Series 6 Ep 11

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Series 6 Ep 11

Post by MoanaLiza »

Getting close to the end now guy's, about 4 more to go isn't it? Anyway fire away on todays ep folks.
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Re:Series 6 Ep 11

Post by Purgatory »

Didn't deserve to win.. but oh well.

any clues to what the treat spell would have done?
Lord fear wasn't much cop was he.. lol

only think i got confused was the great causeway.. they said they did it by guess work... pity guess work never worked in the early seasons, But almost.. almost got killed in the dwarf tunnel...just one wrong turn.. but it looked like he knew were is was going..ummm..
Not far off being similar to season 5.

New team seem to be doing well.. but for some reason the allowed another quest for the crown... er.. i already won that a few moments ago.. lol Sounds like the Dragon is going to crash Knigmare castle.. woo Lord fear can get some revenge
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Re:Series 6 Ep 11

Post by MoanaLiza »

Sophia's team seem to have done their homework, unlike other teams. They knew about the spyglass and how to use it "Hold the spyglass up to the eyeshield" and they also seemes to know who Elita was "I think it's Elita". How many teams went through the quest ("You're in a room and in front of you is a man in a red outfit", "Er what's on the table?" "There's a scroll, a magnifying glass, a bar of gold and a red gem"), where they didn't appear to know who/what the characters, items etc. were. I remember someone told the dungeoneer something like "Take the magnifying glass and...".
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Re:Series 6 Ep 11

Post by Billy »

THEY WON! WOO-HOO! Erm, ahem. Seriously, this episode was fantastic, with a very well deserved victory. It seems I was right on Saturday, regarding the scroll, as they managed to correctly guess the next two numbers (4 and 5) which was a great bit of luck, as one of the advisors said: "Basically we missed out something, and got it right by a complete guess" to no one in particular. Then, after they traversed the rest of the 'Great Causeway' they were face to face with Lord Fear! In the flesh! A SPLASH spell they got from Hordriss when under Ben's mercy was then applied (which illustrates another difference between Knightmare and Pokemon- in Pokemon, SPLASH is useless) which helped them grab the crown and be winners! A well done to advisors James, Alan, Nathan and dungeoneer Ben, who always seemed to know what to do, for example 'There's a pie on the floor, I'll put it in my knapsack' instead of asking the advisors what to do with it, unlike other teams.
Anyway, on another note, I noticed a few different things about this episode in general. First is that the door with 'Knightmare' on that opens into the episode had been slowed down today for some reason, Pickle's book of quests had music over it, and this is the second time in a row that Treguard hasn't done the 'floaty thing', which as you can guess, isn't a technical term.
Anyway, onto Sophia & co now. For some reason they were allowed to take the crown again, despite the previous team already winning it. Some nice business with the spyglass, though, most likely the first mention of the Grimwolds since Series 3, and the growing ring, in which one of the advisors thought had something to do with elf boots (which prompted a great reaction from Pickle). We've still got a few more episodes before the end, so who knows, this team might be winners too!
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Re:Series 6 Ep 11

Post by Purgatory »

lol 'floaty thing'

I think the winners only had on challenge during the whole quest and that was the Great causeway, more to it than the one see saw on season 5 but both are really good. it's an ideal way to finial test the teams.
But I'll never see a death on the great causeway. being fair bigger, the puzzle harder then the normal ones, and with the timer.. but that fact it's the finial challenge there is on chance a team would have been allowed to die. hate to think what the other teams would have done on this.. many of them wasn't able to handle 1st one, much like this winning team, however they did improve a lot as the quest unfolded.

But as Moana Liza this new team knows there stuff, they might just do it, they seem more able than the team who just won, they got across the 1st room to trouble unlike others..
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Re:Series 6 Ep 11

Post by Porsmond »

I just want to query on something, apparently it seems they missed out on the rest of the combination for the last causeway but How or where were they meant to get the rest of the combination or were they meant to guess or work it out properly???? If they were meant to get the rest of the combination from somewhere, I can think of only 2 places

1. When they go into Ariadne's Lair and get the first half of the combination, and then go back into the ship, I wonder if they should have asked to the captain what Will they give them for the object he wanted, prehaps he could have given them the information needed. Instead they let the captain virtually snatch the item from them and quickly take them into Level 3.

2. From Hordiss in the first Level 3 Room, I think getting the spell was right but maybe they should have asked for more information in the form of the rest of the combination, Remember Hordiss was complety in their power so it was obvious he could have given the team anything?????

What a fantasic Team though, I was highly impressed, the way they guided Ben through the Dungeon,all their guiding through the dungeon was spot on, and the way they tackled the causeways was fantasic.
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Re:Series 6 Ep 11

Post by Purgatory »

the last causeways isn't as hard as the small timer ones. the paths are big enough just to say 'Step left and go forward' so directing them fair more easy.
Not even close to being as good as the season 5 causeway.

Unless they missed a scroll in the tunnels that gave away the rest of the answer.. i doubt it, i'm sure it was set up for them to have to work out, be kinda pointless just giving the team the correct answer for the last part of the game.
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Series 6, Great Causeway Combination (spoilers)

Post by rachelesque »

Right, I have a theory.

