Knightmare Crush

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Re:Knightmare Crush

Post by HStorm »

Scott_Wilkinson wrote: Can anyone tell me their reasons for having a crush on their favourite Knightmare characters.
I loved Majida because she was the only one on Treguard's side who was prepared to answer back to him. Folly, Motley, Pickle etc were all employees of his and would never dare to argue with him, but Majida was always so defiant! For some reason I always found that really dazzling.
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Re:Knightmare Crush

Post by MoanaLiza »

Rus wrote: I think it's criminal that no one has said Treguard! I would have thought girls would really have dug the beard!
Maybe the older ones as the younger ones would probably think of him as a father figure, although perhaps one or two of the female community now (about my age) might fancy Treguard. The s7 & 8 Treguard wasn't too bad but the s1 & 2 Treguard was okay if you liked the sailor type of bloke (my opinion).
Velda wrote:I admit I like Ridolfo too because he's so nice to the ladies, he's a musician and I think he's got a nice face, actually! ;D
Looking at a pic in TQ (volume 1 number 3, summer 1992) Adrian Neil doesn't look too bad either.

I can't remember why I used to fancy Pickle, I just did.
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Re:Knightmare Crush

Post by SkipTheDreadnort »

Hey guys and girls,

I'm extremely new to the entire online Knightmare community - you can find out more about me in the Knewbie Forum bit - but it hasn't taken me long to identify the deeply psychosexual undertones running through it. And now I think about it, it makes perfect goddamn sense. Knightmare came along at a time when we were all prone to being easily infuenced, and its potent combination of death (falls, spikes, ghouls, giant spiders), decay (the constantly dwindling Life Force), violence (The Corridor Of Blades! Cedric the "beat you to death with a quarterstaff" Mad Monk!), arcane arts (SPELLCASTING...) and sexual tension (Treguard and Majida, Hordriss and Sidriss) made it easy to get sucked into its universe.

Back to the topic in hand, for want of a better phrase - although she appeared quite late into the show's lifespan, I reckon Stiletta would have been my number one pick. She was gorgeous, her costume was cool, she had a great body, and she ran around waving huge phallic symbols about all day. Also, there was a buxom barmaid - was it Sidriss? - who was quite hot in all that corsetry. Damn, I can't remember her name. I do remember that Lord Fear transformed Lissard to look like her in an attempt to take out Hordriss. Someone help me out here!

There were others too - Majida had a cute accent, and there was an elf-like girl who was pretty cool too. Oh, my memory's a little rusty when it comes to their names. It's been too long.

Anyway, that's not bad going for my first day as a member of the Knightmare online community! Letme know what you all think!

I swear - is nothing sacred these days? Evidently not. Never mind - we can hold our beer, eh, Sylvester?


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Re:Knightmare Crush

Post by MoanaLiza »

SkipTheDreadnought wrote:Also, there was a buxom barmaid - was it Sidriss? - who was quite hot in all that corsetry. Damn, I can't remember her name. I do remember that Lord Fear transformed Lissard to look like her in an attempt to take out Hordriss. Someone help me out here!

There were others too - Majida had a cute accent, and there was an elf-like girl who was pretty cool too.
It was Marta who was the barmaid, who Lissard was Transformed to. I you like Majida, you're a friend of HStorm's (another community member) then ;D *watches HStorm go into a dream*. Do you mean Elita (the elf-brat), when you say the elf-like girl? Check out the series guides if you havn't already done so (and the rest of the site for that matter) but as Illusiuon (the webmaster) has said the clips are unavailable until Wednesday, so they can't be downloaded/listened to/watched til then.
Last edited by Anonymous on 11 Apr 2004, 20:43, edited 1 time in total.
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Re:Knightmare Crush

Post by SkipTheDreadnort »

Cheers for that Moana, you're nothing if not quick off the mark.

Am I to assume that if you don't place a website URL at the end of your posts, you don't have one? Or is it that I have to explicity ask for it? Hmm.

Forgive my obvious ignorance, I've never been a member of any online message forum - apart from my own, of course.

