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Re: Favourite Baddie

Post by SrWilson3S »

Lord fear was more a comedian to me he was just too funny hes my fave as a baddie who entertains me.
But for actually being bad then Mogdread and Morghanna are mine  both of them killed off dungeoneers.

They arent really main baddies but did anyone else find Assassins kinda creepy just the fact they said nothing and held the knife almost mike myers style hehe. and the music  oooooooh creepy.
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mordred, morgana or malice?

Post by knightmaredave »

so which one?? i prefered mordrerd he killed quite a few in his tiome and was more scary malice waqs silly she had no influencin the dungeon (althogh she did do a very good job at chasing dickons team and sending them into blades and the falling bridge they finally got rid of the evil bitch!!!
i liked morgana she was reponsible for level 3 dewtyhs in s 3 (i liked th ooh verynasty off treguard but did not like the fact there was only 1 gong in ther death full rapid skull would have  been asppropriate!!! at a far pace!!
mogdred frightened me!!!!
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Re: mordred, morgana or malice?

Post by HStorm »

Malice I think, although none of them were particularly well written. Mogdred was superbly performed by John Woodnutt, and that arguably disguised how hoky his dialogue was ("Quail, intruder!", "you cannot stand before my power!" Phhhwwwaaaaauugghhh!!). Morghanna we didn't see nearly enough of, so no personality really developed at all. Malice at least appeared frequently and did a few different things, so even though she just seemed to have Mogdred's powers and Hordriss' dialogue, at least that was something.
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Re: mordred, morgana or malice?

Post by Drassil »

Mogdred scared me as well! Even writing about him makes me a little nervous. Except that in retrospect, his name makes him sound like a spooky cat. (I think that the 'Series 3 Cat Puzzle' should have been called 'The Moggies Of Dread' as a tribute!)

The Series 3 scene with Morghanna sending the floating axe after the Dungeoneer is one of my favourites from all the Knightmare I have seen.
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Re: mordred, morgana or malice?

Post by knightmaredave »

yeah the floating axe was eraly good and veryunderused!!!!
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Re: mordred, morgana or malice?

Post by JamesA »

I definitely say that Mogdred was the cream of the crop, especially with all his dialect.
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Re: mordred, morgana or malice?

Post by Drassil »

I also remember that I'd never heard the words 'quail' and 'pledge', before hearing Mogdred use them at the age of 7. (As in, I was 7, not Mogdred.)
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Re: mordred, morgana or malice?

Post by HStorm »

(Thanks Drass, I promise you we figured it out!   ;D)

I can't agree about Mogdred's dialect. He was like the arch-villain in a million US adventure cartoons. He was scarier than Lord Fear, I acknowledge, but that was because John Woodnutt was absolutely terrific in the part. It was really Woodnutt who was so terrifying, not Mogdred. In the cold light of day, Mog's dialogue was a pathetic, pooey pile o' pants, and he'd have been useless if he'd been played by practically any other actor.
Last edited by HStorm on 26 Dec 2003, 01:02, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: mordred, morgana or malice?

Post by Skarkill »

Malice by far.

She was better writen.

She was in my oppinion very thretaning.

She was not a walk behinder like Morgana.

She was not a cheesy Bad Guy Sterotype Like Mogred
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Re: mordred, morgana or malice?

Post by Drassil »

In the cold light of day, Mog's dialogue was a pathetic, pooey pile o' pants, and he'd have been useless if he'd been played by practically any other actor.
This raises an interesting point; a lot of us, when we first watched Knightmare, didn't do so in 'the cold light of day', but in the autumn twilight (with or without curtains drawn, lights off, etc.); and retrospect, often via this Forum, is a useful way of thinking about what it all meant. Back in the 80s, I had no developed concept of cliche or generic arch-villainy; but now, in whatever year this is, it's easier for me to appreciate that Mogdred was unoriginal and hackneyed in some ways.
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Re: mordred, morgana or malice?

Post by HStorm »

It was much the same for me back then. I had a regular diet of US cartoons and very little else at the time, so with Megatron, Cy-Kill, Mumm-Ra, Miles Mayhem and the rest to feed my imagination, it never crossed my mind that a bad guy could ever be anything more than an power-mad egomaniac with a neverending supply of diabolical laughs.

Nowadays I've encountered all sorts of much more complex villains in countless novels and more mature television shows (not to mention Mogdred's own successor), and it all puts Mogs into a very sad perspective.
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Re: mordred, morgana or malice?

Post by Skarkill »


Mogred was just there to server as a evil force in the dungeon he had no real character.

Morgana main function in the dungeon was as Mogred's Henchwoman and that was about it, and with only two apperences she never made much Impact realy.

Malice was the only one of the three as I said earlyer who had her own character. She could be helpful or as in Dickren's case a ver threterning presencs to dungeoneers and there quests. She also unlike Morgana seemd to be a rival to Mogred instead of a lacky.

Its a shame they didn't carry the character forward and we got stuck with "Old Icy Knickers" Acandra. Urgggh she was worse then Mogred and Morgana Combined.
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Re: mordred, morgana or malice?

Post by HStorm »

Well, they didn't retain Malice simply because the actress (Sam Perkins I think her name was) left after one season.

What I found refreshing about her, or at least a bit different, was her dealings were so much more ambiguous than Mogdred's. Even when Mogs was trying to turn a dungeoneer, there was never any doubt that his purposes were evil, and that it was an unequal bargain.

With Malice, there were times when she would make a deal with a dungeoneer with no strings attached. Hardly any of those dreary "swear loyalty unto me" oaths of allegiance or other such nonsense, it was just "do me one favour and I will reward you once, and that'll be the end of it." Made her more adaptable, and a more challenging character to read.

It's just a pity that once again the dialogue was a bit cheesy. She even directly paraphrased Hordriss on numerous occasions, and it's distracting enough when characters recycle their own dialogue from quest-to-quest let alone someone else's.
Last edited by HStorm on 30 Dec 2003, 05:23, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: mordred, morgana or malice?

Post by HStorm »

Hey, re-reading this thread, I've just noticed a preoccupation with arch-villains in 80's kids shows and the letter "M"!

Mogdred, Morghanna, Malice, Megatron, Mumm-Ra, Miles Mayhem... even Ming the Merciless was brought back to be the bad guy in Defenders of the Earth. Can anyone think of any others?
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Re: mordred, morgana or malice?

Post by Drassil »

Mary Whitehouse.  ;D
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