Knightmare Lexicon

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Re: Update

Post by Mashibinbin »

For me personally, I'm happy for the Lexicon to stay in its current format which is both functional and easy to use in my opinion. I don't know how much time such an unwarranted transfer would take but I heartily applaud those willing to undertake it!
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Re: Knightmare Lexicon - 10 years

Post by Drassil »

On 25th October 2004, Forester wrote:Sorry I really shouldn't be plugging like this but what the hell....

IKM (Interactive Knightmare) now has a new feature entitled "Lexicon". It's rather obviously a Knightmare Lexicon designed to provide a dictionary / encyclopedia style reference to everything even remotely related to Knightmare.
Happy 10th birthday to the Lexicon. Maintained and contributed to for an entire decade, its 1000-plus entries are continuing proof that Knightmare devotees don't know the meaning of the phrase 'too much information'. ;) Thank you very much to Forester for creating it.
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Re: Knightmare Lexicon

Post by pjmlfc05 »

I concur with Drassil. Happy birthday to the Lexicon. A fantastic bed of Knightmare information and I always enjoy exploring it.

Thank you to Forester for creating this.
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Re: Knightmare Lexicon - 10 years

Post by Canadanne »

Aww, happy birthday Lexicon! We love you! Thanks Forester. :)
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Re: Knightmare Lexicon

Post by Mashibinbin »

Don't know how this skipped me by. Thanks to Forester from me too and to David as well for really unearthing some fascinating thoughts and perspectives covering at least two thirds of all entries there.
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Re: Knightmare Lexicon

Post by EvelynMason »

I looked on the main website for it but it doesn't seem to be there. It was an A-Z of Knightmare, a glossary of characters, items and such that you could find out requisite series information. A good learning experience but been a while since last viewed and can't recall a great many of it right now. :-/

Just seen the thread goes back a number of years and maybe there's something outdated that is no longer in use. Sorry I seem to be struggling a bit here but it can be tricky to navigate the pages at times or find specifically what you're after. Pay no notice. ???
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Re: Knightmare Lexicon

Post by Drassil »

Mashibinbin wrote: 13 Oct 2020, 16:27 Don't know how this skipped me by. Thanks to Forester from me too and to David as well for really unearthing some fascinating thoughts and perspectives covering at least two thirds of all entries there.
Thank you, Robin. It's been an enjoyable 16-year pursuit for me and I hope I've helped to build the Lexicon into something useful both to casual watchers and to people who care about their Knightmare projects being accurate and informative.

Credit also to Jake Collins who kindly took me up on my suggestion to cross-post his articles from The Eyeshield to the Lexicon, plugging many significant gaps in the process.
EvelynMason wrote: 23 Oct 2020, 20:33 I looked on the main website for it but it doesn't seem to be there. It was an A-Z of Knightmare, a glossary of characters, items and such that you could find out requisite series information. A good learning experience but been a while since last viewed and can't recall a great many of it right now. :-/

Just seen the thread goes back a number of years and maybe there's something outdated that is no longer in use. Sorry I seem to be struggling a bit here but it can be tricky to navigate the pages at times or find specifically what you're after. Pay no notice. ???
One way to find the Lexicon in its current location is by searching 'Knightmare Lexicon'. You can also use this link:

Forester, as webmaster of Interactive Knightmare, should be able to help anyone who wants to contribute to the Lexicon but is having technical problems doing so.
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