Knightmare Audio Series: Series 2 Episode 9

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Knightmare Audio Series: Series 2 Episode 9

Post by GranitasIsCute »

The ninth episode of the new series is now available to download and listen to at :)

It is also available on our YouTube channel at

Can Michael and friends conquer all and win? Listen to find out...

The Knightmare Audio Series features the thrilling gameplay from the show lovingly re-created in audio form. If you haven't heard it yet, give it a try and let us know what you think! :)

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Re: Knightmare Audio Series: Series 2 Episode 9

Post by GranitasIsCute »

Passing on Jake Eyeshield Collins' musings on the latest episode:

"When a new episode is released, I always enjoy my second listen more than my first because I can't help listening over-critically the first time. Generally, the more uncertain I feel after my first listen about whether the episode is a true classic, the more I end up liking it after I’ve heard it two or three times. Episode 9 actually sounds really great (sometimes because of the voices, sometimes because of the editing, and sometimes a total mix of these aspects) and I feel confident in saying that clearly it is one of the all-time classics.

Getting the right balance of tense music and sounds when a team is in level 3 is not an easy thing to do, and I think Ross has become very adept at judging how and when to include these effects. The dark room was a scene that I think could have fallen rather flat (as the total darkness had to be coaxed into the mind of the listener in just the same way as things the team can actually see) and the atmospheric undertones here are just perfect to create the right effect. It really sounds as though Mikey is groping about in the dark, which is quite an achievement when the audience can never actually see what is (or isn’t) going on.

Including a new Knightmare puzzle or trap is always a gamble: is it going to sound good in audio or not? I’ve often had doubts about including the Corridor of Blades, but now I think the decision to do so was a sound one. Here is an important tip: listen to this scene with headphones to get the full effect of where the blades are in relation in Mikey, and how they relate to Alec’s instructions. This should conjure up some pleasing mental images for you.

Speaking of gambles, you never know when what’s written in the script, how the actors have interpreted it, and how Ross has put it together will all come together in a glorious single piece of audio brilliance. Happily it does sometimes happen, and I think the moment when Maldame wakes up is definitely one of the best pieces of audio imagery we’ve ever created. You can tell exactly what’s happening from the advisors’ reactions long before Abi actually tells Mikey what is going on, and that is a brilliant effect to achieve in our humble little project.

Also, I’m loving the sound of Team 7. Our three new boys (Mike, Euan and Ricky) who are joining Rosey for this team all have something new and unique to add to the vocal variety of the series. I particularly like Mike’s “Home Counties” interpretation of the dungeoneer’s lines, and Euan’s voice has an earthy, natural quality that I find extremely appealing."
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Re: Knightmare Audio Series: Series 2 Episode 9

Post by TheOldenDays »

We've had a lot of fun making the series over the past 6 years, but what do I really think of it? Find out now in Jake's Throwback Reviews!

Episode: Series 2, Episode 9
Original Release Date: 20th December 2014
Throwback Review Date: 11th April 2016
Score: 5 out of 5 (brilliant)

The Good: I stand by the five-paragraph essay I wrote in response to this episode when it first came out – I really do think it's something special. The Level 3 tension is evoked extremely well, the dark room scene is realised very effectively, the Corridor of Blades makes its triumphant debut, and the final scene with Maldame is my favourite conclusion to a winning quest so far.

Mike Tyson, Euan Russell and Ricky Temple all bring something unique to Ben's team. The first few minutes of this quest are extremely pleasing to the ear, and the intriguing situation with Velda sets up the events of the next episode rather well.

The Bad: We could have done with a “magic cannot help you this time” type of comment to explain why the team never considered casting the STEALTH spell to get past the miremen. Perhaps a sound effect for Hordriss's energising magic would have been a good idea.

Conclusion: Two brilliant-sounding teams, plenty of great Level 3 action, and a nice teaser for next time. This is another contender for my favourite episode of all.
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