post by Billy »

I admit I also haven't spent much time here lately. This is only my second post this month.

I think the main problem about the lack of discussion is that there's really no knews to speak of. The two main knews topics here were Challenge and Knightmare VR, and, now that Challenge have shown all the episodes, and Knightmare VR's been shelved, things are all quiet on the Knightmare front. Indeed, no one's posted in the Knews forum in ten days.

I disagree with the notion that we've run out of things to talk about, though. People were saying that four years ago, and we've talked about a heck of a lot more things since then. All we need are new ideas!
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Re:What would you like?

Post by Moocowthingy »

Quote Frightnight: Huge amount of credit to Challenge, though. Without them this forum would be more barren by now, I believe.

Possibly but not definately. People are always eager to talk about things that are near forgotten as it adds an aire of mystery and confusion. Imagine Knightmare had never been shown on Sci fi or challenge lol debate could be rife and no one to put you right evertime you say one thing wrong as I guess very few copys would be about.

I gave up watching Knigtmare on challenge as dont like the channel. Personly I find them very slack, the final thing for me was the advert that said ... Comming soon 7pm LOL WTF does that mean. Due to that ad I missed episode 1 of one series and other episodes of other series due to the constant tampering with schedules. Proud to say Ive never watched challenge since and my decision seems justified seeing as they now show card games :( cheap or what.
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Re:What would you like?

Post by Kieran »

The current slump is not entirely unexpected, however. In previous years the trend over summer is that people have better things to do than post on a forum, such as holidays and the fact we actually see the sun for a few hours a day.

However what with KMVR and the original series running out of steem in terms of what we can discuss, it seems that there's just a general lack of material and regular forum goers to keep the forum busy (for now, anyway). I feel this is a deadlock which will work itself out of in time.

I have one or two things that could be put into action, but it will require time to set things up.
Last edited by Kieran on 01 Sep 2005, 17:03, edited 1 time in total.
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