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Re: Look what I've done!

Post by KaM »

Finger up as a classicist. Series 4 will not be a problem as far as that goes. Am studying English and Latin. Was just itching on the one occasion when Mace 'asks' - I don't suppose you speak any latin? - The thought at 14/15 of saying 'Oh, well, a little, yes!' Heh.. might have knocked the rosters a bit. Even correcting the pronounciation of 'iocus', which I think is wrong. Still, Mace was arguably my fav. in-dungeon character in S4 anyhow, apart from 'one's' old favourite, Magister Veneficus, Hordriss.

Hehe, what a splendid way to study latin; learning from KM. Bet you Virgil would have quivered in his old bare feet at Mace's res gestae tabernae.

Sempiternam requiem, and all that. ;)
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Re: Look what I've done!

Post by MoanaLiza »

Majida: So you never giver up, ever!

Treguard: Well I will if he will. Shall we find out
*Picks up and looks through spy glass*

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Re: Look what I've done!

Post by Drassil »

Finger up as a classicist. Series 4 will not be a problem as far as that goes. Am studying English and Latin. Was just itching on the one occasion when Mace 'asks' - I don't suppose you speak any latin? - The thought at 14/15 of saying 'Oh, well, a little, yes!' Heh.. might have knocked the rosters a bit. Even correcting the pronounciation of 'iocus', which I think is wrong. Still, Mace was arguably my fav. in-dungeon character in S4 anyhow, apart from 'one's' old favourite, Magister Veneficus, Hordriss.

Hehe, what a splendid way to study latin; learning from KM. Bet you Virgil would have quivered in his old bare feet at Mace's res gestae tabernae.

Sempiternam requiem, and all that. ;)
Salve! Good to hear from a fellow Classicist. :) I'm actually a graduate of the fine subject, now doing a Masters looking at Ovid. (Let me know how your own studies shape up.) I'm intending to start an 'anyone do Classics?' thread on here at some point, as I've always found that knowing about the Ancient Greek and Roman takes on 'fantasy' enriches the experience of watching Knightmare. Arguably, without the Aeneid, there'd be no Middle-Earth, no Galaxy Far Far Away, no Hogwarts, and no Knightmare as we know them!

So, there you go: at least 2 Latinists prepared to assist with fine-tuning the transcriptiones!
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Re: Look what I've done!

Post by Velda »

*jumps up and down Majida-style*

RedMage, of course you can help me by doing S4 - hehe, this is great!  And with you and Drassil knowing Latin well that's really cool 'cause you'll have no prob with all that Latin.   There's no way I'd be able to spell it correctly, lol!

Well here's a list of people so far up for doing scripts:

Motley - Series 3
RedMage/KaM - Series 4
BillyH - Series 7
PummiesterWhitely - Series 8

And I'm attempting Series 6.  That just leaves Series 1, 2 and 5.
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Re: Look what I've done!

Post by Elita »

I'm intending to start an 'anyone do Classics?' thread on here at some point, as I've always found that knowing about the Ancient Greek and Roman takes on 'fantasy' enriches the experience of watching Knightmare.
*puts hand up* Another Classicist graduate here! Joint MA in English Literature and Classical Civilizations. However, since it's a joint Honours, I didn't do a language. I wanted to do Latin, but the workload with English was just too high. Ah well.

Anyway, back on topic. I could transcribe Series 2 and 5 for you, but it might take a while.  ;)
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Re: Look what I've done!

Post by Fidjit »

I have all these teams on my video:

Series 3, Team 2
Series 3, Team 3
Series 3, Team 10
Series 3, Team 12
Series 4, Team 5
Series 4, Team 6
Series 4, Team 7 (Very Little)
Series 4, Team 8 (Including End of Season)

I sit on my PC while watching Knightmare, so I can therefore write out the scripts. How do you all think? Is there anyone else doing these series?
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Re: Look what I've done!

Post by Velda »

*puts hand up* Another Classicist graduate here! Joint MA in English Literature and Classical Civilizations. However, since it's a joint Honours, I didn't do a language. I wanted to do Latin, but the workload with English was just too high. Ah well.

Anyway, back on topic. I could transcribe Series 2 and 5 for you, but it might take a while.  ;)
Would you?  Ooh, thanks! ;D This is great, all these scripts being written collectively! It'll take a while but it'll be worth it when we get to read them in full, hehe!
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Re: Look what I've done!

