Knightmare Racist

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Knightmare Racist

Post by Gerz »

Knightmare is idealogy Racist, it is racist against the Welsh. The "Red Dragon" is the national emblem of Wales, its on the Welsh flag and is part of the nation of Wales featuring very much in our folk tales, the Red Dragon is the Protector of Wales acording to legend

So, in Knightmare is it just plain coinseidence (SP) that they use the "Red Dragon" as a baddie? I think not, over the past few years, my Media course has taught me a lot of things about the media, one of those things is that "No media product is innocent" and the conetations (SP) of the Red Dragon in Knightmare is negetive, in Wales the Red Dragon represents Wales, as I am pretty sure it does in most of the UK, making the idealogy of the programme racist, if it was intended, which I indeed think it is, or was accidental which I doubt, unless I have taken a different reading then the one that the writers wanted, which I doubt since I was amoung the target audience for Knightmare, althogh at that time had a total lack of understanding of the media to realise that it had a representation of Wales and the Welsh which is negitive.

The way they say Red Dragon isn't very complimentary, the context it used in the product is negitive, the discription of the Red Dragon is quite offencive.
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Re:Knightmare Racist

Post by Fear »

Gerz wrote: Knightmare is idealogy Racist, it is racist against the Welsh. The "Red Dragon" is the national emblem of Wales, its on the Welsh flag and is part of the nation of Wales featuring very much in our folk tales, the Red Dragon is the Protector of Wales acording to legend

So, in Knightmare is it just plain coinseidence (SP) that they use the "Red Dragon" as a baddie? I think not, over the past few years, my Media course has taught me a lot of things about the media, one of those things is that "No media product is innocent" and the conetations (SP) of the Red Dragon in Knightmare is negetive, in Wales the Red Dragon represents Wales, as I am pretty sure it does in most of the UK, making the idealogy of the programme racist, if it was intended, which I indeed think it is, or was accidental which I doubt, unless I have taken a different reading then the one that the writers wanted, which I doubt since I was amoung the target audience for Knightmare, althogh at that time had a total lack of understanding of the media to realise that it had a representation of Wales and the Welsh which is negitive.

The way they say Red Dragon isn't very complimentary, the context it used in the product is negitive, the discription of the Red Dragon is quite offencive.

Its bad enough with Ron Atkinson & now your complaining it is just a show people are not going to associate red dragon & the Welsh being evil except Cardiff city fans ;)

What would you like the dragon to be pink or yellow?
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Re:Knightmare Racist

Post by Gerz »

Blue? White? Grey? All are obvious choices, Grey maybe would have been a more of a netural colour, I know of nothing which has a grey dragon, and if there was O would have reconsidered the colour of the dragon, since I am not racist or a bigot or anything.

I am pretty sure that the idealogy is of what I interept it to be.
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Re:Knightmare Racist

Post by Fear »

Red is seen as an evil colour Red devil ETC.
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Re:Knightmare Racist

Post by Elita »

Well, this has to be the most astonishingly stupid thing I've seen in a while. Just when I thought political correctness couldn't get any MORE retarded...

Look, if you've got a problem with red dragon = evil, I suggest you go start an online petition against Gary Gygax, the creator of Dungeons and Dragons. Because In the D&D system ALL chromatic dragons are evil. Since Knightmare is fantasy-based, I think this just might be the reason why the red dragon is evil!

And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't one of the winning teams Welsh?
Last edited by Elita on 24 Apr 2004, 02:35, edited 1 time in total.
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Re:Knightmare Racist

Post by Fear »

Could not agree more ELITA. ;D
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Re:Knightmare Racist

Post by Kieran »

All in all many things were used for comedy value in Knightmare. Maybe it was also against Elves and Trolls too? I mean when ever did you see a BRIGHT Troll? Tutut....

Honestly, there are places for political correctness, Knightmare just isn't one of them.
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Re:Knightmare Racist

Post by rachelesque »

Elita wrote: Look, if you've got a problem with red dragon = evil, I suggest you go start an online petition against Gary Gygax, the creator of Dungeons and Dragons. Because In the D&D system ALL chromatic dragons are evil. Since Knightmare is fantasy-based, I think this just might be the reason why the red dragon is evil!
But smirkenorf was a green dragon and he was good (actually i think neutral as he liked payment) wheras green dragons are LE in D&D.

yeah, it was clearly biased against wales. i'll tell you what, did you see how the great rift of Angar had hills - it was clearly meant to look like wales and was suggesting wales was an evil place full of stupid trolls.

Last edited by rachelesque on 26 Apr 2004, 00:12, edited 1 time in total.
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Re:Knightmare Racist

Post by Lowebo »

Ok, this has to be the funniest post of all time... sorry, stupidest. Im from Wales, and i can honestly say neither my friends nor myself thought of wales when the red dragons were around, and also, look at it this way Gerz - Smirky = Good and a blue/grey/green colour. Evil dragon's colour? Hmm. Non of them, and opposite. And wait! Lord Fear's eyes are red when he is getting mad... and wait! Mount fear has a red backdrop! Could we use... Red???
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Re:Knightmare Racist

Post by WhiteDevil »

Ill post something sensible as soon as i pick my laughing self up off the floor ;D
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Re:Knightmare Racist

Post by Thanatos »

When I saw this thread's title, I thought it was going to be about Ah Wok.
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Re:Knightmare Racist

Post by PunmiesterWhiteley »

And I suppose McGrew was a racist characterization of the good people of Scotland? Get real.

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Re:Knightmare Racist

Post by HStorm »

The Red Dragon in KM has no reference to Wales attached to it. Red dragons also appeared in many branches of mythology all around the world, so why does Gerz reflexively assume that this one HAS to be the dragon of the Welsh flag? If it ever fights against a white dragon that represents the Anglo-Saxons then we can be suspicious, but as things stand the whole topic is political correctness gone silly.
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Re:Knightmare Racist

Post by Emii »

If I remember correctly, Gerz, you seemed to be campaigning for something new every two days when you were on msn - have you run out of stuff to blast or something?
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Re:Knightmare Racist

Post by PhoenixFlame »

Elita wrote: Well, this has to be the most astonishingly stupid thing I've seen in a while. Just when I thought political correctness couldn't get any MORE retarded...

Look, if you've got a problem with red dragon = evil, I suggest you go start an online petition against Gary Gygax, the creator of Dungeons and Dragons. Because In the D&D system ALL chromatic dragons are evil. Since Knightmare is fantasy-based, I think this just might be the reason why the red dragon is evil!

And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't one of the winning teams Welsh?
Very true. In most fantasy worlds, red dragons are evil. Even in stuff like the Dragonlance chronicles they are, along with blue, green and others.
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