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Re:You're All Time Cast

Post by KFan »

Skeletor wrote:
Thanatos wrote: Probably simply the cast of Series 6.
Yeah that was the right balance I think. I was a bit disappointed Ridolfo wasn't kept on, but I suppose if you analyse series 7, there's no real place for him.
I thought the same with Julius... but then, I suppose he had had his day by then
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Re:You're All Time Cast

Post by Ark »

I'd go with...


Snapper Jack
The Automatum
Sylvester Hands
A bunch of Cavern Wights
The Catacomb Bite

The Brollachan
The Oracle of Confusion
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Re:You're All Time Cast

Post by Thanatos »

I'll be more specific. The cast of Series 6 with the following additions:

Mrs. Grimwold
Brother Mace
Brother Strange

And one omission: the Samurai.
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Dungeon Dream Team

Post by Bumptious »

Hi all. I have been rewatching Knightmare recently, and I was wondering, if one could create a season in which one could handpick the cast, who, out of all eight series, would you pick? Here are my picks:

The Powers That Be.
Treguard. Obviously!
Pickle. A good addition to the series. David Learner and Hugo Myatt always had a good working chemistry together. Plus, it was quite sweet the way Pickle would often give a little more assistance to younger/nervous teams.
Brother Mace. An excellent character, portrayed by an excellent actor in Michael Cule.
Motley. I always preferred this character to Folly. A good solid character.
Mellisandre (sp). I was torn between her and Gretel for the role of "token maid". Melly gets the nod, as her performance wasn't as annoying as Gretel's

The Opposition.
Lord Fear. Again, obviously!
Skarkill. I always enjoyed the performance of Rayner Bourton in this role. No question about this one for me.
Lissard. Initially, I thought of ditching him in place of Skarkill. However, as this is a hypothetical list, he gets in. He would be Lord Fear's HQ based lackey, whilst Skarkill prowled the dungeon and harrassed dungeoneers. Also, there could be a potential sub-plot, where Lissard and Skarkill openly despise each other, and compete for Lord Fear's favour.
Sylvester Hands. Keep this guy as the antagonistic comic relief
Mogdred. Mogdred wouldn't be aligned to Lord Fear as such, he would be a very dangerous "independant" villian, in a similar vein to Aesandre. Maybe he could be the final antagonist on the odd quest. Plus, the late John Woodnutt had the finest "evil laugh" I have ever heard.
Morghanna. See Mogdred, minus the evil laugh sentence.

Hordriss. I would have the series three Confuser here. A character as potentially dangerous as he is useful.
Olaf. One of my guilty pleasures. Tom Karol is one of my favourite Knightmare performers. Keep him as a potential danger to all dungeoneers, and possibly have him end a quest or two.
Smirkenorff (sp). I'd keep him as the proud, well-spoken transporter, but maybe with a little more of an edge. If a dungeoneer were to present him with insufficient fares, he could fry the unfortunate adventurers on the spot.
Cedric. Always an enjoyable character to watch.
Greystagg. Deserves to be in any "dream team", purely based on her withering rollicking of the excellent series seven contestant, Barry.
Gundrada. Again, another guilty pleasure. True, this character was rather annoying, but she was played in such a flamboyant way, I found her impossible to dislike.
Bumptious. How could I leave this guy out?!

Goblins. One of the things guaranteed to send me shooting behind the couch was the dreaded sound of the goblin hunting horn. These little critters have to be in my list. Plus, i'd also have a few hobgoblins causing havoc as well.
Automaton. I always found this creature rather chilling, and a very effective villain.
Brollachan. I enjoyed watching this neither good nor bad character. Also gave some good moments, watching dungeoneers trying to blag their way past him convincingly
Ariadne. A regular scary occurrence in Knightmare was the music that accompanied the "Queen of Arachnids". It was also excellent the way Treguard and Pickle would get themselves in a flap at the first sight of her.

That is a brief list of who would make my ideal line-up. So, what do you think and who would you include in your list?
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Re: Dungeon Dream Team

Post by Mystara »

I think I'd agree with most of those.
However, I'd drop the brollachan. I never really saw the point in asking questions as a puzzle when you could just bluff your way through. it completely eliminated any kind of challenge.

I'd add in Bal'Sheba, the red dragon. However, I haven't a clue as to how you'd fit it in. It was more of an ongoing story than an entity of the dungeon.
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Re: Dungeon Dream Team

Post by Bumptious »

I see what you mean about the Brollachan. Perhaps there could be a greater emphasis on sheer lying ability, and the dungeoneer's ability to sound convincing. So if someone stuttered or giggled their way through their sentence, the Brollachan could pounce. I think it would be a more unique challenge than wall monster or, God forbid, door monster riddles.

Actually there's a thought. The Brollachan would exist on level three, whilst level one could be the occassional home of Granitas of legend.
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Re: Dungeon Dream Team

Post by Bumptious »

Actually, upon reflection, and a quick re-watch of series seven, maybe the Brollichan did get a little boring after a while. So, maybe we could drop him. However, we'll keep Anthony Donovan employed and put Grimaldine in there. The man of the green was quite a good character on reflection, and played in a way that hinted at a kind of thinly-veiled insanity. Perhaps we could sort of merge his story with the Brollichan's, in that Lord Fear transported Grimaldine into the dungeon as a potential dragon killer. But, Grimaldine would not pledge allegiance to the Opposition, but remain a very dangerous and magically talented neutral character.
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Re: Dungeon Dream Team

Post by Mystara »

More neutral parties would certainly be good!
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