Legal Knightmare DVDs

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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by n64play »

I would 100%, absolutly buy these dvds, just sent this forum link around all my mates, lets get the support building!
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by Fidjit »

I'll see what I can do ;) . Is there a required target to achieve or is it the more the merrier?
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by Mystara »

We'd need to make a minimum of 400 - 600 sales to cover the costs.
We also estimate that about 10% of interested parties will actually buy the DVDs.

So ideally, we need interest from 4000 - 6000 people.

But of course, you'll notice that I'm pulling lots of numbers out of the air. For example, many people who might be interested won't post here. People might purchase multiple copies or we might sell lots of individual episodes.

We know the number is feasible. The previous Knightmare DVD petition scored 1000 people in two months. The BBK campaign has over 6000 signatures. Now with things like twitter and facebook allowing us to reach numerous people at once, it should be easier than ever. But as I keep stressing it NEEDS people to post the links up.
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by Fidjit »

And forgive me if this has been asked already: Where will these DVDs be sold? On
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by Mystara »

It's likely that they'll be sold as downloads rather than DVDs to begin with because that's the cheapest way to sell them.
Thereafter, yes, it's likely that the DVDs would be sold from since it avoids additional distribution costs.

But these are all things that we need to look in to in more detail and are largely dependent on the amount of interest.
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by Fidjit »

Quite a logical way of doing it. I was going to say, what if people, like me, are using Internet Cafes' and dont have internet access at home... But theres my answer. DVDs are more of a collectors item, since downloaded copied can be easily lost in the event of a computer error or malfunction. I suppose there would be a system where if you did lose your copies though certain circumstances you'd be able to download them again at no extra charge. Or is there a risk of illegal copies being made through this idea? Anyone can say they've lost theirs, when they're downloading them for a mate/relative in reality.

I'm babbling, just ignore me lol ;D
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by n64play »

Before I say this, I'll stress this is MY opinon:

Downloads of Knightmare online have been available for a while. In that respect, I'd much rather have a dvd of the series than a download. HOWEVER, I understand that in order to raise a cash for the dvds, the downloads will come first. I think though I'd rather make a donation towards costs than pay for a download I've already got. Again, just my opinion!
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by Mystara »

Well, in thanks for your kind donation, we may give you some free downloads ;)

Seriously though, we're not in a position to judge this kind of thing yet.
All I will say is that the online versions that are floating around are (I understand) TV grabs from Challenge. The versions that we'd distribute would be digitised copies of the master episodes and therefore, significantly higher quality. It's even possible that we can get them in HD format.
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by Drassil »

Consider this post my pre-order. :) (What I've really been hoping for are legal Blu-Rays of Fun House: The Mullet Years, but some dreams must wait a little longer than others.)
Mystara wrote:we are discussing a few ideas on how we can pump any profits back in to the community.
Were there to be any profits made from this, I'd prefer to see them going to a children's charity instead; though obviously that is thinking ahead.

Alan, wherever this endeavour ends up, thank you for bringing it this far. I have a few questions, which you can dodge or address as you see fit. ;)

- Please, who are the mysterious 'we'? When they're being referred to up to a dozen times a post, I'm afraid it is difficult not to get curious. :green:

- Is Tim Child involved, and if so, is it linked to this?

- You've said that the new going live is an important of this process; do you have a planned date, rough or exact, for that?
Mashibinbin wrote:email Nic to send a global to all registered users. :)
As Admin, therefore equal in rank to Illusion, Alan has the power to do this all by himself. :D I agree that it's worth a try, considering how much swift enthusiasm it gathered when Nic tried it in 2007. Imagine all those people saying 'Yes please' to Knightmare DVD purchases.
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by n64play »

You're absolutely right, the ones I've got are tv grabs from Challenge. Took me a while but I did manage to get all 8 series. And yes again, the quality on some isn't fantastic. Free downloads in exchange for a donation......ok, deal :)

I'm doing my best to make this succeed, or at least get names on this thread. Dream come true and all that.
Mystara wrote:Well, in thanks for your kind donation, we may give you some free downloads ;)

Seriously though, we're not in a position to judge this kind of thing yet.
All I will say is that the online versions that are floating around are (I understand) TV grabs from Challenge. The versions that we'd distribute would be digitised copies of the master episodes and therefore, significantly higher quality. It's even possible that we can get them in HD format.
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by Myatt »

Yes please, leather bounded and bossed box set
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by knightmaredave »

I reckon 95% of us would support it
i know that for sure@:) Great news then:) Its een quite ut this coudl just be the thing to maken it happen
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by Mystara »

Drassil wrote: Were there to be any profits made from this, I'd prefer to see them going to a children's charity instead; though obviously that is thinking ahead.
I'm not in a position to discuss this at the moment and based on the current low level of interest, I think it might be very wishful thinking to say there'll be any profits at all. Suffice to say that my current hopes are to treat any profits in a democratic manner. Though that might change.
Drassil wrote: Please, who are the mysterious 'we'? When they're being referred to up to a dozen times a post, I'm afraid it is difficult not to get curious.
"We" are community members who have had an interest in the idea before now and have indicated a potential willingness to invest large sums of money. It sounds far more exciting that it actually is. I only used the term "we" so as not to make anyone feel excluded :/
Drassil wrote: Is Tim Child involved, and if so, is it linked to this?
I have not discussed the issue with Tim Child (though I would quite like to). I am not even sure if he's aware of our intentions.
I know nothing about Tim's SOMETHING STIRS. It's possible that he was also referring to getting Knightmare released on DVD. But I'm afraid you know as much as I do. You quite possibly know even more ;)
Drassil wrote: You've said that the new going live is an important of this process; do you have a planned date, rough or exact, for that?
It's more of a desirable part of the process rather than an important one.
A rough date would be a couple of months, depending on my work and KMV. If I didn't have KMV on, it would probably be done by now. Of course, I might be overlooking some enormous bit of work that's required for the new site :)
Myatt wrote: Yes please, leather bounded and bossed box set
An excellent choice, sir. That will be £250, please.
A leather bound boxed set would be excellent. But also very expensive :(
knightmaredave wrote: I reckon 95% of us would support it
If we could just get 95% of people posting on facebook, emailing everyone in their address book, and so on, we'd easily have the required number of people by now :)
The responses so far are encouraging. However, if we were to insist on having 4000 people saying "yes, I'll buy it!" before proceeding (a comment that one investor suggested was a suitable gauge of interest) we'll have to wait another year or so before we have enough. I'm not saying it won't happen without that, but we definitely need more interest than we have.

I also apologise for the secrecy, which isn't helping things. We're in a bit of a catch-22 situation here. We can't give an idea as to how sales would work without an idea as to how much interest there'd be. But of course, without telling you how the sales would work, many people won't be able to say if they're interested or not.

Anyway, there's been enough interest to continue looking in to things, which we'll be doing. There's actually only a couple of outstanding issues to deal with before we can make a good guess as to what's possible.
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by sozboz »

I would personally like to be able to buy a best of Knightmare dvd with commentary and extra features. And a nice picture on the cover of a castle or a monster.
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Re: Legal Knightmare DVDs

Post by Fidjit »

Yeah, nice idea sozboz, or quite possibly in a limited addition tin case with a hologram on the front. :green:

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