The scroll says 2,3,?,?,?

the causeway looks as follows (well, kinda):

| 1 | 3 | 4 | 2 |
| 2 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 2 |
| 1 | 4 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 3 | 1 |
| 3 | 2 |

We know that there are 5 numbers in this causeway sequence because of the scroll.

Theories as to the missing numbers (with personal commentary):

1. They didn't read the full scroll in Ariadne's lair and therefore the entire thing didn't show up. I think this is unlikely, as let's face it, every other scroll in the world was fine when the dungeoneers didn't even manage to unroll it the right way round ::)

2. The team should have got more help from Captain Nemanor. Again, this seems unlikely. Fair point that they didn't ask and a team didn't ask Maldame for reward a couple of series later which meant they missed out. But still, no, just doesn't fit with the 'help even when they have the wrong items' ethos of series 6. Help should have been offered or at least hinted at by Treguard.

3. The team should have got the combination from Hordriss along with the spell. Well, he was at their mercy but let's face it, it wasn't suggested that they should have asked by anyone. And he didn't hint that they could get any more out of him.

4. The team should have used the 'treat' spell to get the combination. Treguard specifically said that only one of the spells would help because Lord Fear had to give them a chance. I very much doubt Lord Fear would have left two helpful spells.

5. They weren't meant to work it out, they just had to not panic and run across the causeway (then WHAT is the point of having puzzles at all). There must be logic behind this.

This means they must have been expected to work out the rest of the combination themselves. Having watched the spyglass sequence, nothing of value is given out there (I was honestly hoping when I re-ran through it that there would be a hint that the numbers were next to each other or that they were 'prime' or something).

Let's get the lovely diagram back here for a second.

| 1 | 3 | 4 | 2 |
| 2 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 2 |
| 1 | 4 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 3 | 1 |
| 3 | 2 |

My initial reaction was to see if it was possible to cross the causeway, in 5 steps, only on 2s and 3s. Wheras it is possible to cross on 2s and 3s:

| | | | 2 |
| | | | | 2 |
| | | 2 | 3 |
| | 3 | |
| | 2 |

This pattern takes 6 steps and therefore is not the one referred to in the scroll.

My next theory was that it was possible if you only stepped on a number one higher or one lower (as the successful team did).

| | | 4 | |
| | | 5 | | |
| | 4 | | |
| | 3 | |
| | 2 |

There is only one combination where you can do the adjacent number pattern in 5 steps (there are more if you allow the same number to be stepped on twice in a row).

There is one final possible sequence that may have been possible and that is prime numbers.

| | 3 | | |
| | | 5 | | |
| | | 2 | |
| | 3 | |
| | 2 |

5 steps, beginning '2, 3' and only one possible combination.

I wish Sofia had won her diploma.

I will carry on watching the episode and focussing on the seemingly unhelpful spyglass sequence for a sign of where they would pick up the clue to finish the causeway.

And until then, all feedback and extra theories welcome.

Peace out.

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Re:Series 6, Great Causeway Combination (spoilers)

Post by JoeGrocottJames »

I've seen the video clip of this bit for the winning team, and I heard one of the advisors say in the background 'that had better be a 6 behind him' - I think they could see the 2, 3, 4, 5 but not the final number (which was a 4). And somebody said 'Basically we missed out on something and got it right by a complete guess'. A bit of a fluke there, it seems.

On a similar note, I was wondering if any similar fluke like the above would ever be allowed if the team had failed to get the relevant information? Logically, one would think so, but the details about winning and losing status suggest otherwise. What does everybody think about this? Does anybody know an example of a similar fluke?
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Re:Series 6, Great Causeway Combination (spoilers)

Post by Purgatory »

well it's possible the beat the causeway with the correct codes, yes guess work, even if they were on a losing quest, the correct path isn't going to fall, I'm sure the clock would have been put forward.

I don't think they did anything wrong, i think it was meant to be guess work, much like the 'find' and 'path'
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Re:Series 6, Great Causeway Combination (spoilers)

Post by MoanaLiza »

It was probably a matter of speed than anything. There probably wasn't a particular path, if they had to guess, they probably had to get across as quickly as possible, which is what Ben's team done. I'm probably wrong though!
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Re:Series 6, Great Causeway Combination (spoilers)

Post by Purgatory »

well thats true because the correct path always falls in the end anyway, and doesn't matter what path you take as long as you are on step ahead of the clock.
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Re:Series 6, Great Causeway Combination (spoilers)

Post by rachelesque »

Mephisto wrote: well thats true because the correct path always falls in the end anyway, and doesn't matter what path you take as long as you are on step ahead of the clock.
but that's so silly (if it's true, not you or your opinions). the dungeoneers, using that logic, could just run straight forward and survive. i really don't want that to be the case.
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Re:Series 6, Great Causeway Combination (spoilers)

Post by Purgatory »

yeah with said that before... 'just run for it' lol
But i there has to be a 'correct' puzzle code.

there arn't that many puzzles that the teams could jsut run for, but i guess in this situation the correct path would be the last to fall, so to start safe keeping to the path is the best way, but there doesn't seem to be anything stoping them just just going for it.
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Re:Series 6, Great Causeway Combination (spoilers)

Post by HStorm »

I suspect that Tim Child had an "emergency button" on the computer keyboard that would trigger all the blocks on the causeway if someone tried to dash for it like that.
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