Episodes Available Online

The French Knightmare spin-off.
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Episodes Available Online

Post by KaM »

The first two episodes of Le Chevalier du Labyrinthe are available online - in much better quality than we have been accustomed to.

Episode One:
Part 1
Part 2

Episode Two:
Part 1
Part 2

Since moving out to Francophone territory 3 years ago, it has been an ambition to dig out more on Chevalier. It seems fairly safe to argue that it never built the kind of fan base that Knightmare has enjoyed. This may be due to the differences [the few French fans I have introduced to the English version have delighted in the severe edge to the English version]. It may be due to the chronology, lasting for two full years rather than spread out over eight. Nevertheless, with so many episodes produced, it has long been a shame that we have never been able to represent it better here.

For the purposes of fulfilling the bespoke ambition, there are more goodies in the pipeline to expand that section of the website. I'm also hoping the uploader of the above will be encouraged/persuaded to release more if he has them.
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Re: Episodes Available Online

Post by HStorm »

Nice find, Keith.

*Wolf-whistle.* Who's the hottie sword-maiden in the timber room?
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Re: Episodes Available Online

Post by JamesA »

I'm sure that there will have been people that have already watched the episodes through this topic, but nonetheless I will keep my thoughts to a bare minimum as to avoid potential spoilers for the rest.

Personally, Episode Two is far more enjoyable, as it is practically how Knightmare should be played. If you watch the episodes, you'll notice how one particular dwarf tunnel is viewed from a perspective not seen in the English version, and how a certain room is succesfully navigated, again not seen in an English edition but admittedly that's due to certain circumstances that I won't go into....

As much as I have enjoyed seeing these clips, it's fair to say that I prefer good ol' English Knightmare - our teams were given more depth if they were able to get far, and it's definitely a lot more harsher and tougher compared to our French/Spanish compatriots. That said, I welcome further news on Le Chavalier Du Labyrinth should it so occur, and look forward to making further comparisons should I deem them necessary.
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Re: Episodes Available Online

Post by Pooka »

Thanks to Knightmare Dave, aka Morgaine of Evil, for finding these episodes.

I think it's an unlikely prospect, but might we be able to create a thread or page somewhere on the Forum or site linking to all the available episodes? Or better yet, hosting them for download, dodgy as that is. It's not the same, but watching Chevalier is about as close as we're going to get to watching new Knightmare, in my humble opinion.
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Re: Episodes Available Online

Post by Drassil »

Emissions 1 & 2 are the same videos that Keith linked to above (albeit directly), so maybe your thanks should go to him. I wish Dave spent more time keeping up with the forum. :)
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Re: Episodes Available Online

Post by Canadanne »

You know the Fire Cave, with the flames shooting up through the path on either side? I had always thought the carved stone head in the middle was meant to be some kind of serpent or dragon. Then last night I watched Le Chevalier du Labyrinthe, and one of the kids described it as a turtle, which made me snort with laughter until I looked at it again and realised it *does* look like a turtle! I'd never noticed it seems to have a massive shell and a pair of legs at the front. And now I'm not sure how I didn't see it before!
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Re: Episodes Available Online

Post by HStorm »

It's meant to be a salamander to the best of my knowledge.
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Re: Episodes Available Online

Post by Pooka »

I found an episode on YouTube - I don't know if it's the same as one of the episodes already listed (I'll watch them at some point), but I'm putting it here in case it's a different episode.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Pooka - teacher, writer, comedian, musician, geek, and full-time Knightmarian.
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Series 1 Episode 1

Post by Canadanne »

I've just been rewatching those Series 1 episodes on Dailymotion. My French isn't that great, so I can only understand about half of what they're saying... are there any fluent French speakers on the forum who can fill in the gaps for me? Here's what I can make out - obviously there will be SPOILERS in this post, if anyone cares.

[First episode]

The Master welcomes the contestants to Labyrinth Castle. He's quite aggressive towards them, yelling at them to answer him and speak up - I can't imagine our Treguard behaving like that! The kids always address him as "Mâitre". I can't remember the English contestants calling Treguard anything, except that one dungeoneer in Series 5 (Richard?) that called him "sir". The Master says something about how they search for treasure, but only the pure of heart can succeed.

The first knight is called Cécile, and her teammates are Eugénie(?), Mélanie and Vincent. The Master explains that if they make a mistake, the knight will disappear and he will choose their successor. He gives Cécile the tabard, knapsack and helmet and then sends her off into the labyrinth, telling her "Go, on the way to your destiny", much the same as in Knightmare. (They obviously changed this in Series 2, with the knight having to sit on the Master's throne to be transported inside. I prefer the old way!)

Cécile jogs through a red dwarf tunnel and into "la salle du dé" (the dice room), where she speaks the immortal words: "Où suis-je?" ("Where am I?") Rolls the dice which opens up as usual to reveal three unmarked doors, subsequently covered with portcullises. The advisors aren't sure which way to send her - LOL at the Master mocking their indecision! I'm not sure if they actually have to make any sort of choice here? The Master gives a command which causes the middle door to open.

