NOTICE - The Final Two Issues of The Eye Shield

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NOTICE - The Final Two Issues of The Eye Shield

Post by Eyeshield »

The good news is that the final two issues of TES will be published on May 1st and July 1st 2011 as originally planned. The bad news is that they will both be somewhat shorter than originally planned. This is because they are both going to have to go up pretty much as they are right now, thanks to the fact that my life has been turned completely upside down over the past two months.

On Sunday March 13th 2011, Rosey and I were forced to deal with the sudden, unexpected and unexplainable loss of our mother, who suffered a massive brain haemorrhage in her sleep and died in hospital a few hours later. She was 58 years old. As you can imagine, life has been very strange and distressing for both of us since then. Our mum was not only our mum, but landlord and best friend to both of us, and neither of us has had very much spare time or inclination to do anything except deal with the fallout, both emotional and practical.

This is why I have decided to publish the final two issues of TES as they are (pretty much complete, barring a few potential contributions) so I'm sincerely sorry to anyone who was hoping to write anything new for either issue, but the TES mailbag has now closed for the final time. I am very keen to get the final two issues put to bed, and I am immensely proud of my ten years at the helm of The Eye Shield, but sadly the end now has to be in sight.

Look out for Issue 69 tomorrow, and thanks for reading!
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Re: NOTICE - The Final Two Issues of The Eye Shield

Post by HStorm »

Hey, Jake, my deepest sympathies to you and Rosey. The loss of a parent to illness is always a horrible shock, and I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that no apology is ever going to be necessary if the final couple of issues of TES don't quite prove to be 'epic'. You've done a splendid job of reviving the fanzine and keeping it running for a decade - I doubt many others would have been able to achieve that.
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Re: NOTICE - The Final Two Issues of The Eye Shield

Post by Canadanne »

Oh god, how awful! So sorry to hear about that, Jake. I'm glad you and Rosey at least have each other for support. Massive virtual hugs to both of you.
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Re: NOTICE - The Final Two Issues of The Eye Shield

Post by Eyeshield »

Rosey and I really appreciate your messages of support - thank you.
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Re: NOTICE - The Final Two Issues of The Eye Shield

Post by Pooka »

Sorry to hear that - I look forward to reading the issues, having been an avid reader since issue 1. Thanks for keeping it going.
Pooka - teacher, writer, comedian, musician, geek, and full-time Knightmarian.
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Re: NOTICE - The Final Two Issues of The Eye Shield

Post by Mystara »

Condolences to both of you.
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Re: NOTICE - The Final Two Issues of The Eye Shield

Post by LexLuthor »

Hi Jake. You have my sincerest condolences for your loss. I have just read Issue 69 (I was away this week-end, so couldn't get near a computer until today), and I enjoyed it as much as I have enjoyed all the issues I have read. Even though I didn't discover TES until fairly late on, I'm glad I found it in time to fully appreciate it and even contribute to it. Many thanks for all your hard work, and once again, my deepest sympathies for your loss.
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