Best ad lib

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Best ad lib

Post by Malefact »

OK, what does everyone think is the best?

A very good one was the last team in series 6 after Elita has finished rummaging around in a trunk and the team decide to investigate it...

Pickle : "I don't think you'll find anything of value in there."

Treguard : "Not if Elita's been through it!"


But then, of course, there's the best ad lib of all...

"Oooooh, nasty!"
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Re: Best ad lib

Post by JamesA »

Why, Lord Fear's "GOBLIN FODDER" of course  ;D
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Re: Best ad lib

Post by GrimaldineGrimwold »

But then, of course, there's the best ad lib of all...

"Oooooh, nasty!"
That's absolutely the best ad lib, in my view!

Hugo M. seems to have come up with a great deal of the memorable ad libs. He always seemed to have the right thing to say at the right time. He never seems lost for words. Some of his lines when teams die, whether scripted or not, are just fabulous. It's just one example of his fabulous performance. I mean, having to present to camera, interact with other characters, narrate, help direct the teams, plus the set pieces with Pickle and Majida. And all of it in character, much of it unscripted. Just amazing, really.
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Re: Best ad lib

Post by Debz_g »

I totally agree!! Hugo Myatt is an amazing and completely natural actor. Ooh Nasty is absolute genius and it was not scripted at all, I do not think that there is one of us who does not associate Ooh Nasty as one of the most defining quotes from KM.
To be the only remaining character from the beginning, to stay on a show for eight years, entertaining children without loosing their attention and keeping up the that is a talented actor!
And they say never work with children or animals...well Hugo worked with children and a range of strange creatures, I think he deserves a medal!! *Sigh* A top bloke!  ;D
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Re: Best ad lib

Post by Thanatos »

Myatt's best one of all:

When Majida gave Maldame one of her many incorrect names (e.g. Brass Knickers) and described her incoherently, she then asked Treguard if she'd got it right, to which he replied, "Give or take a few intriguing variations on the English language, yes."
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Re: Best ad lib

Post by Purgatory »

whats a Ad lib?  :-/
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Re: Best ad lib

Post by GrimaldineGrimwold »

whats a Ad lib?  :-/
Something spoken or performed without having prepared the words beforehand. :)
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Re: Best ad lib

Post by JamesA »

I think I definitely have to give Hugo credit there  ;)
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Re: Best ad lib

Post by Emii »

I still think Pickle's "If you ask me - you didn't ask me...*sulk*" was brilliant! But yes - max credit to HM for ad lib :D

2 thumbs way, way up!
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Re: Best ad lib

Post by Malefact »

I've just found another one (series 6 again!):

The end of one of the spy glass sequences and LF's giant hand comes down to grab 'em and Treguard says "Lord Fear's playing his hand!"

;D ;D ;D
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Re: Best ad lib

Post by Debz_g »

I'm just re-watching series 5 in prep for next weeks series 5 discussion and some of Pickle's ad-libs had me in stitches.
Just thought I would mention two of them.

After Team 1 finally exchange Brother Mace's bag of coins for a spy glass, (It takes them forever to pluck up the courage to  hand it to Julius Scaramonger!) Pickle turns around to Treguard and says: "The barter system is alive and well Master!"
And then of course there is my favourite. I have mentioned it before and no doubt I will mention it again! Pickle's "I say you lot...Bog Off!" It gets me everytime I watch it!
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Re: Best ad lib

Post by GrimaldineGrimwold »

I'm just re-watching series 5 in prep for next weeks series 5 discussion and some of Pickle's ad-libs had me in stitches.
Just thought I would mention two of them.

After Team 1 finally exchange Brother Mace's bag of coins for a spy glass, (It takes them forever to pluck up the courage to  hand it to Julius Scaramonger!) Pickle turns around to Treguard and says: "The barter system is alive and well Master!"
And then of course there is my favourite. I have mentioned it before and no doubt I will mention it again! Pickle's "I say you lot...Bog Off!" It gets me everytime I watch it!
I was really interested in your interview with David Learner, Debz. He really seems to have thought quite a lot about how to play the character, to have taken it very seriously. And the viewers are rewarded with things like that last one you mention which really flowed from this characterisation. He had a lot of interesting points to make on other topics too, but they probably belong on another thread. :)
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Re: Best ad lib

Post by Debz_g »

Yes indeedy! He was amazing to interview as he seemed to sort of "Perk up" as soon as the camera was on.  
Something that's said in Knightmare, which can seem so insignificant at the time, can turn out to be one of the defining moments in the programme. According to Hugo, no one was saying Bog Off much at the time, so he credits Knightmare as having another first and starting off the trend, which was nice!  ;D
But when David remembers these catchphrases that he is noted as saying in both KM and HHGG, he seems a bit embarrased about it, as people come up to him and ask him to say "Bog Off" or "I think you ought to know I am feeling rather depressed." But he wouldn't change it for the world, because like everyone else involved in KM, he remembers it so fondly. They all seem to have such a great time making it, and what I wouldnt give to be a fly on the wall during filming!
I'm glad you liked the interviews, they were certainly a great experience to film!  :)
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Re: Best ad lib

Post by Pooka »

Barry: "Sylvester?"
Sly: "What?"
Barry: "If you were really strong, you could capture both of us, you see..."
Sly: "Yeah... well..."
Barry: *leaning casually against the barrier* Well, this is a strength potion, you see...
Sly: "Is it beer?"
Barry: "Well, it's almost... tastes like beer, you see..."
Sly: "Well... I dunno..."
Barry: "Well what's the point? It's got no alcohol in it, so..."
Sly: "Well, if it's got no alcohol in it, I'm not interested then..."

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Re: Best ad lib

Post by Debz_g »

Barry again! Genius!!  ;D
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