Into the "bloody room" as David Rowe calls it. Velda turns up wielding a sword, possibly threatening to attack if they don't answer her questions? She says that gauntlets protect the hands, and asks what piece of armour protects the feet. The team clearly have no idea, which amuses the Master (he says he likes the silence!), and they eventually offer some sort of guess which is wrong. She then asks them to name the Roman god of war, which they get right (Mars). She sends them on their way, telling them not to forget something - I can't make out what she says.

Next the Egyptian room with the two cat statues. The Master asks if they remember Velda's first question - Vincent repeats it and the Master tells them the answer ("solerets"). Vincent says there are two large dogs in the room; the Master corrects him, saying they're Siamese cats. The advisors are way too slow to send Cécile forward when the trapdoor closes, and it opens again just as she steps onto it, causing her to vanish.

The Master tells the advisors it's their fault Cécile fell into the abyss. He asks who's up next (I thought he said he would choose??), and Vincent volunteers. Once fully equipped, he leaves the balcony and jogs through a beige dwarf tunnel.

He arrives in the room we know as Mogdred's playpen, with portcullises over all the doors. There's a table with objects on it, including a magic wand, a bottle, a glass and a book. I find this scene very hard to understand. The Master calls for the jester (Bouffon) who dances into the room and talks for ages - he mentions something about a saying (which they need later) but that's about all I can make out. Then they have to pick an object from the table, and they choose the magic wand which Vincent puts into his bag. Not sure if they'd been given a clue as to what they needed? They don't seem to do anything with it, but I think it could have been used as a lifeline if they got a question wrong in Merlin's chamber, as that's what happens in the other episode. The Master tells the jester to open the door, and a floating skull appears to hurry them out.

The advisors guide Vincent very hesitantly across the causeway which killed Ross in Knightmare. They almost send him off the edge several times, prompting the Master to mock their confused instructions, and he even takes over the guiding at one point to try and move things along! They complete the room successfully, despite another skull appearing as they near the end.

Mandragore the witch is found stirring a cauldron in Mildread's old room. She gives them a riddle which I don't understand - I hear it as something like "It's not water, it's not pretty, but it is indispensable - what is it?", and I'm not sure what answer they give (sounds like "un ballet"?). She gets very annoyed, presumably because they solved it so quickly, and sends them away.

Into one of the Level 2 caverns - the Master says they're in the room of his friends, the goblins. Vincent has to carefully walk between the goblins to reach the exit at the back.

They reach the throne room - the Master says they're near Merlin, and to approach the chasm (I think). The disembodied voice of Morganne la Fée says that before they meet Merlin, she will ask three questions. First she'll give the start of a saying and they have to finish it - if they listened well to Espiègle the jester, they should remember the answer. I'm still not sure what the saying actually is; she gives them something like "Who wants to travel far?" and they apparently manage to get it right, causing the first step to appear. I think her second question is who wears a mitre, and they correctly answer a bishop. The third question is what angle corresponds to a quarter turn. Vincent answers 90° and the advisors think he's got it wrong (they say it's 45°), but Morganne confirms he's correct. He steps on the symbol to summon Merlin.

Merlin says come closer, don't be afraid, what's your name, and something about the treasure room. He will ask one last question. Says they met Velda in the labyrinth and she asked a question about what piece of armour protects the feet - do they know the answer? Luckily the advisors wrote it down when the Master told them, so they get it right. Then Merlin's own question is to give him a palindrome, e.g. "la val". They suggest "Éve", which he says is not bad. Merlin grants them access to the treasure room and disappears from his throne.

Vincent sits on Merlin's throne and is transported to the treasure room. The Master tells him to remove his helmet, then remove the dust of time from the table and find the word that will open the sacred mountain (or something along those lines). I can't make out what the magic word is - the clues are a longship, a cyclops and a mermaid? They figure it out, anyway, and Vincent is able to pull the sword from the stone and reveal the "treasure" (Sega Master Systems). They collect their prizes, looking like they're on their way to a funeral, and the Master says a few closing words of some sort.

That was quite long so I'll start a new post for the second episode!
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Series 1 Episode 2

Post by Canadanne »

[Second episode]

Basically the same introduction as before. The Master says "Here you are safe... perhaps". The first knight is Thomas, with teammates Grégory, Laurent and Nicolas.

Thomas jogs through a gold dwarf tunnel and into la salle du dé, where again the dice reveals three unmarked doors and portcullises appear. This time the Master opens the right-hand door.

Then into "la salle du serpent" (the snake room) with added flashing eyes! The Master explains they have to walk along the tongue and then quickly go to the left. Thomas just about makes it, though it's rather nailbiting as the tongue moves very fast.

The cave from the end of Level 2 appears to be the home of Tarok the wizard, who's standing at a table with a spellbook and some bottles. (I guess he's a bit like early Hordriss?) I'm not sure what he says to them, apart from that he'll ask a question and something bad will happen if they don't answer. They correctly name the magic book used by sorcerers (grimoire), so he gives them three spells - FIAT LUX, a second one that I can't make out, and SESAME. Then he creates a wellway, which I think is just a way of exiting the cave and has nothing to do with changing levels.

