Any campaign ideas

For all discussion and ideas for bringing back classic Knightmare.
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Any campaign ideas

Post by ross »

So here we are 7 years into the website (give or take a few days near enough anyway.) I myself first came aware of this website after the 100 greatest kids TV shows on channel 4.

Since then I've become a member of this forum, signed the BBK guestbook, I even got a reply from channel 5 regarding an email I sent to them for them to repeat Knightmare. (I'm sure all of you have done similar things maybe more.)

I do believe in part that this website has managed to get challenge TV to show repeats of Knightmare, and I've enjoyed watching the repeats on challenge.

As well as that there has been several mentions of Knightmare series 9 by various people on here, and with Tim Child doing a new pilot show it looked quite hopeful at one stage.

However whilst watching repeats on challenge one thing bugged me. Whilst it was nice to watch the repeats (and I did enjoy it) and whilst its likely I might buy a DVD set of all 8 series should one come out, my thought was should they actually bother doing a new series. Would Knightmare series 9, ever be as good as the pervious 8. Would the Knew Knightmare, be as good as the old one? What if I didn't enjoy the Knew Knightmare as much as I enjoyed the old one.

For me I think seeing the repeats on challenge reminded me how much I loved the show when I was younger (which is why I'm a member of this forum,) but I did question whether a new series would actually ever be needed. Especially as TV companies took no interest in Tim Childs pilot show.

So what do others think?
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Re:Any campaign ideas

Post by kev_hamster »

I think that it would need to retain some of the original ideas for it to keep its appeal.

And it would CERTAINLY need to include Hugo Myatt as Treguard, otherwise it just wouldn't be Knightmare!

Did anybody see Hugo on Dick & Dom a while back? He spent the entire show in a cage, and at the end of the programme the camera zoomed in on him and he said his trademark 'Oooh Nasty!'. That was great!
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Re:Any campaign ideas

Post by HStorm »

Yeah, a few of us saw it. Truth be told, it was an awful lot of mindless drivel to sit through to wait for one line like that. But it was almost worth it. ;)
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Re:Any campaign ideas

Post by kev_hamster »

It's still great after all these years. Treguard was the coolest....although Hordriss was pretty cool too!
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Re:Any campaign ideas

Post by keeds »

Whilst it may be a point of view different to other members, and you are all welcome to shoot me down in flames, I personally think that a Knew series of Knightmare would be too far removed from my personal memories to make it appealing. I fully support the idea of a DVD release, but too much time has passed for Knightmare to be re-born in any form that resembles "The Knightmare I knew"
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Re:Any campaign ideas

Post by kev_hamster »

I think that is a fair point.

A new series, labelled as Knightmare. should only be done IF it can resemble the show we all know and love.

CAN it be done.....good question? I guess it would be difficult. Especially if it's to appeal to today's audience.
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Re:Any campaign ideas

Post by RobDaZombie »

As far as tv shows were concerned, Knightmare just bowled the competition over. I would love to see a new series. If they could create a series of effects and designed dungeons from an amiga, just imagine what they could do with todays technology.
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Re:Any campaign ideas

Post by Mykell »

If a 9th series was to come about I don't think it would be a good idea to go virtual reality. I watched the videos of the VR pilot and sadly it didn't do much for me at all - a lot of the appeal of Knightmare are the advisors trying desperately to guide their adventurer through a trap-laden room within a short time-span.

This highlights that perfectly.

The format was perfect before. The old saying rings true for Knightmare - If it ain't broke don't fix it.
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Re:Any campaign ideas

Post by 37Herbie »

I agree that the advisorys where what made Knightmare. Where would we be without the hilarious, "Side-Step to the Right, No Le..."

Too late for the Dungeoneer :o
"Oh Dear, What a Pity, Never Mind"
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