The Arches, which appeared on several occasions during Series 7 (1993).


By David Goldstein

This castle courtyard, backed by arches, appeared at different points in Series 7's first and second levels.

Characters encountered here included Rothberry, Sidriss and Marta (in the form of a giant cat... then a giant dog).

The location made its final appearance in Quest 7, when Hordriss accompanied Barry there and revealed a staircase leading down to Level 3. Team 3 had found an identical staircase leading from the courtyard to the sliding floor chamber within Level 1.

The arches, as seen in Series 7 of Knightmare (1993).

In our world, this courtyard is part of Avellaneda Palace, built in the 16th century in Peñaranda de Duero, Spain.

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