Thomas appears at the far end of the Great Corridor of the Catacomb - not sure what the Master says about it. Three holes appear in the floor, and the Master is quick to comment when they nearly have a "sidestep to your left" moment! They manage to guide him out.

A dark room - the Master asks what they're going to do to help them see. The advisors ignore this prompt, and he snaps at them to listen to what he's saying! There's a long, blank silence before one of them finally mumbles something about the magic spells, and the Master is like "YES, YOU TWATS!", lol. (He cracks me up with the way he's always berating and taking the piss out of the contestants.) Then they choose the wrong spell (SESAME) which has no effect, and he has to tell them to try a different one. FIAT LUX is successfully used to illuminate the room, which is where you'd find the raven's perch in Knightmare.

The Master guides Thomas behind the table, having been unimpressed by the advisors' attempts to get him there! They must choose one of the objects - an apple, a dagger or a jug. Again I'm not sure if they've been given a clue at some point, but they take the dagger (maybe they don't have the "no weapons" rule in France). A floating skull appears to hurry them out; the Master says "Death is here!"

Into the 4-door room with portcullises over the doors. Iselle the maid is there. Not sure what she says - possibly that she'll ask a question and if they don't answer, they'll be trapped in the dungeon? They correctly name the date when day and night are of the same length (equinox), and I think she tells Thomas he can leave. The Master laughs because all the doors are closed, and says "Where are you going?" when they guide him forward anyway. One of the advisors asks the Master to give them an idea - not sure what he replies, but they realise they need to cast the spell SESAME, which opens one of the doors.

Lion's head room, with the middle section of the path missing. Bouffon turns up (I like the way he jumps across a gap in the floor!) and says a load of stuff I can't entirely follow. He mentions the twelve labours of Hercules and I think he asks them to name two, but they can't. He gives them a few possible answers, the only one of which I can make out is "slay the lion of Nemea". Then he asks them to name the hero of Raiders of the Lost Ark (what a bizarre question for a medieval jester to pose...!) and they tell him Indiana Jones, so he leaves and the missing bit of the path appears. They seem to get away with Thomas stepping off the edge slightly, but then a floating skull appears and they guide him straight into the wall, which for some reason kills him!

The Master seems quite sympathetic on this occasion, saying he's proud of them, and something about a centimetre (presumably referring to the small guidance error). He chooses Nicolas to be the next knight.

Nicolas jogs through a blue dwarf tunnel and we see the Great Corridor of the Catacomb again, but this time he enters from the usual end. The Master says it's a terrible room - "Watch out for the wall!" The end wall starts moving towards Nicolas, and the Master tells them to quickly use a magic spell to stop it. The spell is quite wordy and I still can't make out what it is.

Merlin's throne room. Morganne la Fée says she'll ask three questions. The first one I can't understand - something to do with a list of animals (including the goat), to which the correct answer is apparently "boa". I think the second question is something about how they choose the President of the French Republic - the advisor says "by presidential elections" and then the knight seems to word it differently, but they get it right. The third question is "Which island is nicknamed the Isle of Beauty?", which they don't know. Morganne hurries them and then says the answer was Corsica. "But I am a good fairy and I will give you a chance" - asks if they have an object to show her. Nicolas takes the dagger out of his bag, and she says to put it down at his feet, which makes the third step appear! (If they'd taken a different object, would it not have worked?)

They summon Merlin, who says all the same stuff as in the first episode. Says they met the jester in the labyrinth and he spoke about a figure from Greek mythology, famous for his labours - they remember it was Hercules. (Advisor Grégory is very excited to get this right!) Merlin then asks his own question which I don't understand, but they answer correctly, and he vacates his throne so Nicolas can access the treasure room.

The Master tells Nicolas to remove the sand from the table, revealing a picture of an Indian, a dove ("une colombe") and a caravel. They figure out that the magic word is "Christophe Colomb" (Christopher Columbus). The Master tells Nicolas to repeat this and pull the sword out, releasing the Sega treasures within the rock. The Master says he's proud of them again. Grégory looks well chuffed about winning!

So, can anyone translate the bits I couldn't?
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Re: Series 1 Episode 1

Post by Canadanne »

Just discovered that someone has kindly added subtitles (which you can auto-translate to English) to the first half of Chevalier episode 1 on YouTube, so that helps to fill in the gaps a little:
- The advisor whose name I couldn't make out is actually Virginie.
- Their wrong guess about the foot armour is "un étrier", a stirrup. When Velda sends them away, she says "Don't forget that our duel is only postponed".
- Even with the subtitles, I'm still not sure what the jester is blathering on about! He says the treasure room is still a long way off, and he does give them a clue about taking a stick (i.e. the magic wand), as well as telling them to remember "what she said" for future questions. ("Everything she says to you is like a saying"?) But it's all rather confusing, perhaps intentionally.

I wish someone would add subtitles to the Spanish show!
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