Parody of Major-General's Song from Pirates of Penzance by G&S

Knightmare-related musical parodies
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Parody of Major-General's Song from Pirates of Penzance by G&S

Post by Visage »

(Oh dear, you should not have opened up the Gilbert and Sullivan vein....) ;D

LORD FEAR: HOW DARE YOU HANDS!!!! You would question my abilities, ME, LORD FEAR, the maaan, the big stinking cheese of evil?

HANDS: But, well... your lordship... thing is... you've never actually caught one of those dungeon-thingies yourself....

SKARKILL: Yeah, your Fearship... err, Lordship, we all 'ave, and we think you don't appreciate what it's like...

LISSARD: Yesssnessss, itsssss not fairnesssss

LORD FEAR: IMBECILES! You don't seem to realise that I, Lord Fear, am a strategist. Whilst you lot traipse around the dungeon, I am here... planning...

MALDAME: That's all very well, but what do you actually know? Hidden away in your fortress all day, which incidently you stole from me.....

LORD FEAR: Know madam? Why everthing..... you might almost say.... I am the very model of a modern Techno-sorcerer....

(Music starts playing, Skarkill on bass chorus, Hands on Tenor chorus, Lissard on Alto chorus, Maldame on soprano chorus... LF steps to the front)

HANDS: 'Ere, 'e isn't going to sing is he?

LORD FEAR: Why, yes I am!

I.... am the very model of a modern Techo-Sorcerer,
I've information magical both technical and coarser-er,
I know the rules of Knightmare, and I quote the loopholes therein found,
From freezing all the dungeon plane to smashing troll kings through the ground.
I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters necromantical,
I understand enchantments, both the symbol and the canticle,
About my monster theorem I'll illuminate a lot of sights,
With many evil facts about the filthy lairs of cavernwights.

With many evil facts about the filthy lairs of cavernwights
With many evil facts about the filthy lairs of cavernwights
With many evil facts about the filthy lairs of cavern- cavern-wights.

I'm very good at setting all the inter-level warding-glyphs;
I know the ancient writings and the Mogdred-Merlin conflict myths:
In short, in matters magical both technical and coarser-er,
I am the very model of a modern Techo-sorcerer.

In short, in matters magical both technical and coarser-er,
He is the very model of a modern Techo-sorcerer.

I know our dungeon's founding in the dark days of the Gruagach
I spy on all the dungeoneers and chase them with my great panache
I roast them all with fireballs and I chase them with my evil stare,
I even love to dress as Strange and catch them when they're unaware;
I can tell powerless poser from a mighty-shielded PALADIN,
I hire the dark assasins from the ancient court of Saladin,
I used the mighty flaming rage of schizophrenic Bhel-Shabah,
But I admit that crashing dragon left me with a nasty scar.

But he admits that crashing dragon left him with a nasty scar.
But he admits that crashing dragon left him with a nasty scar.
But he admits that crashing dragon left him with a nasty scar.

Then I can write a dungeon scroll in senseless baffling riddle-form,
And tell you ev'ry detail of a polished Frightknight's uniform:
In short, in matters magical both technical and coarser-er,
I am the very model of a modern Techo-sorcerer.

In short, in matters magical both technical and coarser-er,
He is the very model of a modern Techo-sorcerer.

In fact, when I know what's the threat from Heggaty and Majida,
When I can tell at once a pooka's wail from that of Elita,
When such affairs as meetings with my henchmen I'm more wary at,
And when I know in Mills of Doom who made that polyhedral bat,
When I have learnt what progress has been made in pools veracity,
When I know more of Treguard's power lock up in words 'Oh Nas-i-ty'--
In short, when I'm applauded for my evil by the world at large,
You'll say a better Techno-sorcerer has never been in charge.

You'll say a better Techno-sorcerer has never been in charge.
You'll say a better Techno-sorcerer has never been in charge.
You'll say a better Techno-sorcerer has never been in charge.

For my occult-laden knowledge, though I'm vicious and adventury,
Has only been brought down to my last cry on network ITV;
But still, in matters magical both technical and coarser-er,
I am the very model of a modern Techo-sorcerer.

But still, in matters magical both technical and coarser-er,
I am the very model of a modern Techo-sorcerer.

(Long embarrassed pause as they all realise what they've done)

LORD FEAR: All right, not a word! I don't want this getting out.....

(Far away, Treguard watches on his spyglass, and laughs)
What is real?
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