The KM Top 10 of Everything

Series, Teams, History, Behind the scenes etc. - all discussed here.
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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by GrimaldineGrimwold »

Does anyone else remember the thread where we made the KM christmas song? Someone dig it up quick! That's the kind of thing that needs to go in the archives - perhaps we could do a new song this year?
Hmm, whoever originally started such a song must be a hugely original and talented person. It sounds a great idea. ;)

I dug around in the old threads. Some of them are a bit dirty and a few were covered with gunk from Mildread's cauldron, but unless there was another song, I guess this is the thread you mean:

*blows dust off a piece of faded parchment* ... 836;start=

Perhaps if you want to discuss it or start a new song you could start a new thread so this one can remain on topic, please?
"Sometimes of the Grey, but always of the Green, dearie. Shurrup Brollachan! Have you seen Festus, my dear? I need to take him back to Cornwall. " [cackle]
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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by Cull »

In regards to the comments about Barry's quest - I wish I remembered that one now! I do recall it being a good finish off to Season 7, but aside from that it's one I'd REALLY have to rewatch (which'll probably be a while, knowing Challege? :roll: ).
Simons team arent half as bad as some ERHMM Douglas series 3 and Akash series 2 etc.
Aw... don't knock Akash! It wasn't his fault his advisors were the worst advisors ever! (A Bulldozer indeed!) I swear that had he been on his own (i.e. no advisors), he probably could have got even further than he ended up! ;)
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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by lordfearisafox »

Top 5 favourite characters:

5. Gwen - girl power
4. Hordriss - cool hair - top actor
3. Pickle - again, great actor, kinda watered down the atmosphere in a good way when i got too scared as a kid, felt like your pal
2. Treguard, obviously, there can be no other dungeon master
1. Lord Fear - hence my forum name. Just has that whole powerful, 'dominant one' thang going on. (Don't ask....)
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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by GrimaldineGrimwold »

1. Lord Fear - hence my forum name. Just has that whole powerful, 'dominant one' thang going on. (Don't ask....)
LOL. Nice list, by the way!

Top 10 Quests I Wish Teams Had Been Sent On - Treguard has enough crowns retrieved already, and I think it'd encourage him to take more care of things if kids didn't go off retrieving them all the time. Here are the quests I'd send the brats on instead. I hope you'll agree that at least some of them are worthy causes.

10. The Quest To Get Brother Strange A Life. The guy wanders around tunnels. In his vaguely more interesting incarnation, he wanders around tunnels collecting proverbs. He needs help, Team.
9. The Quest To Lock The Maid Up Never To Be Seen Again. The teams who had to free one of the maids but failed miserably had the right idea, but sadly the evil wenches managed to escape captivity. Thus I charge you and your friends to take this annoying piece of dungeon trash and lock her in the deepest catacomb where noone will ever have the misfortune of finding her.
8. The Quest To Get Mildread A Makeover. Poor misunderstood Mildread. If you were ugly and warty with grey skin, and thus noone invited you to parties or asked you out on a date, wouldn't you turn to such misdeeds as impersonating other, more attractive people and attempting to make soup out of such good-looking specimens? In the name of Truth and Justice, seek out a stylist and beautician (since they've all appeared on our screens recently, random chance suggests at least one must have been in the dungeons in the late 1980s) and get her the help she needs.
7. The Quest To Slay Pickle's Barber. Justice demands his crimes be punished!
6. The Quest To Destroy Mrs. G's Fake Nose. It's developed a life of its own, has escaped the props box and is running rampage!
5.  The Quest To Hide Elita's Voice Somewhere Where No-one Will Ever Find It. Note to teams- if she ever loses it and you happen across it, forget your quest and find some place to hide said evil entity. Merlin's beard is possibly a good hiding place.
4. The Quest To Destroy The Eye Shield And Reach Wand. "These objects were created by the Dark Lord Sauron someone and will bring evil abject boredom upon the world audience unless they can be unmade. The only place they can be safely destroyed is deep in Mordor Level 3. Go now, fair hobbit horrid 12 year old, and know that on your quest you'll have the aid of the Lords of Men, Elves and Dwarves three other 12 year olds."  
3. The Quest To Find Velda's Acting Ability. She's obviously lost it somewhere!
2. The Quest To Arrange A Date With Lillith For Treguard. Don't tell me there wasn't an attraction between them!
1. The Quest To Throw A Custard Pie In Mogdred's Face. Oh come on, how fabulous would it be? In the final confrontation, just as he's talking about looking upon him and quailing and whatever, team spellcasts PIE and a huge animated pie flies across the screen and hits him square in the face. I'd love to see his reaction, too.

