Series 8 - Episode 8

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Re: Series 8 - Episode 8

Post by Mystara »

Morghanna wrote: 08 Oct 2020, 16:29 Wisely chose the green dagger but also took a key rather than Motley's marotte.
FYI: This is because we hadn't yet decided whether we wanted to take the shortcut or not.
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Re: Series 8 - Episode 8

Post by Drassil »

Billy wrote: 02 Jun 2004, 20:05 The team who died today has to be THE most excitable team in history. They were literally SCREAMING at dungeoneer Rebecca when, instead of sidestepping right once, she sidestepped all the way to the left side of the room.
From their earliest appearances, the goblins established themselves as menaces to unnerve teams and watchers alike. The Barry Thorne Show at the end of Series 7 did so much to undermine that, turning the goblins into the butt of cartoon slapstick jokes: put into slow motion; squished by a flatulent-sounding giant boot; dropped off a ledge; shot at with mini fireballs.

The panic that the goblins induce in this team is satisfying in how it restores the goblins' fear factor. It's just a shame that when the goblin horn is first heard in this scene, Treguard seems to completely ignore it in favour of his fussy grandfatherly helpfulness. (Majida seems to ignore it too.) This is a far cry from the august Dungeon Master of only five years earlier who would amplify such hurry-ups to make sure that the team took them seriously.
Knightmare: Kid-worthy, Naasty, Inspiring, Groundbreaking, Humorous, Treguard, Mesmerising, Adult-worthy, Rewarding, Essential.
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Re: Series 8 - Episode 8

Post by Drassil »

Morghanna wrote: 08 Oct 2020, 16:29 Team 6 were assigned the quest for the crown.
Quickly reached the level 1 clue-room
I was amused to see that in the clue room, when Oliver says "You're in a room", Alan appears to mouth along. :)

Alan, I like to imagine you were thinking: Don't say it, don't say it... *sigh* he's saying it. Or have I got it all wrong?

(Team 5 are the only team in Series 8 not to say "You're in a room." The closest they come is "You're in a square room.")
Knightmare: Kid-worthy, Naasty, Inspiring, Groundbreaking, Humorous, Treguard, Mesmerising, Adult-worthy, Rewarding, Essential.
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Re: Series 8 - Episode 8

Post by Mystara »

I was amused to see that in the clue room, when Oliver says "You're in a room", Alan appears to mouth along
I probably said it and my microphone was off. We had to nominate a describer (Oliver) and a main guider (me). I assume that our microphones were adjusted in anticipation of these roles and therefore mine was off at the room description stage. As you'll appreciate, this didn't even last one room and within two or three rooms it became a free for all.
Alan, I like to imagine you were thinking: Don't say it, don't say it... *sigh* he's saying it. Or have I got it all wrong?
It's a funny thing the phrase "you're in a room". At the time I don't remember it being as iconic as "Where am I?", which I vaguely seem to recall (although I may be misremembering) Dunstan was supposed to say. I think "You're in a room" is just the natural response. Perhaps that's why it's become so well known. It's meaningless, non-forced, and yet a perfectly likely thing for someone to say in that situation.

So no, I'm pretty sure I wasn't thinking that at the time :)
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