Post by Scott_Wilkinson »

Velda, I think you're doing an excellent job at this. If you want any help, I can act out the part of Hordriss the Confuser from Series 3 if that's any help at all? I remember every single line he said throughout that series. What do you say? Is that any help? :)
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Re: Look what I've done!

Post by Velda »

I appreciate your offer but I think it's Motley that's attempting to script Series 3.  Lol, but I'd still like to hear some of his quotes from that Series so fire away! ;D
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Re: Look what I've done!

Post by Scott_Wilkinson »

Hordriss made his first appearance during team 3's adventure, he appeared in the wall of the Level 2 clue room. He was giving an evil sort of laugh, but never said anything.

During team 4's adventure, Leo was on a narrow bridge with a piece of bread ahead of him. Hordriss appears.
Hordriss - "Stop! You really can not pass, you know. Not before someone of higher breeding such as myself, oh no. You'll just have to go back. Or, perhaps, ha ha ha ha, go down!"
Treguard explains to the team about who he is, and who's side he's NOT on. Then warns Leo he must find some way to impress Hordriss, becuase if he senses weakness, he could turn nasty.
Hordriss - (After a few seconds.) "You have offended my dignity. Prepare to meet your end."  >:(
James (Adviser #3) - "Leo, show no fear."
Leo - "I'm not frightened of you."
Hordriss - "Ha ha ha ha, are you not? What particular action can you prove to me you're not scared?"
Treguard - "You need action, team."
Hordriss - "This is too tiresome. You have offended me. If you can not show respect, then I'll just have to show you some. (Raises his hand.) Rise, please."
Matthew (Adviser #1) - "Spell casting. S W O R D."
A sword appears in front of Hordriss.
Hordriss - "Oh, well, there's really no need to take that sort of attitude, you know. If you really feel that strong about it, then, I'm quite happy to draw my respects to you, sir. The path is all yours." :)
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Re: Look what I've done!

Post by Scott_Wilkinson »

Hodriss made another appearance during team 10's adventure. Julie entered the room in Level 2 with five doors, and the floor and ceiling looking the same. Hordriss was sitting at a table writing in a book.
Hordriss - "Ahhh, yes, the next one. Please, do... come and sit down. Nothing to be afraid of." :)
Julie sits down at the table.
Hordriss - "Now, then, this won't take a moment. Name first, please."
Julie tells him her name.
Hordriss - "Julie. (Writes her name down.) And, your purpose of being, Julie, what are you questing for?"
Julie - "The sword."
Hordriss - "The sword. (Writes The sword down.) Well, that all seems clear enough, one can give you a trial. I don't suppose you realise, Julie, that if you go beyond this point, you're likely to meet a dreadful fate. Does that worry you?"
Julie laughs as though she didn't hear that.
Hordriss - "Ha ha. Well, never mind, let's get on. Listen very carefully, Julie. The doors behind me are numbered, 1 - 5. From the right hand, as you're looking at them, to the left. Which is, of course, on my extreme right. Now, all the evenly numbered doors are deadly. Except the one to the left, which is merely dangerous. Whilst all the odd numbered doors are safe. Except the one on the extreme right. It's also considered most perilless to go straight ahead. There, that couldn't be clearer, could it? Oh, yes by the way, nothing to do with the immediate problem, but the third step is stretch. There, next please." :)
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Re: Look what I've done!

Post by Scott_Wilkinson »

Hordriss then appeared during the final team's (team 12) quest on a cliff. He was meditating, and Christopher was guided towards him.
Hordriss - "... power, the most of... (Sees Christopher.) Go away, you tiresome person of small significance. What gives you the right to interrupt matters of high incantations? Be gone, I say. (Goes back to meditating.) Dugeons deep..."
Christopher is then instructed by his team members to apologise and call him an emenance or Grace.
Christopher - "I'm sorry to have disturbed you, your Grace."
Hordriss - "Ahh, your manner at least shows signs of some respects. Hm hm. Don't bother to explain yourself, one is fully aware why you are here. Yes, but there is still... the prospects of a pact here. Tell me, would you care for some magic? To aid you in your progress. Hm?"
James (adviser #1) - "Chris, agree with him."
Christopher agrees with him.
Hordriss - "You would, yes, one thought so. One is, of course, aware that currently you possess nothing of value to one. However, there is a small trinket inconveniently placed in this level which one desires. You'll have the trouble recognising it, it is a simple hourglass. Agree to collect it for one, and one will advance the offer of magic aid. Do you agree?"
With the agreement of his advisors, Chris agrees.
Hordriss - "You do, yes, very well. My gift to you is called 'Speed'. Make sure that you keep your side of the bargain."
Chris - "I will."
Hordriss - "Yes. Now, you may proceed."
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Re: Look what I've done!

