Parody of Love Shack by the B-52's

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Parody of Love Shack by the B-52's

Post by Drassil »

About Series 2 Quest 5, which ended for the lack of a glove. Based on Love Shack by the B-52's (1989). With a nod to The Simpsons' parody Glove Slap.

Video; Original lyrics

If the year is '88 inside Treguard's abode, he says
"Fifth team died through a glove lack!"
Glove lack yeah

We're heading down into Mildread's wellway
Looking for a tum getaway
Friday'd be a much better day

I got to Olgarth, after I spun the wheel
And we headed off out with the bats' wings
I got past the chessboard, I could be a winner
I'll hurry up and grab my chicken dinner

The glove lack in a Level Two place means
We will play forever
Glove lack baby (a glove lack baby)
Glove lack, baby glove lack
Glove lack, baby glove lack

Veiled face (woo!), listen for clues
A glove, scroll and a so-o-oap block
Well she said not soap in the riddle of her speech
But the soap we don't lack and there's no turning back

Met a faded Merlin
Met the Automatum
Met the catacombite
Met the face of Mogdred

The glove lack in a Level Two place means
We will play forever
Glove lack baby (a glove lack baby)
Glove lack, no turning back
Glove lack, no turning back

Now we're reminiscing, Level One we're missing
Met Mildread and Gretel which is hardly a coven
The wheel was spinning, the dungeon rooms were moving
Around and around and around and around

If you're bad at choosing, your team will be losing baby
Needed a glove for the catacombite
If you're bad at choosing, your team will be losing baby
Thought it would attack
Thought it would attack

Mogdred says hi and he's as big as he's pale
And he will make you all quail
I got me a scroll, was told not to read it
I wonder exactly why I need it

The glove lack in a Level Two place means
We will play forever
Glove lack baby (a glove lack baby)
Glove lack, baby glove lack
Glove lack, baby glove lack (oh baby no turning back)

Welcome to one of my playpens
Not an actual playpen Tony
Welcome to one of my playpens
Play forever

Playpen! There's no doors Tony
Playpen! There's no doors
Playpen! There's no doors Tony

You're what?
(Ooh) nasty!

Glove lack, baby glove lack...
Knightmare: Kid-worthy, Naasty, Inspiring, Groundbreaking, Humorous, Treguard, Mesmerising, Adult-worthy, Rewarding, Essential.
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