Series 6 Episode 2

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Re:Series 6 Episode 2

Post by darkDescender »

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the episode discussion threads...

So, we begin with a missing sound effect in the opening titles before we resume the resumption of hostilities. Aftera scroll clue, team decides on Firestone and Moondust. A stormgit chases them into Beardovisio(tm) which leads to an encounter with Motters and Sackless. A wonderfull Demo of Magic for Dummies ensues and it's amazing just how innocently foolish Sackless actualy is. Sackless accidently summons a pooka and Motters Kills it with some fancy-pants talk and moondust. Sackless gifts SAMURAI spell as thanks and we move on. Spyglass sequence debuts Greystagg, who is surely the best witch ever. Much better than any of those posers in he-man. Not mentioning any names, of course. *coughsorceresscough* Anyway, Fear calls 'Ands a piece of walking detritus, which I find quite funny. I spend several minutes giggling like a schoolgirl. Then Fear lends a hand to the proceedings. Through Beardo to a room featuring 'Ands and 'is rope. After some lovely interaction on Matt's part, the SAMURAI is used to subdue 'Ands who parts with witch amber and a password. Are we still keeping up at the back, there? Good. Past the Dreadnaught with the big, deep, booming voice and into an intermission. Resume with the annoying witch who takes amber and gives aid. Team reaches causeway and I'm pretty sure they'll...Ah, Hell's bells! They fell. I think it was a rip-off. Maybe I'm biassed. Who cares? Team are sent home before Sumaya shows. Treguard tries to frighten her, and succeeds. And no, Gullible is not in the dictionary. At least as far as I know. Pickle the critic before Team choose shield and time out in tunnels with Sackless. I would vote for Matt in the 'Sexiest male dungeoneer/advisor' thread, but I won't, seeing as I'm not the sort of person who goes around pointlessly revving old threads.
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Re:Series 6 Episode 2

Post by Selphie »

"We've nothing powerful enough to save you Matt - run for it!" Brilliant! The hand was good and after that I always got slightly disappointed whenever the hand didn't come after then after a spyglass sequence ;). Better then the red eyes to terminate the sequence I think.

This team were good, yes I think they did overstep a bit on the causeway but I think they could have got away with it; it looked a bit odd how Matt's foot was slightly off the edge and then they filmed the death which looked silly the way he completely overbalanced. I wonder if there was a bit of the 'the first team can never win' mentality here? I can't see them being in losing status since I don't think they put a foot wrong (pun fully intended ;)) until that point. Shame they never made it to level 3, I liked them. The drumming before the death still makes me tense up because I know full well what's about to happen when it starts.
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Re: Series 6 Episode 2

Post by JamesA »

A moment after Lord Fear attempted to grab him:

Matt: "What.... what came after me?"
Team: "A hand."

Imagine potential dialogue in the next room!

Matt: "What.... what's coming for me now?"
Team: "Sylvester Hands!"
James Aukett
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Re: Series 6 Episode 2

Post by Canadanne »

I love the bit where Matt comes within a hair's breadth of swearing as he knocks something off the clue stump. *g*

Also amused by Sumayya's advisor telling her "Down below is a dropping. Where you can drop down." As opposed to a recently discarded horse dropping, or remnants thereof.
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Re: Series 6 Episode 2

Post by Morghanna »

Team 1 made rapid progress. Matt was a very astute dungeoneer, who really got involved.
Several firsts in this episode:
First ever appearance of Sidriss, in the presence of Motley.
Also the first appearance of the elegant witch Greystagg, dealing tentatively with Lord Fear. Neat touch where his hand materialises and reaches after Matt. Reminiscent of Mogdred's debut way back in S2.

They dealt with Hands easily and then used his password to get past the Dreadnort.
First appearance of Heggatty and again, they dealt with the situation very efficiently.

Then on the level 2 causeway they met a very sudden demise. 8-o It's notable how this team were extremely competent at everything, except the causeways. They had a let-off on the level 1 causeway and then took a fall from the one in the level 2. Such a shame because they looked like real contenders and were also a very likeable team.

Team 2 just had time to choose the shield quest and encounter Sidriss before time ran-out.
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Re: Series 6 Episode 2

Post by JamesA »

Morghanna wrote: 04 Sep 2020, 18:47 Then on the level 2 causeway they met a very sudden demise. 8-o It's notable how this team were extremely competent at everything, except the causeways. They had a let-off on the level 1 causeway and then took a fall from the one in the level 2. Such a shame because they looked like real contenders and were also a very likeable team.

I've always maintained that Team 1 could have been genuine winners, had it not been for those causeways.

In my personal opinion, Matt is one of the best ever dungeoneers to have graced the show and his interaction with the characters during his quest was superb. Reza, Ben and John were all decent and quick-thinking advisors as well. Definitely deserved an attempt at Level 3 at the very least.
James Aukett
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Re: Series 6 Episode 2

Post by Morghanna »

The previous time that i watched this episode, i didn't particularly notice the pose and funny walk as they departed. ;D
Yes, this was a very enthusiastic and competent team.
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