Post by Scott_Wilkinson »

Then Hordriss appeared later in the quest at the end of the pathway with quicksand in the grass. When Christopher reaches him, Hordriss is meditating again, only he was walking back and forth this time. Christopher was guiding towards him, and Hordriss sees him with the hourglass.
Hordriss - "Ahhhh, yes, one is gratified to discover that in these modern times there are still some young people who know... how to honour a bargain. I thank you kindly."
Christopher gives him the hourglass, and some goblins appear.
Treguard - "Emergency, the goblins are upon you."
Hordriss - "SILENCE DUGEON MASTER!!! One hesitates to boast, (walks towards the goblins) but one is quite capable of copeing with such minor blenses. (sorry, Velda, I could only hear him say something like that.) SCALIBUS, BREHERST!!"
A sword chases the goblins away.
Hordriss - "Ha ha ha ha ha. Most satisfying, (looks at Christopher) you are, of course, in my debts. But then, who is not. Ha ha. Oh, yes, by the way. The second step is the swimmer. Farewell." :)

How was that Velda?
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Re:S 7 Transcripts

Post by HarveyTowers »

A noble calling!

Imagine that it's just slog although adtributing names to advisor's voices may be akward.

So, how far did we all get the first time and where are all these transcripts going to be homed?
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Re: Look what I've done!

Post by Drassil »

Scott_Wilkinson wrote: Then Hordriss appeared later in the quest at the end of the pathway with quicksand in the grass. When Christopher reaches him, Hordriss is meditating again, only he was walking back and forth this time. Christopher was guiding towards him, and Hordriss sees him with the hourglass.
Hordriss - "Ahhhh, yes, one is gratified to discover that in these modern times there are still some young people who know... how to honour a bargain. I thank you kindly."
Christopher gives him the hourglass, and some goblins appear.
Treguard - "Emergency, the goblins are upon you."
Hordriss - "SILENCE DUGEON MASTER!!! One hesitates to boast, (walks towards the goblins) but one is quite capable of copeing with such minor blenses. (sorry, Velda, I could only hear him say something like that.) SCALIBUS, BREHERST!!"
A sword chases the goblins away.
Hordriss - "Ha ha ha ha ha. Most satisfying, (looks at Christopher) you are, of course, in my debts. But then, who is not. Ha ha. Oh, yes, by the way. The second step is the swimmer. Farewell." :)

How was that Velda?
I'm sorry that Velda never gave you an answer. :(

I think you've done a good job of recollecting Hordriss' words - words which did fine work in setting out an intriguing character who was to develop and endure right through to Knightmare's final episodes. Though the reason I'm nudging this thread awake from a two-year snooze is to smooth over a couple of details from the previous post.
Scott_Wilkinson wrote:Hordriss - "SILENCE DUGEON MASTER!!! One hesitates to boast, (walks towards the goblins) but one is quite capable of copeing with such minor blenses. (sorry, Velda, I could only hear him say something like that.) SCALIBUS, BREHERST!!"
I believe he says 'minor blemishes', followed by 'Excalibur's Behest!', whereby a sword is summoned to continue the legacy of Excalibur by chasing the goblins away. Quite a striking scene in all: Hordriss hears Treguard and shouts at him from within the Dungeon (putting him 'up there' with Mogdred in this series), launches an attack with a floating sword (which also puts him on a par with Mogdred), and then, in spite of just having bellowed at the Dungeon Master, he helps a dungeoneer! We're left feeling that Hordriss is one to be watched by everyone, but not to be crossed by anyone. Superb. If only Hordriss had stuck to English incantations in the following seasons, instead of shifting to Cod Latin!
Last edited by Drassil on 03 Jan 2008, 21:53, edited 1 time in total.
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