Yes, I'm a bitch. Narrowly missing the cut were the Quest To Throw Casper The Key Off A Ledge and the Quest To Enforce Brother Mace's New Slimming Regime.  
Last edited by GrimaldineGrimwold on 31 Oct 2003, 22:11, edited 1 time in total.
"Sometimes of the Grey, but always of the Green, dearie. Shurrup Brollachan! Have you seen Festus, my dear? I need to take him back to Cornwall. " [cackle]
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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by lordfearisafox »

The thing about Pickle's hair - so true, my Dad is always on about setting it alight. He is so mean.....

I have another quest to add to your list;

No.11: Quest to capture Lord Fear and drag him back to Julie's lair where we.....(and so forth)  ;)

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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by Cull »

How about "The quest to take a bar of soap down to Level 2 to clean Cedric's dirty mouth"? :)
Last edited by Cull on 31 Oct 2003, 23:25, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by GrimaldineGrimwold »

Hehe, those are good. :)

After saying earlier today how we shouldn't feel bad about mentioning some of the things we didn't like in KM, I thought I'd exercise that right with my:

Top 10 Cringeworthy Things in Knightmare - the things that just unnerve or annoy me, or that I wish I could forget, hide, or go back in time and unmake. These are my opinions only. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of other Grimwolds.

10. Scenes Using Reach. - They bore me so much.
9. When The Life Force Pie Cake Quiche Comes On Screen. - Obviously.
8. When Snapper Jack Talks. - He looks fitting enough, it's just when he opens his mouth.
7. John Woodnutt Spellcasting. - He does it so slowly! It's like he's trying to grab every second of screen time he can get away with by saying the letters really slowly. It's lucky as Merlin he had spells like VIM which were pretty short. If he'd had more of the length of something like REJUVENATE it'd have taken hours. As Merlin, the way he waves his silly little wand around while saying every single letter annoys me too.
6. Olaf's Accent. - While I think he acted certain other roles well, that accent just makes me cringe.
5. John Woodnutt Pushing Dungeoneers Out Of The Way. - I watched a few bits the other day, and there's one poor child he pushes pretty darn firmly to one side so he's fully in shot to deliver his lines and spellcast really s-l-o-w--l----y! Yes, make the best shot, but don't hurt the darling kidsies in the process.    
4. Some Of Smirkenorff's Flights. Some look great, but there's some that look really icky so you can't tell whether the strangely coloured thing in the background is land, sea or sky. Some of the colouring is just weird. Red grass just doesn't do anything for me.
3. Captain Nemanor. - Not sure if it's the accent, the acting or the ridiculous hat, really. The "lightning rod" scene is one I find particularly excruciating.
2. Velda Firing Her Crossbow. - You all expected me to put her acting in this list, but I'm having a day off mentioning it. Her crossbow bolts were, however, pretty terribly animated. As someone else has said elsewhere, surely the bolts shouldn't be bigger than the crossbow.
1. End of Series 4. - Specifically, the Christmas scene. I just can't watch it.  
"Sometimes of the Grey, but always of the Green, dearie. Shurrup Brollachan! Have you seen Festus, my dear? I need to take him back to Cornwall. " [cackle]
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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by Dan »

1. End of Series 4. - Specifically, the Christmas scene. I just can't watch it.  
Agreed... which is a shame, because this episode and in particular the last 5 minutes or so BEFORE the christmassy bit is just about the best part of Series 4 ;-)
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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by Emii »

Yay for the KM song! I could start another...or is it too early for that? Perhaps a Bonfire Night poem...yes! I shall start this now!

Lol...ah Knightmare. The only place where an elf can aim a crossbow and fire a torpedo.
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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by Cull »

Agreed... which is a shame, because this episode and in particular the last 5 minutes or so BEFORE the christmassy bit is just about the best part of Series 4 ;-)
I say they should have spent that 5 minutes letting the team get through the Transporter puzzle, then find their quest object in the next room. They sure as heck deserved it!

* another pet peeve of post S3 - no "pick up bits of your quest along the way to remind you what your quest is" stuff.

GG - you don't like Olaf? I found his exagerated accent quite amusing... even if just for mockery value. :) Though you can't knock Treguards "Scandinavian Tourist" accent!
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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by Cull »

(Gah! Double post! Bad Cull! X_x )

Well, it's not what I said I was going to do, but I thought I'd shove in my list of "Top 15 Dungeoneer Deaths". I tried cutting it down to 10, but felt I had a few extra I wanted in the list so chucked them in too. ;) I thought about doing this as an overall "means of death", but some individual instances stick out more than others for me.