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Re:Knightmare Crush

Post by MoanaLiza »

You can always add your website address to your profile, which is what most have done or and to your signature which is what one or two have done. Saves having to type it in everytime.
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Re:Knightmare Crush

Post by SkipTheDreadnort »

Taken care of already, Moana, cheers for the advice.

Oh and Skarkill, I'm a Media graduate, so I'd love to hear your thoughts on Knightmare's relative brutality with regard to young viewers and the hypodermic model.

Thrill me with your views. (THRILL ME! Anyone here an Atmosfear fan?)

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Re:Knightmare Crush

Post by PhoenixFlame »

Rus wrote: I think it's criminal that no one has said Treguard! I would have thought girls would really have dug the beard!
LOL, I fancied Treguard! Heh, part of me still does! I guess it was the whole dungeon Master thing I liked! ;D
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Re:Knightmare Crush

Post by SkipTheDreadnort »

Treguard was the man, yes, but he obviously didn't get out much - apart from his well-documented rivalry with Rupert d'Armitage, which obviously took place between series. As a result, he didn't seem too at ease in the company of women, and it wasn't until much later in the show that he and Majida actually bonded in any way. That said, having spent most of her time in a lamp, maybe she was just as socially inept as Treguard.

Lord Fear, on the other hand, was something of a social whirlwind. He was constantly in communication with his minions and associates, either by entertaining them at Mount Fear or by talking to them in his magic pool. Indeed, said pool allowed him to keep abreast of developments as they hapened, and if he felt the need to intervene in what he ws watching, he could simply stick his arm in and manipulate things to his own ends.

Imagine how well Lord Fear would have fit in on the New York singles scene? Those Sex And The City vixens would have been falling over themselves to use the magic mirror, although even with its arcane ethereal properties, I doubt it could have made Sarah Jessica-Parker look good. And from what I can gather, he's a wizard in the sack (pun most definitely intended).

I still say Stiletta's my first pick, though. (Phew.)

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Re:Knightmare Crush

Post by PhoenixFlame »

LOL, I couldn't fancy a guy with that kind of a helmut! ;)
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Re:Knightmare Crush

Post by SkipTheDreadnort »

Oh now come on - that's a gift. What do you mean? After all, you know what they say about guys with ...

I swear to God. I come down here for a cup of coffee and to check my e-mails, and wind up embroiled in a heated discussion about which one of the Knightmare characters I'd most like to get it on with.

I could grow to love this place... although having to bite my tongue when I want to spout expletives is diametrically opposed to my own personal philosophy. But then again, this is hardly a kid's site, is it?

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Re:Knightmare Crush

Post by PhoenixFlame »

LOL! Just my personal preference I'm afraid! Guess I just like my guys a little on the rough side! ;)
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Re:Knightmare Crush

Post by SkipTheDreadnort »

Fair point - the boy Fear was a little bit too into his looks. His cape and armour was almost immaculate, and his foudnation was flawless, if a little on the pale side. His eyeliner never failed to look perfect too. And those nails? Again, SJP would have killed to get a finish that good.

In addition, Lord Fear only got a few SmackDown! moves into the entire show's run - a few fireballs here, plus the aforementioned sticking his arm in the pool - whereas Treguard was definitely a bit of an action man. Not only did he compete in jousting tourneys and swordfights with the dastardly Normans (check the books), but in the show he got to shoot down dragons, cosh giant trolls over the head with a hammer, and bark orders at his hapless assistants.

That said, Lord Fear had a dragon dropped on him, and he was still talking trash even as he struggled under the weight of the smoking carcass. Now that's hardcore.

I reckon they're pretty well matched, on the whole. Although Lord Fear is obviosuly going to prove the fetishist's choice.

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Re:Knightmare Crush

Post by PhoenixFlame »

Hmm, very true! ;)
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Re:Knightmare Crush

Post by Skarkill »

Err excuse me.

Lord F wasn't the only one who had a rudy 200 ton barbaqued lisard droped on his head and walked (ok crawled) away from it. >:(

An I can be rough if ats what the girls like.
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