Parody of Don't Look Back in Anger by Oasis

Knightmare-related musical parodies
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Parody of Don't Look Back in Anger by Oasis

Post by Drassil »

Based on the Oasis song Don't Look Back in Anger (1996) from their album (What's the Story) Morning Glory?. Not to be confused with their concept album about Series 3 Team 4 on Level 3: (What's the Story) Mogdred GLORY. Official video

Staring at the life force as pie
Do you ask yourself why
They never kept the face?
Knapsacks were once just for food
And nothing else should intrude
Oh it's a disgrace

Now the teams come running in, I'm in a rage
Why does Treguard ask each dungeoneer their age?
No more Rowe, just CGI for rooms
Treguard beside the fireplace
Looks Majida in the face
Watchers spurned behind a burning hearth now

And so Knightmare can grate
Why'd they animate
A spellbook? What a state
It may make you hate
But don't look back in anger
At Series 8

Why do teams leave via the woods?
Don't know if they should
Is it night or day?
Treguard does weird stuff with his hands
Why's he wrecking his brand?
Majida, must you stay?

They tried to start an evolution with Reach wand
How I wish a team would smash it and abscond
Skip your way through blades past Level 2
Stand up: no seats, no not a trace
Lord Fear's helmet has a face
And we ain't ever gonna turn the clock back

And so Maldame waits
Amid all the traits
That make this year not great
It may aggravate
But don't look back in anger
At Series 8

So Smirkenorff sits
He's stuck in a pit
As we watch, we deflate
You may feel irate
But don't look back in anger
At Series 8

So much irritates
And three decades late
I sit here and berate
But don't imitate
No don't look back in anger, don't look back in anger
At Series 8
Or Knightmare's fate
Knightmare: Kid-worthy, Naasty, Inspiring, Groundbreaking, Humorous, Treguard, Mesmerising, Adult-worthy, Rewarding, Essential.
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