Worst team

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Worst team

Post by JoeGrocottJames »

What does everyone think is the worst team ever on Knightmare? I will say Series 1 team 2 (I have only seen series 7 and 8, so this is based on what is on the site only). Why on earth did they only take one item from the clue room? Were they told to do this? If not, then there was absolutely no reason why they shouldn't have taken a second item.
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Re: Worst team

Post by Trial_by_Spikes »

It certainly is a very perculiar thing to do. They must be the only team to have done this.
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Re: Worst team

Post by Golgarach »

I would say Douglas' team in Series 3. They were poor from start to finish. Lost life force at the scorpion, only scored one with the Brangwen, and didn't mention the snake behind Motley. They deserved to be blown up!  ;D
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Re: Worst team

Post by Malefact »

There's also my personal favourite - series 2, team 5. 'Nuff said!  :)

(Is it possible to mess up a quest as much as that?!)
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Re: Worst team

Post by rachelesque »

you're going to hate me because i haven't got a series reference for it... it was a lillith death, so 2 or 3 i think.

anyway, akash (sp?), the guy who needed a truth spell to even get one right with the wall monster (or his team did).  rumour has it that that scene to get the spell was put in later so that the team didn't die in the first room.  not much help, they died in the second.  one of the shortest quests ever and IMO, the worst.
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Re: Worst team

Post by JoeGrocottJames »

But at least these others took 2 items from the clue room - that is why (from not seeing them - and there were not many quests that looked like that in later series, the closest being series 8, team 1) I choose this quest. Can anybody confirm that this team were allowed to take 2 objects as normal?
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Re: Worst team

Post by JamesA »

Akash's team: Series 2, Team 6
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Re: Worst team

Post by Fidjit »

Golgarach is right, that Douglas was pretty lame, I saw it all happen and thought why did I waste my time watching this loser
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Re: Worst team

Post by Malefact »

Ah, yes. Series 2 team 6 (not team 5 which is what I said).

You really couldn't f*** up a quest more than that!  ;D
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Re: Worst team

Post by Pooka »

I agree with Rachel - Akash's team were really dense. How did they get past the audition? Maybe it was nerves, but it was just a poor quest.

Duncan Sales in Series 5 - god, that was also a very, very weak quest indeed.

Also, the first team ever were quite thick - I can't believe they died by going left...

...and on that note, let's not forget: "Simon - sidestep to your left..."
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Re: Worst team

Post by Lowebo »

Makes me ashamed to come from Wales  :-[ On positive side, half welsh so im half sane  ::)
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Re: Worst team

Post by JoeGrocottJames »

Why does nobody else mention mine - they only took one item, but both of the other major contendors (Akash and Douglas) took two items, so that was why I chose this one. As for the first ever team, they went left in the corridor of the catacombs,  I think that the left door was correct in this case because of the talisman symbol. Treguard said "You should have taken the magic lamp while you had the chance. It would have been enough to have remembered the symbol", which would suggest that they should have taken the ruby (for Lillith) and the magic lamp and noted the symbol on the talisman (the talisman itself was no use, only the symbol was used) and gone left. I don't think that the left door was completely wrong if Treguard said "...have remembered the symbol" - the only error was in the choice of objects and that the magic lamp should then have been used.
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Re: Worst team

Post by Lowebo »

True - so basically stupid ;) lol!! Welcome me to Level 2 ppl!! Down the wellway - ooh! Mrs G!
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Re: Worst team

Post by JamesA »

Series 8 Team 5 =  absolutely no sense of direction
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Re: Worst team

Post by beamrider2600 »

Series 8 Team 1 seamed pretty pathetic from what I've read.

What was that one that sidestepped the wrong direction and went strait into the pit? That was a laugh. ;D
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