Parody of How Bizarre by OMC

Knightmare-related musical parodies
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Parody of How Bizarre by OMC

Post by Drassil »

Based on How Bizarre by OMC (1996). Official music video (with original lyrics as subtitles)

Brother Strange is in the tunnel, to Richard Howse he says
"I beg no proverbs from you in this dire, dire place"
Later a red dragon threatens from behind
Large head looming, there's no escape to find
Treguard speaks words of warning, Majida just frets some more
Dragon asks himself, "The only question ... cooked or raw?"

Bhal-Shebah, Bhal-Shebah

Quest in action anew, Daniel picks up a spyglass
A deadly pasty poser reveals a smile from the past
Bhal and Shebah on the screen, red as red can be
Lissard speaks "Lordness?" and is given the wordkey

Bhal-Shebah, Bhal-Shebah

Ooh Treguard
Cooked dungeoneers stay charred (and then that's their day marred)
Every time some food is found
And the life force pie goes round
And it makes that dinging sound
I miss the face

Technomancer's stressed out and asks, "Do you understand?"
Shebah does, Bhal doesn't, Bhal thinks Shebah's underhand
Lord Fear's had enough of them, and gives them both the sack
As guards, then speaks to Lissard about bribing Snapper-Jack

Later, Smirkenorff we see. Same prop, different shade
Thank you to Mark Cordory: the dragon head he made
Bhal-Shebah got brainwashed, now he's Firestorm
Wanna know the rest? Hey, find Linghorm

Ooh Treguard
You make the gameplay hard (and was Maldame scarred?)
Every time some food is found
And the life force pie goes round
And it makes that dinging sound
I miss the face...
Knightmare: Kid-worthy, Naasty, Inspiring, Groundbreaking, Humorous, Treguard, Mesmerising, Adult-worthy, Rewarding, Essential.
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