The End Of Time

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The End Of Time

Post by Velda »

Now we have our own Doctor Who subforum (thanks, Mystara!), we can have a topic about the Christmas/New Year special.

I've managed to avoid spoilers from the press screening of the episode which was shown a few days ago, the only things I know are what I've gleaned in Doctor Who Magazine and the trailers. The journos aren't going to see the second part, but I still would rather be surprised by what happens in the first part too.

Anyway, I'm hoping that Gallifrey will come back and that Timothy Dalton's character will turn out to be Omega. :)
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Re: The End Of Time

Post by DarkComet »

Actual oldskool time lord mythology (Rassilon, Omega and - dare I say - The Other?) finally making an appearence would most definitely make my nipples explode with delight. Or just give me a big ol' grin, whicher fits the occasion.
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Re: The End Of Time

Post by DJones »

The only problem I had with "The End Of Time" is that I'm also a huge Red Dwarf fan and so, at a certain point in the proceedings, my memory tapped my brain politely on the shoulder and whispered "Rimmerworld". I couldn't take the end of the episode seriously because I was too busy laughing.

That said, I'd love to see Bernard Cribbins become a long-term companion (which is unlikely to happen, I know, as he's not a bimbo in a short skirt).
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Re: The End Of Time

Post by DarkComet »

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Re: The End Of Time

Post by HStorm »

I used to write lengthy reviews of NuWho episodes, taking them apart bit by bit and rubbishing most of them mercilessly. But I just can't be bothered anymore. All I will do here is summarise; the episode was an absolute stream of camel-flatulence, but the only one of the many reasons for this that I will bother to highlight is the inherent flaw in the latest product rolling from Russell T Davies' endless conveyor belt of lazily-contrived MacGuffins i.e. the concept of the machine used to turn everyone into clones of the Master. It is presented as the Master 'corrupting' the technology for wicked ends. But it's very hard to see what 'noble' other purpose the machine could be put to except makng worlds full of people into duplicates of one another. The machine has only been dreamt up so as to give the Master something to put the whole world into jeopardy, without any convincing pretext for its existence being thought up. Therefore the 'moral horror' of the Master's behaviour looks very hollow indeed.
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Re: The End Of Time

Post by Velda »

Hmm, what did I think of it?

*Long drawn out pause*

I. Loved. It. That is all :green:
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Re: The End Of Time

Post by DarkComet »

I suppose it could have application in planetwide plagues or so, but really it's not for us to fill in these kind of blanks. It was a typical RTD episode for me - funky ideas, one or two brilliant scenes, but the execution was kind of meh.

The Gallifrey scene at the end rocked though. This is indisputable. *squeees at a full Panopticon*
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Re: The End Of Time

Post by Pooka »

Uh. Well, I liked the idea, and the execution was sound. I especially like Wilf as a companion, as he's always been one of my favourite characters.

However, the episode itself was just a bit messy. Not a lot was explained, and although I did enjoy it, I barely understood any of it!

Let's hope the next episode is a little more fluid and finally - finally - ties everything up.
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Re: The End Of Time

Post by HStorm »

Well the second half was certainly better than the first, but it was still badly contrived. I find myself asking the question, "If the whole thing is solved just by shooting the Master's 'infernal machine', why did the Doctor not just do it when Rasillon first materialised?" (Not the first time I've asked a question on those lines about a Master episode in recent years.)

And why did they have to drag out the ending for another quarter of an hour like that? It just turns into another self-indulgent excuse for guest cameos by characters who have nothing whatever to do with the story. Just having a moment when the Doctor goes back to visit the Rose of five years ago would've been effective enough, having everyone else put their head round the door got boring.

Ah well, I shan't dwell for long on the complaints. His royal self-congratulatoriness, Russell T. Davies, is finally gone, and for that alone, may the Time-Lord make me truly thankful.
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Re: The End Of Time

Post by BBrooks »

Wow, I've had a few weeks break from this forum, and have just discovered there's a sub-forum for Doctor Who. :) Brilliant.

I loved The End Of Time, I thought it was excellent and a fitting end for the Tenth Doctor. His final line "I don't want to go" was Heartbreaking :'( and the Regeneration was Breathtaking I loved how the Tardis got Trashed, I can't wait for Matt Smith's Eleventh Doctor now (if anybody didn't see the Trailer on Friday for Season 5 after DW Confidential on BBC Three, then check it out on YouTube, it looks really good, and the Weeping Angel Statues from "Blink" are back 8-o )

They are only a few things that I didn't like about Part 2 and that was the Revelation of Wilf being the Man who Knocks 4 Times, after such a big build up I expected something more spectacular. I thought Paul McGann (The Eighth Doctor) would
come back, and also that final conversation with Rose on New Years Day 2005. She could plainly see The Doctor and hear his voice so how on earth didn't she recognise him when the Ninth Doctor regenerated or at any point afterwards as he was wearing the same clothes.
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Re: The End Of Time

Post by Kieran »

Maybe she had a bit too much to drink that night, too, and forgot all about ever seeing him :-D

Having re-watched the story on the DVD set, I can't say there's much wrong with it. As an end of era show, I expected a few bits n bobs from the past to come floating back, though it wasn't quite the kitchen sink-athon which Journey's End was.

The final scenes did seem to take a while to get through, but I guess I cannot begrudge them wanting to do something special, given it was both the lead actor and the lead writers final moments on the show.

Of course, it goes without saying, Wilf stole the show, and it was perhaps the most bizarre portryal of the Master yet. Though with him, tbh, nothing does surprise me.

Will probably watch it again just before transmission of the new series...
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Re: The End Of Time

Post by Drassil »

Kieran wrote:Of course, it goes without saying, Wilf stole the show
While Wilf was an enjoyable presence throughout the story, I would have to award the accolade of theft to the Eleventh Doctor. I infinitely prefer Part 2's 'Matt Smith Matt Smith' ending to Part 1's 'Malkovich Malkovich' ending, and Matt Smith's derbis spitting to Timothy Dalton's Gallifreyan salivation.* I'm not sure how to express my feelings about Part 1, except to say that it left me drained and would top a list of my least favourite Dr. Who episodes.

Anyway, I'm posting in this thread because of last night's University Challenge, whose Dr. Who-themed music round included a piece from the end of The End of Time. The fact that it was followed by a starter for ten was superbly ironic. :)

*Consider this comment Drassil on Rassilon.
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