15 - Skarkill (S5.2)
As I said in the S5 episode thread about this death, I did feel it was a bit of bad luck and misfortune on the team for "hurriedly grabbing" the wrong item. Plus they try so hard to plea their way out of Skarkill's hands, yet are pretty much doomed from the moment Skarkill reaches them. You just feel so sorry for those guys!

14 - Sylvester Hands (S6.4)
Okay, so the "death" itself isn't such a great one. But to see the skull from the original Life Force just when you thought it had gone forever really knocks this death up a notch!

13 - B&T (S4.4)
For giving us the whole "Sidestep to your left!" joke. ;D Plus it's so sudden and hilarious that you can't help but join Treguard in laughing... even the advisors seem to be holding themselves back from laughing!

12 - Cedric (S2.7)
Hooray! Cedric gets a kill! It's one of those deaths that you wonder about... "what would happen if Cedric got his way with a dungeoneer?", and here it is - Quarterstaff practice where only Cedric gets a staff.

11 - Dividing Rod Room (S2.8)
Maybe not a great one to a lot of people, but it's one that's stuck with me in memory since the first time I saw it. It's one that gave me a real sense of "Well, let's see them get out of this mess then!"

10 - Life Force Expire (S2.12)
Another of those deaths you want to see... the Life Force expiring. And that's precisely how this team died. True, it was because they didn't get Merlin's magic (probably a spell like ENERGY to restore the Life Force), but the fact that they died this way makes this death a special one to me.

9 - Thin Causeway (S3.6)
Another one that's stayed with me since I first saw it. The long, tense trip Ross takes along that causeway is real edge-of-your-seat stuff, and having watched them work their way through Level 2 throughout the episode makes you want them to make it. and then at the last moment they fall, and the way the LF skull pops out fo the bottom of the screen - what a finish!

8 - COB (S8.2)
It was hard to think of which COB death stood out the most, but I think we can all agree the "red paint" of the S8 team makes it stand out (in more ways than one!). I do feel it's a bit unfair, as the impression was made that "if you don't have the Insight spell/potion, you're scuppered", which is a load of rubbish considering how others have done okay without such spells, so it feels that however well they did here they would have died... sorry, I'm rabbiting on here. :) Either way, classic example of how the COB can finish of both good and bad quests.

7 - Morghana (S3.11)
It's not so much the means of death here, but more the urgency of the situation. I've watch this team time and time again (they're one of my favourites), and every time they're at this point I want one of the advisors to yell "Martin! Run forwards!!!! NOW!!!!". A sad end to a fine quest that IMHO deserved to win!

6 - Dreadnought (S6.2)
Say what you like about the S6-7 Life Force, but it's used to it's best here. The music really adds tension to the "that's it, we're boned" situation, and the way Dreadnought utters "WITH NO WORD... YOU HAVE REACHED JOURNEY'S END..." sends a chill down your spine, and another as the Skeleton LF sequence appears and crumbles before your eyes...

5 - Merlin's Room (S3.9)
You want them to make it. You really do. And he does make it. It's just that follow up step when he stands which makes you grab your head in your hands and shout "nooooooooooooooooo!" as he tumbles into the abyss...

4 - Dark Wellway (S1.1)
Yep, the first ever death had to have a place in here. The way the "dark" version of the Knightmare theme gets used here is brilliant stuff... another spine-tingler.

3 - Ariadne (S4.3)
Yep, another spine tingler. It's the crunching noise that does it. :)

2 - Ghost Sword (S3.2)
Sword hits, Chris, Life Force gets put on Fast Forward. You pretty much see his entire life get drained out of him! Top stuff!

1 - Medusa (S2.3)
And my top one is this one... the Medusa. The eerie sound effects in the background add to the sense that the team have lost, and you've gotta love the advisors getting turned to stone too! This is one of those deaths where I can't help but rewind and rewatch every time I watch it!
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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by Fidjit »

Cull! Exactly how long did it take you to write all of that...
If the only way is onward how would you get home for tea?? :-/
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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by Snowcat »

Hope he's on Broadband 'cause I'd HATE to see the phone bil otherwise!!

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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by lordfearisafox »

What can I say - Cull, you are so top! I was entertained just reading that list - oh the memories!  :D

Hey - got two spyglass moments for the price of one tonight! ;)
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Re: The KM Top 10 of Everything

Post by GrimaldineGrimwold »

I really like that list, Cull. I could comment on individual cases, but I think I might follow your example and do a similar list. :D
"Sometimes of the Grey, but always of the Green, dearie. Shurrup Brollachan! Have you seen Festus, my dear? I need to take him back to Cornwall. " [cackle]
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